Get Some Attitude!

You've been looking for a job for as long as you can remember. Or you've written that exam more times than you can count. You can't remember a time when you weren't broke. And you are beginning to wonder if things will ever change for the better.

Listen up dear reader. If this is you, things can and will turn around, as I will show you shortly. I know from personal experience that you can change your life for the better, no matter how bad it has been. I have been homeless, hungry, unemployed and down-and-out. Today, this has all turned around; I am none of these things any more.

Why? To God be the glory,I got fed up, and got an attitude! An attitude that said:

? I've gone as far below as I will ever let myself go. From now on, it's up, whatever hard work or sacrifice it will take.

? I am a valuable human being, with a lot to contribute to society. I will no longer seek to get, but to give of what I have.

? I am a winner, even if only in-the-making. My trials are to bring out the good in me, not to destroy or abase me. I will make the most of them, become the better for them.

I got an attitude that made me expect to succeed, expect doors to open, expect to hear a "Yes," not a "No!"

And you know what? You get what you expect. Your expectations take on physical form and manifest as your reality. You attract what you get with your thoughts and expectations.

An attitude is the way you think or feel about someone or something.

? How do you feel about that job you're applying for? -- Scared? Apprehensive? That it will never be yours?

? What do you think of the exam you're taking? -- Hard? Impossible? That the examiners are partial?

? What do you think about money -- That it's elusive? There's none in the country? It's not for "people like you?" Or that it's "evil"?

You may have been thinking and feeling the wrong way, and so attracting the wrong things. You need to critically examine your thoughts and feelings concerning the things you lack, the hurdles you face, or those dreams that have eluded you so far. Change your thoughts and feelings, your attitude towards them, and see a change in your situation. I know from personal experience, I've had many a turn-around since my attitude-change!

Success or failure begins in the mind. The difference is in how you think or feel about the hurdles you face. You can get whatever you want, if you will pay the price. Find out what that is and pay it. And while you're at it, GET SOME ATTITUDE!

Copyright 2005 Oma Edoja

Oma Edoja is a freelancewriter, motivational speaker and publisher. She publishes an inspirational ezine, The Up-Mobile Ezine, at - This article is an excerpt from Issue 5. Visit now to see current issue. Subscribe and receive booklet: "Four Steps to Success: Your easy-to-follow guide to getting what you want and keeping it" by Oma Edoja

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