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Words, Ignorance, And Casper The Friendly Ghost!
Words, Ignorance, and Casper The Friendly Ghost! Do your best to accept this or do your best to fight it: but, "You are a mind with a body". Because you are, you have spiritual powers. And, the Spirit man (person) inside you contains powers known and unknown. Discover what they are! Ignorance, who me? Anything that seems logical to a person, who is ignorant of the facts, may seem stupid to the person who knows how to do it and does know the facts. If you make decisions because you refuse to learn the truth, that is called ignorance. But, none of us would ever do that, would we? You just might be surprised how many grow fat on ignorance. And the biggest cause of ignorance is?..you guess? Ok, it is Inertia. A person may not know the facts but he should understand that truth is truth and never false regardless of his lack of knowledge. An open minded person will continue to learn and not succumb to immobility. He will base his conclusions on the knowledge that he has. But, always ready to change them as he becomes more enlightened. It's time to explore the powers of your mind. These powers can help you to achieve success, wealth, happiness, love and all you desire. Learn to use these powers. Don't be afraid of them. And, it is not at all difficult. No more difficult than turning on your computer for the first time. Consider this. When you turn on your computer, you may not understand all the intricacies that make it do what it does. You don't have to. You just need to know how to flip the switch. The same thing goes for the most intricate machine that has ever been conceived. Although this machine is the Divine work of God, you can learn to use it very easily. The Wild Wild Brain! This machine is; your brain. Your brain is made up of two parts, your conscious and sub-conscious and they work together. We know a lot about the conscious, but the sub-conscious is still a vast unknown territory. One of the greatest powers of the sub-conscious is its ability to use the power of auto-suggestion. You can become rich by learning the power of and employing auto-suggestion. Conscious suggestion is the mechanism of feeding the sub-conscious mind thoughts of a creative nature. I.e. Positive affirmations that make their way into the deep fertile ground of the sub-conscious. Or, through neglect and inertia permit thoughts that are destructive to the desires of your heart. When you read out loud a written statement of your desire for whatever you want, everyday, several times everyday, and do it with emotion and concentration on your desire, and, see and feel yourself already in possession of what you want, then you are communicating (self-suggesting)your desire directly to your sub-conscious. What? Brain Food! When you do this through repetition you create a thought pattern that will voluntarily feed your sub-conscious the food it wants to eat. Foods that will help your sub-conscious translate your desire into reality. And, I'm not talking about thanksgiving turkey. The Food that the sub-conscious feeds on is: WORDS! Words are the only food that the sub-conscious is capable of digesting. You say "yes", it knows what that means and doesn't care what the results become. You say "no", it knows what that means and doesn't care what the results become. It is VERY important to note; the sub-conscious does not pay attention to wishy-washy-wimpy-words. Your sub-conscious is the hardest mechanism there is to slap a snow-job on. And, it won't pay any attention to wussy statements that you make while going tip-toeing through the tulips talking like Casper the friendly ghost. Your effectiveness in learning and using auto-suggestion will depend largely on your determination to concentrate on your desire with emotion and strong feelings. Well, how do I get there? The most direct route to the sub-conscious is through your emotions. The most effective route to your emotions is to visualize what you desire. The visualizing will help the emotions to feel the reality and truth of what you're are self-suggesting. Without conscious or unconscious auto-suggestion, then you are ignoring (again) the great powers of your mind and cheating yourself from life's most wonderful blessings. Someone said to me, "I can't go around saying I have something I don't have." Why not? You do all the time. Every time you sneeze, you say, I coming down with a cold. And, then you get one. Every time something goes wrong at work, you say, that's just my rotten luck. And, then the bottom falls out. You ever heard this? "Next time we buy those tickets to go on a vacation, I guarantee you those kids will get sick and we'll lose the money for those plane tickets". And, then it happened and you said, "See there I told you so". And, you go around patting yourself on the back so everyone could see how smart you are just like you prophesied it. Duh, need I say again ? You mean I have to lie? Remember, the sub-conscious does not know the difference between truth and lie. It just uses it's unknown and unexplainable powers to bring to pass the "words" that come out of your mouth. That's what it was made to do. That's all it knows how to do. Start saying this out loud everyday; multiple times everyday; "Day by Day, in every way, I'm getting Prettier and Prettier!" or, richer and richer; or, whatever. Now I hope I don't have to tell you this, but, don't go around saying I'm getting Dummer and Dummer. (again) don't laugh, some people do. I like to say I'm getting prettier and prettier. Lol he he! Yeah, that's right. After you've said that several hundred times, you will begin waking up saying it. You'll be walking down the street and it will just pop in your mind. That is auto-suggestion. When it comes up from somewhere down inside you, and you didn't even have to think it up, then you are learning the powers of your mind. An Example: True Story! It was 3 am in the intensive care room of a local hospital. Two nurses were keeping close watch over their patient whom had had a massive heart attack. The nurses noticed his vital signs had stopped. They were frantic and one said to the other, "Do you have a pulse"? She said no. The patient, being a student of auto-suggestion and the powers of his mind, heard everything they were saying but he couldn't communicate with them and tell them he was ok. He then remembered an affirmation he was taught. "You can do anything, if you believe you can". He forced his eyelids open and the nurses then knew he was ok. He recovered and here is the interesting part. He later testified he felt it was so amusing at how frantic the nurses were. You see, his mind could not be influenced by their fearful suggestions. He had trained his brain to only be influenced by what he fed it. Go Thou and do likewise! Richard Vegas © 2002 About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails, at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://www.richardvegas.com webmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
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I had a minor learning disability, undiagnosed in those days, resulting in funny spellings. Undaunted, I wrote to Dear Diary, sharing the best of I Love Lucy, visits with grandparents, and weekly meeting with the Girl Scouts. Then one day this dairy was put away. Junior High School, High School and college were years when Positive Mental Attitude 1. Smile The Map Is Not the Territory Just in an average day we can experience many things that we take as good or bad. In this article I want to take a look at what takes a place in the human mind as it relates to our daily affairs. Whats My Life All About? What's my life all about is the question so many of us ask ourselves, I'm sure you have asked yourself the same question, right? Positive Thoughts and Words You want to change your self-care habits and you can't seem to do it. Or, you realize that changing your self-care habits might be a good idea but you just can't seem to get on board and be sold on the idea. 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For instance, when I was unable to sign into this program to get to my list of subscribers, I could have taken it in the real negative manner and given up. But instead, I choose to see the positive. And, because I choose to see the positive, I was able to think clearer and was able to enter into my subscription base on another level. But, because of this negative experience, I have decided to take it as a sign for me to move on to something better, where I have more control over my newsletter. ![]() |
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