Practice Gratitude to Improve Your Life Today

As I swooshed down the Zoom Flume water slide at Shipwreck Island, my two-year-old son Gareth yelling "Fun! Weeee!" from his spot on my lap, I felt pure jubilation. The sun kissed my skin, water splashed up around me and the breeze carried a salt tang from the ocean mingled with the scent of sun screen. I could taste joy as it tingled in every cell of my being.

To experience joy is our purpose in life. If you want to know if you're going in the right direction in life, follow happiness, do what feels good to you. And when you feel joy and happiness, whether you go searching for it or stumble upon it inadvertently, savor it. Like attracts like. Joy multiplies quickly if given attention.

Next comes gratitude. Be grateful for the things that bring you joy! If you feel joy, follow it immediately with gratitude. Joy is a tremendous gift. When you feel gratitude for the joy in your life, you are attracting more joy and gratitude into your life. Which is a really fun game! Joy, gratitude, fun -- a recipe for success.

Think of all the little things that cause joy in your life that you have to be grateful for. The more you focus on them, the more joy you will experience. These are some of the things that have brought me joy in the last few days: Gareth laughing, singing, talking, sleeping like an angel with his alabaster cheeks lit by lamplight. A banana split with lots of whipped cream and cherries. My favorite summer TV show. Dancing and singing with Gareth in the living room. My new business. Being alive. Washing jewel toned grapes and observing the droplets of water clinging to their deep purple-red skin.

Sometimes we stand with our hands on our hips going, "where's the joy in my life?" and really there are a million little wonders all around us. To create the bigger things you want in life, you must appreciate the little things. You must savor every bit of joy around you. Living is a great gift in and of itself. By actively looking for joy and gratitude, you are magnetizing yourself, becoming irresistible to happiness and passion and fun.

So take notice of the little things and have gratitude. Create your own cosmic game. See how many times a day you can find something to be joyful about and be thankful for. Remember the joy of living and all the delicious things you have to enjoy. In this game, there are only winners. So play life!

Copyright 2004, Alexia Alderson Chamberlynn

Alexia Alderson Chamberlynn is the Co-Owner of Prosperity Power Training, LLC, a national training company specializing in e-learning, life coaching and live group training. To contact Alexia or sign up for free services such as a Free 7-Day Training Program, free monthly newsletter and free quote-of-the-day club, visit the website at Alexia expects to release her first novel in 2005. Alexia lives in Florida with her son Gareth.

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