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You Are A Winner!
You are already a winner, and so am I. Although you may not consider it to be the case, there was a time when both you and I were at the absolute peak of our physical capacity. We made all those Olympic swimmers look scrawny and slow.You probably don't remember it, because it happened quite some time ago, but let me paint a mental picture for you. It was the day of the big race.Of course you had been preparing yourself for what seemed to be your whole life, for this one big day. Not that you knew whether it was going to be today, or maybe tomorrow, and that was part of the tension, because you had to be in a constant state of readiness to go just as soon as you got the word. So, picture it. You got up all refreshed and ready to face the new day and whatever it brought you way. You did a few little stretchy-poos and warm ups then into the gym for a solid work out. You wanted to be ready and you'd seen some of the others in the race and they looked pretty awesome. So, you knew that if you were going to win,you had to be at your absolute best, nothing else really was good enough. It required 100% focus and dedication, great tactical manoeuvres and above all, immaculate timing. You know as I look back, I feel sorry for all those others that were involved in that race?.all those poor little sperm who weren't fast enough, or too fast and got their timing shot to pieces. As for you and me, we are winners. Indeed, both of us have won the one and only race that really matters. The egg and sperm race. We each got to that egg right at the critical moment when it was ready and in you went. Now you may laugh, but to me that's was a very significant moment in my life, just as your moment of conception was significant in yours. I mean, if you had not won that race, you wouldn't be sitting here, reading this at this very moment. Think about it. We are all winners. Each one of us has swum and won that very same race. If we hadn't, we would have dissolved into oblivion along with the millions of other sperm that didn't make the grade. But what's it all mean? Well there are a number of outcomes from winning such a race but when it's all boiled down the reality remains, you are a winner! And your prize is? life! That being the case, the only question left to ask is "Are you making the most of your win?" Graham Hunt is the founder of Prentis Carpenter Center, an organisation with the goal to resource an environment where people who wish to do so may discover and work towards their potential. One way Graham is seeking to acheive that goal is through his website http://www.higher-self-esteem-site.com/ Drop in anytime.
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Short Cut to Self-Confidence: Say Yes to You! You are the only one that can give confidence to yourself. I've learned this over many years of looking for recognition in all the wrong places, from other people. Like it or not some people in our lives don't want us to succeed, and they can be the ones you closest to you. How You Doing? The Answer is Up to You and It Will Make Your Day Great If You Answer Correctly! How are you? That's a loaded question, and I'll tell you why: How to Plan a Vacations of the Mind Part 1 Where Do You Get A Positive Attitude You Asked? How are you? Where do you get a positive attitude you asked? Heres Your Calm During The Storm Of Discouragement Have you ever known someone like this? "A person who knows how to start well, but finds it difficult to keep going"? A person whose successes are dependent on the quality of someone else's encouragement and motivation? Someone who consistently let's discouragement get the better of him? Ever found yourself like that? There's hope, read on. Affecting Positive Results Through Affirmations Last time we talked about how to begin building the mind's powerful framework for success. The lesson we needed to learn was that self-talk has a powerful affect on the results we achieve. We learned that the mind will manifest whatever we dwell on, be it negative or positive. Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts Changing Negative Thoughts into Positive Thoughts is a key lesson to becoming healthy and successful. Potency No, not that kind. Stepping Into Possibility Thinking Our thoughts really belong to the collective consciousness of the world in all of time. Adding Meaning To Your Life You got up today to go to work, to come home, to battle with the kids, to go to bed. Tomorrow, you'll do the same thing again. If you are struggling with depression, it may be very difficult to find a ways to motivate yourself to go through this role over and over again. It makes no difference who you are. Depression is a disease that effects us without thought of who, what, where or why. But, there is a way to get through the days of depression. Don?t Worry, Be Happy! Philippians 4:6-do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. You Have All The Resources You Need You already have all the resources you need to accomplish all the things you want to achieve. Sound too good to be true, doesn't it? Fact is, it is true. You do have all the resources you need. All of them. The questions are: Our Beliefs Define Our Limits The universe is vast, it's dimensions inconceivable, it's potentialities unimaginable, and we know too that our own consciousness has depths to it that are virtually infinite, and yet despite this enormity within and without, we choose to confine ourselves to beliefs in scarce resources. Acceptance as a Path to Inner Peace Inevitably in life we will face disappointment from time to time. Sometimes they may be little disappointments, and other times they may be great, big, heart-wrenching disappointments. When this happens to us, we have a choice in how we react. Some of us may give up on our dreams, others may keep fighting stubbornly against the tide, and still others may choose another path to travel. You Are Magnificent! Creating Self-Confidence The image you hold of yourself determines your success or failure in every aspect of your life. What do you really think about yourself? Do you like you? Do you believe in your abilities? Are you worthwhile? Are you the person who sets and accomplishes his or her goals? Are you decisive? Where do we gain these self-value skills? They begin with our thoughts. You Must Change the 148,000 Nos In Your Subconscious to Yes What does it take to succeed? How can you move forward - no, take a quantum leap forward - in your achievements, in realizing your dreams? How to Have a Life of Satisfaction - Guaranteed! Satisfaction 100% guaranteed or your money back! That was the promise, so you bought the product. You've been there! You ended up not liking it and decided to send it back. But, when you started the return process, you discovered that it cost more to send it back than the refund was worth. Ouch! CHANGE: Do You Do It? or Does It Undo You? It has been said that CHANGE is THE only constant. Change is all around us every day and every day our lives our changing. It CAN'T be avoided. We can't bury our heads in the sand or a favored pillow and pretend it isn't there. Positive Attitude is Not Enough Contrary to the popular saying "attitude is everything" attittude is not enough. You can have the right attitude and all the motivation in the world and still wind up playing "dead atheist." Universal Mind "There is an infinitely worthier subject for philosophers (to study) than all these trees and stones, and even all those stars; there is the mind of man." --Socrates ![]() |
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