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Letter of Hope from Hospital Patient
Hospital patient undergoing surgery recounts how Hero Soul provided strength, inspiration, and hope during recovery "I used to look in the mirror and only have time to take a quick glance to ensure that I looked acceptable for a full day ahead of me. At 32, I am a mother of two and a wife of 8 years. I work full time and after putting in a days worth of work, I come home to my next full time job. Dinner, clean up, soccer practice, dance class, homework, baths, laundry? I have a fully hands-on devoted husband that equally shares in the daily responsibilities but even then it is still so busy at times. I recently ruptured my Achilles tendon. I needed to have surgery and knew that my recovery period would take several months. Anxious the morning before surgery I began reading, "Psychology of the Hero Soul." It was given to me to read by a friend at work. I began reading the book and it had a calming affect on me. I knew I had to face my fears and deal with my reality. The night after surgery I had trouble sleeping so I continued to read "Psychology of the Hero Soul." When I finished, it rejuvenated my outlook on life. After reading this book I can now look in the mirror and see so much more of myself. I can surpass my physical "self" and look beyond to my mind, soul, and spirit. I have forgotten about my passions, ambitions, and the true person that I am. I have neglected what it is that I want to be remembered for in life and what I want to pass down to my children. I have learned that I need to enjoy the moment because life is passing by quickly. I also need to take the time to accomplish my goals in life and not say that I just don't have time. I have to take actions to achieve my dreams. I have learned that I need to maintain my soul and spirit by cleansing it from stresses, jealousies, and overall negative energy. Once the mind is cleansed it can be replenished with love, tranquility, passions, and dreams. With a positive outlook anything is possible. I believe that "Psychology of the Hero Soul" is a well-written book that provided me with many examples of people whose extreme focus, determination and good virtues resulted in greatness. I was pleasantly surprised by the analysis of Perseus in the book. The Clash of the Titans has been one of my all time favorite movies as a child and Greek mythology has always fascinated me. I have been so inspired to make myself a better person in every aspect of my life, as a mother, wife, co-worker, friend, daughter, and sister. During my recovery period this book has provided me with "food for thought," tools to make my dreams a reality and enable me to keep a positive attitude during my healing process." - Krupali Prevete Psychology of the Hero Soul is an inspirational book on awakening the Hero within and rekindling people's passion for greatness. It is based on author, Sharif Khan's ten years research to the field of human development and was recently mentioned in USA Today. The Hero Soul will be released in US bookstores early this fall and is currently available nationwide across Canada in Chapters, Indigo, Coles bookstores. To order, visit: http://www.herosoul.com Psychology of the Hero Soul, by Sharif Khan, ISBN 0973192208, Diamond Mind Enterprises, 160 pages, $14.95 US, trade-paperback, Copyright © 2004, 2005, Self-help/Inspirational, distributed by Ingram, Baker & Taylor, and University of Toronto Press. For more information on special quantity discounts call (416) 417-1259 or email: sharif@herosoul.com Sharif Khan is a speaker, writer, coach, and author of Psychology of the Hero Soul, an inspirational book on awakening the hero within and developing people's leadership potential. For more information, visit http://www.herosoul.com Khan can be reached directly at Tel: 416-417-1259 or Email: sharif@herosoul.com
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Improve Your Self Confidence Knowing yourself is the foundation of self-esteem, self confidence and personal development. Man has been seeking himself since the days of the Oracle of Delphi. "Know yourself" said the Oracle, but she spoke in riddles and the men who had come a long way to get a simple answer from her wise lips went away even more confused. Positive Thinking - Anxiety & Panic If you suffer with or have in the past suffered with anxiety and panic disorder, then you certainly know what its like to be swallowed up by your negative thoughts and feelings. Top Three Secrets To Becoming A Better Thinker We all know there are ways to become a better thinker. We should read more books. We ought to go to lectures and concerts. We need to visit exhibits and appreciate art. We can take classes and expand our horizons through travel. The Power of Positive Thinking - Turn a Bad Day Around! Turn brutality into kindness. There is no small deed and no kindness that is insignificant. A kind word, holding the door open for someone, complementing another, thanking another or easing the pain or the effort of one who may be infirm, all of these, no matter how small or no matter how little effort is used, are a gift to the Spirit and all make for a little more peace on the planet. Anamchara - Beyond Positive Thinking One of the most well known books ever written on success is James Allan's "As a man thinketh." Focus Your Attention Lately, there has been a collective challenge to avoid being embroiled in the media events of all that has been happening in the social, political, economic and military arenas of our great nation. Many recent events have left people with a sense of ominous