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No, not that kind. Power and potential are synonymous. Your ultimate personal power exists, not in who you are, what you do and what you have now. It lies in your potential to become. As you become more, you are empowered...more. Be more aware, more knowledgeable, more insightful, more in control of your own self and you become more powerful. Be more appreciative of the gift of your life and you will become more enabled to consciously create more of what you desire. Be more reverent of all things and you will become more empowered to be in the sacred now. Learn to relish what life has to offer and you will become more filled with joy now. Become more contributory to life and you will discover the purpose and meaning of your life here and now. Why wait for next Saturday or the next life or the afterlife? Be in the presence of the divine and sacred now by becoming aware of your own divine and sacred nature now. If your true power resides in your potential, then how great is your imagination? What do you imagine yourself capable of becoming? Do you have the expansive imagination of a child or do you have the shrunken imagination that many adults have resigned themselves to? Are you imprisoned by, limited by your predominant thoughts and core beliefs? "Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve," N. Hill informed us. Can you imagine or conceive of yourself as being fully aware of your divine nature? Are you willing to believe it? If so, then it can be achieved. In your conceptualizations and beliefs resides your power, your creative ability. Imagination and intention, thought and belief are the keys to your potential and power, your potency. Hone your creative skills; develop your imagination, refine your intentions; develop clarity, congruency and control of your thoughts and beliefs. Your finest creation is your self. What do you imagine yourself to be? What do you conceive of yourself as being capable of becoming? Do you see (imagine) yourself to be limited or limitless, creature or creator, mundane or sacred? What do you intend on being, doing and having? What is the intention in what you are thinking, imagining, conceiving and believing? Are you intending to become all you are capable of becoming or have you resigned yourself to being less than that? Do you have or will you develop the discipline to achieve clarity, congruency and control of your thoughts and beliefs? Do you need reminding that self-discipline means to be a disciple unto yourself? Stop being a disciple to this or that. Stop giving away your power. Become your own disciple. Learn to express your love and your will. Look at how power is used in the world. The two primary motivators of human beings are love and fear. Which is used more? What is being used to motivate you to behave in a certain way, to think in a certain way, to believe certain things? Why? For whose benefit? Which do you most use to motivate others? Are you guilty of abusing your power by using fear instead of love to get what you desire? Those who want to dis-empower you use fear to weaken you. Those who want to empower you use love to strengthen you. Learn to love yourself. Empower yourself. Learn to love others; empower others. Stop allowing yourself to be manipulated by the fear mongers. Be love. Be loving. Beloved. What should you believe in? Believe in you. What should you think? Whatever you are willing to. To be willing has two meanings. One is passive; to be willing is to be allowing. One is active; to be willing is to be resolute. Are you allowing or are you resolving that you will think what, how and why you think what you think? What exactly are you thinking? Why? To what intent? To what purpose? Take charge of you. Stop just existing. Get a life. Accept and appreciate the gift. Be what you love. Be what you will. Become your sacred self. Do what you love. Do what you will. Enact your reverence. Have what you love. Have what you will. Own your divinity. **This article was excerpted from the eBook, Get a Life! © Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide. Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or http://www.LeslieFieger.com. Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
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Why is this Universal Language so critical to our progress? In our thoughts and actions, we either seek idols or we seek truth. When wefind the truth all our answers are provided. Truth contains all answers to every problem. Truth has always existed and will always exist. Our beliefs and feelings color our truth. They act as filters between our truth and our illusions. Feeling Grouchy? Heres What to Do I woke up this morning feeling sour. Change Your Thoughts And Your Life: 5 Simple Ways To Bring More Peace And Harmony To Your Life When you change your thoughts, you change your life. The fastest way to achieve peace and harmony is to change your thinking. In order to change your outer world you must first change your inner world. Your thoughts dictate your behavior, and when you change your thought patterns, you will be changing your behavioral patterns as well. Altering your behavior will change the course of your life. Here are 5 simple ways to achieve peace and harmony. ![]() |
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