Whats My Life All About?

What's my life all about is the question so many of us ask ourselves, I'm sure you have asked yourself the same question, right?

The answer is different for everyone of us, so I'm not going to try an answer it for you but please let me offer you some advice that I have picked up along the way, but first let me quote from Oprah Winfrey:

"I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you"

You may want to go back and read this quote again and then think how it applies to you and your life.

What is your personal calling?

The answer to this may assist you to answer our original question, what's my life all about?

Finding your personal calling or to put it another way, what is your life purpose, is important, without knowing what you're destined to do or what really makes you happy, is like walking out the door and not knowing where to go.

So, how do you find the answer?

Well, it takes a bit of soul searching, time and you need to start this process in the right frame of mind or otherwise you may come up with the wrong answer.

Try your best to approach this exercise in a positive frame of mind, which may be hard if you're "suffering" from self doubt or have just gone through some form of trauma, so you may need assistance to gain that positive approach.

Talk to a friend who you find motivating, your doctor or just before you start, do something that you usually find puts you in a better frame of mind, perhaps listen to your favorite up lifting song?

Now, you're in a really positive frame of mind, okay, perhaps you're not but let's put on our best acting performance here and pretend you are and who knows, perhaps you'll start to feel better anyway by acting as if you are!

Sit down in a quite place and start thinking back when you were a child, what did you enjoy doing? Who were your hero's? Who did you dress up as? What did you get praised for from your parents, friends, and teachers?

From this exercise, some clues may start to develop to give a hint as to who you wanted to be when you were a kid, when you were less impressionable.

So what changed you? Are these hero's, these things of fun and pleasure, these praise worthy efforts, still within you and have you bottled them up and they're now laying just below the surface waiting to be released.

Think about it, are the answer "hidden" here?

Finding one's life purpose, is important and cannot be fully explored in a short article like this but I hope from reading this article you may have started thinking about who you really want to be and how you can achieve being that person and have stopped thinking that there is no hope and worrying about, what's my life all about?

Garry Munro hosts the http://www.mindsalike.com.au web site where you'll find more articles on success, happiness, and business...

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