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Chanel Your Prosperity Energy Today
Every emotion, wether we classify it as good or bad, has energy. Think about it. Can't you feel it when you are angry or bouncing off the walls happy? Just as there are levels of energy for these emotions, there are levels of energy for another emotion - wanting. A great man called Lester Levinson discovered that this wanting energy is a negative force in our lives. He discovered this on a mission to save his own life, when he was diagnosed with cancer and sent home to die. Wanting money. Wanting to be loved. Wanting to be appreciated. All of these wants and more were slowly killing him. He discovered that this wanting energy equaled a feeling of lack. If you want something you don't have it. He also discovered that we hold onto energy. When we are happy we try to hold on to this feeling. When we are upset about something we try to push it away and get rid of it. He found, and Harvard researchers agreed, that when we let go of our emotions, both "good" and "bad" and just let them flow we find the ultimate state of imperturbability. When you reach this state about the object or person that you are stressing out over, you can actually have what you have been wanting instantly. Researchers at some of the top universities have studied Lester's technique and found that it really works to lessen stress, improve health and increase our natural ability to attract abundance. And stars like Joan Collins, Laura Dern and Sally Jesse Raphael have learned and use this technique every day. This technique is easy to do. It is extremely easy to learn and it is provable. As Lester always said," Take it for checking." Prove it to yourself. Use this powerful technique and channel your prosperity energy today. To find out more about this incredible technique go to: http://www.lasvegashotelandcasinoreview.com/everyday_wealth.html About The Author Caterina is the author of How to Write a Childrens Book in 30 Days or Less. She is also a firm believer in Prosperity Consciousness and in our inate ability to draw wealth and happiness into our lives on command.
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Theres No Negative In My Program - Part 2 Well you know about the young hero who saved his brother, but that was just the beginning of the incredible feats of these young men. Accepting Rejected Thoughts Sometimes we are in a position to look into the lives of other people. It could be through a book, or a movie, or a story we hear, or occasionally it could be someone that we meet. Sometimes when this happens, we see qualities that we truly admire, and we think that we would like to have those qualities. Perhaps we just look at the person and think that we would like to be like them. Maybe we hear what they have said and think that we would like to be able to say things like that. It could be that we would like to have what they have, or do what they do. Get Out of Your Way! We hear a lot these days about accepting responsibility for our actions and it is about time we did. Time is out for casting blame and pointing righteous fingers at others to cover up for our own shortcomings and acting out behaviors. We have got to "nip it, nip it, nip it in the bud" if for no other reason than our own mental health. Building Unshakeable Self Confidence! One of things that Charismatic people share is an unshakeable self confidence. It comes from deep within and it's the knowing that everything will be okay. It's a faith that their life is going somewhere and it has purpose. These people often are the ones that everyone notices when they walk in the room. They magically attract people to them in a social environment and everyone stops to listen to them in a business meeting. Everyone knows they mean business and what they have to say is going to be important. Start Living Your Dreams Today With a Positive Attitude "Those people who think they can do something and those who think they can't are both right." - Henry Ford It?s All About Beliefs Changing your mindset can have a significant impact on achieving your goals. Important Days Ahead Humans tend to categorize things by large or small, bright or dull, special or ordinary, and so on. We like to bring order and structure, but sometimes our efforts to place things into neat little slots can blind us to the little moments of joy we could be experiencing every day. Creating Icebergs Out Of Hostility Have you ever dreaded an upcoming presentation, meeting or function because you just knew that the group would be hostile? Maybe you had heard that these people are very critical, even aggressive. Discover The 8 Steps To A Mountain Moving Faith " If you have faith as a grain of musterd seed you can say to this mountain : move ! And it will move ! And nothing will be impossible to you. " You, Your Self Estem, and Its Importance in Your Growth! Introduction Having the Attitude I am the Greatest! While trying to ignore my teen daughters rap music a thought came to me. Whoever the rap artist was that she was listening to, is very positive about him self. He was negative about the women in his life, he made negative statements about the police but when it came to himself he was very positive. He used "I" statements, "I am going to be rich by the age of 24." He visualized all the material items he would like to manifest such as cars trimmed in gold, houses and yachts. In his music he was claiming his success. Life Can Seem Unfair Until We Change Our Perspective! See How! Empty, Hollow, Nothing?.those words shout the sound of disappointment and disillusionment of life for many people; the experience of many people as they grab for possessions, power, knowledge, and the sweet things of life. But, what do they find? 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I even used to take them personally, feeling like the universe must hate me and like to see me struggle. ;-) ![]() |
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