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Your Choice of Music can Shape Your Beliefs
Music is very powerful. The kind of music you listen to says a lot about who you are. What music you choose to listen to today will help to determine what type of person you are tomorrow. Be careful about what type of music you choose to listen to. Music can either build you up or tear you down. Garbage in, garbage out In almost all categories of music, there are artists that deliver positive messages through their music and then there are artists that deliver destructive, hateful messages in their music. The kind of music you choose to listen to will help determine the level of success you achieve in life. Think negative thoughts and you will attract negative into your life. Think about positive things and you will see the positive in your life. Opportunities come to the optimists in life. When you entertain negativity in your life, opportunities are often lost or ignored to your peril. Use Positive Music to get what you want out of life Actively choose music with a positive message to listen to. Making this conscious choice will lead to positive experiences in your daily life. Music has a powerful effect on our beliefs and our actions. Being proactive in choosing the music we listen to will lead to a happier and fulfilling life. If you aren't happy with the current state of your life, a great place to start changing it for the better is to choose better music to listen to. Not convinced that you should listen to positive music? Consider that all action is preceded by a thought. It's impossible to take an action without having some thought about the action before you do it. Where do your thoughts come from? They come from what you are listening to, what you are seeing and who you are hanging out with. These influences over time, are responsible for our beliefs and ultimately our actions. How to make positive changes in your life Choosing music with a positive message is a great way to start making positive changes in your life. Don't like where your life is headed? Changing the music you're listening to is an important first step towards creating a different, more positive life for yourself. Joe Duchesne is the webmaster for http://www.freemusicplus.com. This site is dedicated to helping people find free music downloads and other music related resources. Reprint freely as long as the two links in this resource are live and point back to my websites.
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Mindfulness and Money: Monkeying Around Kasia is a talented landscape designer who speaks several languages, and when she jokes about being a "Polish princess" it's because she actually has the pedigree to support that claim. Yourself With the beginning of a new year, are you happy with your life the way it is now? You just set new goals and resolutions for 2003 but are you satisfied with where you are now? Teens And Positive Living If you are a parent, it is up to you to keep your children positive. It is up to you to contribute to not only their physical well being, but also their emotional well being. In the teen years, it is nothing short of impossible to keep your daughter or son positive. But, you need to make that effort. The best way to do so is to encourage communication, openness, and most importantly, let them know that you will never fault them. Enlarge Your Vision Millions struggle through life barely earning enough to survive. Many are trapped in a job they hate, but are making just enough that they think they can't afford to start at the bottom in something else. They go through the motions at work, spend a frustrating time stuck in traffic getting home, and are too exhausted to have a pleasant conversation with their family. Scented, Spiritual Waters Water is an important tool for magic rituals in many religions and spiritual beliefs. Although it sounds redundant, most cults, sects or spiritual beliefs use it to represent the cosmic element of water for purifying, scrying, and even starting wars. Considering that most of the time H20 is not the only element a spirit seeker needs, the water may go through a bit of a special transformation that requires flowers, herbs, sticks, and other natural resources to become colognes/perfumes or spiritual waters. Life as a Burden Vs. Live as a Privilege Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Is the glass half empty or half full? Think Positive: Using Affirmations to Create Health, Wealth and Beauty You've heard the buzzwords: Attitude is everything! Change your perspective! Have a positive outlook! But, can these words really change our future? And if so, how? Help Yourself to a Better Future There are very many methods for achieving improvement to our personal confidence and self esteem, far too many to investigate in depth in a short information file. So on this page, we will have a look at the most popular and, for most people, the most effective. CHANGE: Do You Do It? or Does It Undo You? It has been said that CHANGE is THE only constant. Change is all around us every day and every day our lives our changing. It CAN'T be avoided. We can't bury our heads in the sand or a favored pillow and pretend it isn't there. Do You Believe What You Think? If you work toward what you dream, the dream can come true. You can achieve success. You can tell others one day about your success story. Looking For Answers In All The Wrong Places? Looking around at our circumstances we may see only mountains of problems, debts piling up, fear, failure, and defeat at every corner. Maybe you've looked around and thought, where's the answer, I need a new life? How to Cope With Your Inner Food Critic Every day that I eat EnergyRich? Food, I get almost instantaneous results. It's wonderful: I feel good about myself, I am productive in my work, I am available for my friends and family. These days are the rockin' days and make me all warm and fuzzy inside. Get Some Attitude! You've been looking for a job for as long as you can remember. Or you've written that exam more times than you can count. You can't remember a time when you weren't broke. And you are beginning to wonder if things will ever change for the better. Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts Changing Negative Thoughts into Positive Thoughts is a key lesson to becoming healthy and successful. Never Run Out of Altitude, Airspeed, and Ideas at the Same Time: Lessons From the Vietnam POWs Bosses can't control many things at work. In fact, they probably can't control most things, but they can control their own reactions to unfortunate events, and they can help their direct reports feel authority over their reactions to unpleasant and unexpected changes. When hard times rear their ugly heads, the boss has to be a kind of hero, the rescuer who looks after others and helps them keep from losing their perspective and their coping resources. Becoming aware of the value of humor can increase our understanding of the powerful role mirth and laughter can play in helping us bounce back from hardships, and in turn, help others cope with adversity. In other words, humor can give us a bit of control in situations when we would otherwise feel as though we had no power over our destiny. Spring Into Enchantment Who can control a smile sneaking across your face as you go outside on a beautiful spring day, suddenly finding your nostrils filled with a sweet aroma of fresh blooms, while feeling warm breezes against your skin, whispering, "No coat today."? Nature provides enchantment all around us in the spring. The birds sing, the flowers bloom, animals have their babies, new birds learn to fly. If you look high up in a tree you might see an exquisite bird singing loudly, full of life. It is as if nature gives humans an opportunity for enchantment all around. Yet, we often are indifferent, not responding spontaneously to the rebirth of spring. We seem to be, at times, equipped to live lives of misery brought on by ourselves. Many of us are able to generate a bad mood, put ourselves down, see our future as dark or today as gloomy. We have lost or never had the easy comfort and capacity to relax and enjoy life that a cat has on a sunny porch just snoozing and rolling over. We humans have to work at enchantment. Let s take a moment and look at what the major components of this work called "enchantment" are. Letter of Hope from Hospital Patient Hospital patient undergoing surgery recounts how Hero Soul provided strength, inspiration, and hope during recovery Anchoring Positivity With NLP There was some sunshine this weekend while I was writing this! At least here on the sunny south coast of England there was. I went out walking along the sea front with my partner Sara on Saturday morning and it was wonderful; the feeling of sunshine on my face, the smell of the air, the sites of other people out and about and happy, the local land train was shuttling people and their excited children back and forth from Bournemouth pier to Boscombe Pier and my senses were filled ? a major event for human neurophysiology (mine anyway!) Self-Sabotage - Are We Prisoners of the Past? Many people who suffer from low self-esteem would give anything to escape their painful feelings of inferiority. Almost anything, that is. It?s All About Beliefs Changing your mindset can have a significant impact on achieving your goals. ![]() |
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