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Positive Attitude Tips & Information |
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Succeed with a Positive Mental Attitude
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." ? Thomas Jefferson Without a doubt, Mr Jefferson offers priceless advice. Indeed, a positive mental attitude is awesome in enabling you not only to reach your goals, but also to lead a more fulfilling life. Maintaining a positive mental attitude can take you to heights you find unbelievable. And the good news is that there is no rocket science involved in developing a positive attitude. When you consider, for example, a world class athlete, you will see that he or she is totally focused when training, as well as when competing. There is no first place for anyone who does not have a positive mental attitude. Sure, it's easy to say you should have a positive mental attitude, but how can this be achieved practically? Here is an idea you can use. Find a newspaper or magazine article of an account where someone overcame great odds, or just a story that you find inspiring. Now, when you tend towards feeling negative, or when you feel things aren't going axactly according to plan, read the article. Do this regularly at the start, and as time goes on, you reduce the number of times you read the piece. And read the same piece every time. You will be amazed at the results. Your mental attitude towards your goal, and towards life itself, can mean the difference between success and failure. When things don't go according to plan, ask yourself: "How bad are things REALLY?" You'll find that just by asking this simple question (and answering it honestly) your attitude will be boosted considerably. And remember the words of Mr Jefferson, "nothing on earth can help the man [or woman] with the wrong mental attitude." Colin Dunbar is the creator and owner of eaziGOAL.com - the complete goal setting program: ebook, workbook and software. Author of Invest In Yourself, he also publishes the award-winning "eaziGOAL Times". Subscribe today.
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