foreboding, uncertainty, fear, despondency. At the very least, there is mild emotional discomfort and a sense of vague dissonance. The Power of the Mind Each of us has a mind by which we convert ideas from spirit into the physical world. The mind is like a computer which when programmed will carry out certain tasks. Once programs are fully integrated we carry them out whenever the right key is pressed. Our automatic reactions are sometimes called subconscious programming. Actions become so habitual that we don't even realise we are doing them. Balanced Living: 18 Steps A balanced life not only leaves you feeling more fulfilled; you will become healthier in body as well as mind. Ponder on each step below. One per day is the ideal. If you rush then you are failing before you begin. Taking your time over anything is the first positive step to a sustainable success in all things. Anything worthwhile ? they say ? is worth waiting for. Today we cannot wait for anything ? allow your self the luxury of slowing down and discover you will actually achieve more. The Map Is Not the Territory Just in an average day we can experience many things that we take as good or bad. In this article I want to take a look at what takes a place in the human mind as it relates to our daily affairs. Positive Mind, Successful Life It took me a long time to realise the benefits of positive thinking. I had often heard people mention that if you think positive, positive things will happen to you, I used to think they were a bit weird. I now believe they were right and this article explains why. Life Can Seem Unfair Until We Change Our Perspective! See How! Empty, Hollow, Nothing?.those words shout the sound of disappointment and disillusionment of life for many people; the experience of many people as they grab for possessions, power, knowledge, and the sweet things of life. But, what do they find? Yeah, you guessed it, emptiness, disappointment, and the awareness that Life sucks and then you die. Living in the Moment This week's wisdom is on the power of living in the moment. That ability we all have to be present...allowing all this moment offers us, and all we have to offer it. Years ago, I used to be a very future-oriented and forward-thinking person. Always saying to myself and others, "Tomorrow's gonna' be so much better than today...I can't wait!" - While not even realizing that first, I wasn't even dealing with the realities of what I needed to face in the present - not enough money, not loving my work, looking for others to validate my level of excitement...and a host of other externally validating needs that I had at the time. Success Through The Way You Think About Yourself If you think you are a loser, you train or work like a loser i.e. sloppily and half-heartedly. If you think you are a winner you train like one i.e. with maximum focus, great expectations, excitement and consistent effort. This article takes a look at why people think like winners or losers and what they can do about it. Yourself With the beginning of a new year, are you happy with your life the way it is now? You just set new goals and resolutions for 2003 but are you satisfied with where you are now? How Much Better Can You Have It? "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." -Maya Angelou Impact of Positive and Negative Catalysts on Events in Human Lives Have you ever noticed what can happen if you just met a friend in the street and shared a cab? You are both in the cab, all is fine, you plan to attend a social function and suddenly your cab gets involved in an accident. The police comes and you are a witness in an unforeseen event. Per chance? Not quite. There might be an explanation. All people have vibrations emanating from their bodies. Some people have much stronger vibrations than others (as evident in the human aura) while others have energies very focused at a certain point in the human system (physical, mental or spiritual) and of greater strength than most. Such people are instrumental in attracting to themselves events of a positive or negative nature. As in the case of an earthquake that has an epicenter. I term such people as catalysts because that's what they are. Deep Doghouse Communication for Angry Men Many times when an angry or rageful man comes into the office to see me for the first visit, he is in a deep crisis. Such was the case with Jerry. He was in the "deep doghouse." He was separated from his wife and she had filed for divorce. A man is in the "deep doghouse" when his wife is very angry and most of the communication is her expressing anger, displeasure and criticism of him. 10 Passion Principles to Creating the Rest of Your Life 1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Without it, passion is void. Gain Confidence By Avoiding The Trap Past Experiences Can Give You In Life One of the biggest potential problems we face with every action we take are our past experiences. In fact, as humans the only reference we have whenever we take some kind of action are our past experiences. There is nothing else we can go by for an indication of expected results. Feel Those Feelings and Develop Emotional Intelligence There is an old joke about a man who is walking home along the street in the early hours of a weekend and he sees another man, who is obviously very drunk, on his hands and knees, searching for something. "What are you looking for?" he asks the drunked man. "My house keys" the man replies. "Where did you drop them?" he asks. "Two streets away" he slurs. "Why aren't you looking there then", he asks, puzzled. "Because the light's much better here." ![]() |
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