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Impact of Positive and Negative Catalysts on Events in Human Lives
Have you ever noticed what can happen if you just met a friend in the street and shared a cab? You are both in the cab, all is fine, you plan to attend a social function and suddenly your cab gets involved in an accident. The police comes and you are a witness in an unforeseen event. Per chance? Not quite. There might be an explanation. All people have vibrations emanating from their bodies. Some people have much stronger vibrations than others (as evident in the human aura) while others have energies very focused at a certain point in the human system (physical, mental or spiritual) and of greater strength than most. Such people are instrumental in attracting to themselves events of a positive or negative nature. As in the case of an earthquake that has an epicenter. I term such people as catalysts because that's what they are. In history we find examples of positive catalysts like Gandhi, a peace maker and negative catalysts like Hitler, Mussolini or Rasputin who brought down the Romanoff Dynasty by his negative vibrations. We must never underestimate the influence of such catalysts upon people whose energies are not as focused. You would say "where?" The concentration of energies may be on money. The result will be extreme events in financial matters. Mr. Greenspan, the Chairman of the Fed can create reverberations in the financial markets of the world by increasing the prime interest rate by 0.25%. When a catalyst's energies are focused on the physical plane like sex, the events of a sexual nature in form of sexual perversion may manifest. They may not be evident to the friends or relatives of the person concerned. The negative catalysts create milestones in the history of the human race. Karl Marx created quite a stir with his theory of Communism and his ideology remains a milestone among the Eastern and Western cultures because his energies were focused on the idea of a government. Karl Marx with Friedrich Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848 that changed the system of governments in the East and West. Generally speaking, there are people among us, who are stronger than the rest and create profound events in the lives of those around them. Look at any leader. What we see is that lives change for the better or worse of all people connected with a leader. Such changes do not become apparent instantly but they do occur. There are people who carry with them an aura of fatality or of a positive event. A little observation will make it quite clear. Stay with such a person and watch the events taking place. Not every person is a catalyst. Most people have their energies quite scattered and they make up the work force of a nation. Association with right people can make the difference between success and failure in life. The Titanic disaster attracted more than 800 people to it. So great was its pull. There are smaller catalysts, too. Such people are the cause of an event. Nothing happens without action. An event is merely a reaction to an action performed consciously or unconsciously by a person. When we become aware of two types of catalysts in our lives, we can then save ourselves from many negative events in our lives by dissociating ourselves from extreme people. He is a veteran media personality and has appeared hundreds of times on television, radio and in print media. A film maker, he frequently appears on radio nationally. He is the host/producer of the Ostaro Show (Time Warner and RCN Cable TV every other Fri and Sun in NYC) featuring the best in celebrity horoscopes. Listed in Who's Who in America, he is a positive thinker and the author of the "Art & Craft of Success: 10 Steps" published by Svarg Syndicate Inc, NYC. Mr. Ostaro is a Premier Hindu Astrologer of New York City, and is a Kentucky Colonel. http://www.ostaro.com; ostaro@ostaro.com.
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Theres No Negative In My Program - Part 2 Well you know about the young hero who saved his brother, but that was just the beginning of the incredible feats of these young men. Positive Mind, Successful Life It took me a long time to realise the benefits of positive thinking. I had often heard people mention that if you think positive, positive things will happen to you, I used to think they were a bit weird. I now believe they were right and this article explains why. Free Tips To Increase Self-Esteem I have had many confidence issues in my life, all of which I have either dealt with or overcome. I have written about some of these issues below. The Mind?s Power Fusion Component It is widely believed that just anybody has the intrinsic potential to unfold an idea that will generate the revolutionary change(s) the world needs. That's erroneous! Be Thankful for What You Have Got Did you know that the 911 equivalent in the UK (999) now has call waiting? I hope that you never find out for yourself. Positive Attitude is Not Enough Contrary to the popular saying "attitude is everything" attittude is not enough. You can have the right attitude and all the motivation in the world and still wind up playing "dead atheist." 3 Proven Ways To Build Self-Esteem When someone thinks of a person with self-esteem most people think of someone who has a positive attitude. While someone who generally has self-esteem could have a positive attitude, this is not what I am referring to. Oh for a Really Good Day! What's wrong with me? When I'm sick I get grumpy and irritable. When I'm criticised I become defensive. When people interrupt me I become impatient. I get angry at injustice. Waiting in lines, and bureaucratic runarounds make me feel I'm wasting my life. Youre Not a Victim--Really! Woe is me... life has dealt me a bad hand... the stars are aligned against me... whine, whine, whine! Get over it! You are not the innocent victim of some terrestrial scheme. You are a victim of only one thing... YOU! Change Your Thoughts And Your Life: 5 Simple Ways To Bring More Peace And Harmony To Your Life When you change your thoughts, you change your life. The fastest way to achieve peace and harmony is to change your thinking. In order to change your outer world you must first change your inner world. Your thoughts dictate your behavior, and when you change your thought patterns, you will be changing your behavioral patterns as well. Altering your behavior will change the course of your life. Here are 5 simple ways to achieve peace and harmony. Five Ways to Stay Positive in a Negative World In view of the increasing negative events happening around the world here are five things you can do to help you stay positive. Do You Believe What You Think? If you work toward what you dream, the dream can come true. You can achieve success. You can tell others one day about your success story. How to Experience Life as a Thrilling Adventure "Adventure isn't hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude that we must apply to the day to day obstacles of life - facing new challenges, seizing new options, testing our resources against the unknown, and in the process, discovering our own unique potential." - John Amatt There is an old story about a mountain climber who had trained many years to reach the highest peak in the western hemisphere, the Aconcagua located in the Andes Mountains of western Argentina. You, Your Self Estem, and Its Importance in Your Growth! Introduction Big Move to a Small Town I'm getting calls from folks who say, "I hear you moved to a very small town. I'm thinking of doing the same. What's it really like?" 10 Tips to Cope with Negative Emotions at Work It's a fact of life - if you want to succeed in business, you need to know how to interact and communicate effectively with your employees, business partners, vendors, prospects, and customers. As a small business owner, this might involve rapid shifting from one type of language to another. For example, how you'd explain your expectations to your employees might be different than how you'd convey these to your business partner or potential client. Creating Icebergs Out Of Hostility Have you ever dreaded an upcoming presentation, meeting or function because you just knew that the group would be hostile? Maybe you had heard that these people are very critical, even aggressive. Quick Tips On Making Change Work For You Facing a change and want to make it work for you? Instant Frequency Boosters: 10 Fast and Simple Ways to Raise Your Vibration When you're feeling "low," or out of the flow, it's a sign that you need to raise your frequency. There are infinite ways you can lift yourself up-pretty much anything that makes you feel better is a frequency booster-even eating ice cream! (The problem with that, though, is that, along with the pleasure in consuming it comes the guilt and remorse about the future ramifications of the indulgence, as well as the immediate toll that the sugar takes on your body and mind, all of which can easily lower your frequency!) Think-what is it that always makes you feel better when you're feeling less than great? Is it exercise? A soak in the tub? A walk in the park? Time in your garden? A snuggle with your sweetie? Why do these activities lift your spirits? It's because they raise your frequency. The higher your frequency, the better and more joyful you feel! The most effective frequency boosters are the ones that quickly align you with your divine design and purpose, and bring you into synch with the natural world. The Power Of Appreciation As we enter this holiday season, and this time of giving Thanks, we are reminded of the "power of appreciation". If you truly want to bring into your life everything that you desire, then start with appreciating all that you have now. Here's how it works ? you bring into your life whatever it is that you focus your thoughts upon. So, if you focus on all the lack in your life, you get more lack. But if you focus appreciation on all that you have, you get more of what you want. ![]() |
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