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Discover The 8 Steps To A Mountain Moving Faith
" If you have faith as a grain of musterd seed you can say to this mountain : move ! And it will move ! And nothing will be impossible to you. " You can transform your life and your future if you will discover and dispatch the power of mountain moving faith to your life or business situation. You can accomplish what seems at first impossible if you will take the eight steps of mountain moving faith. There are many people who claim to live by faith but remain low achievers. We all know individuals who claim to exercise real faith yet they accomplish little or nothing. What's wrong ? Frequently failure is the result of a too shallow faith. Mountain moving faith is not merely touching your toes in the water. Mountain moving faith is faith that dares to step into deep water. Look now at the eight steps on how to get you to a mountain moving faith. a. Step 1 : Dreaming. Mountain moving faith begins with a dream. "Success is the realization of a world wide dream !" Unquestionably the greatest power in the world is the power of a creative idea. All success begins with a dream. You can measure the size of a man or woman by the size of his or here dreams. Faith begins with an act of imagining. "If you don't have a dream, how can dreams come true ?" Begin now by using your God power within yourself to paint a picture of what you would like to accomplish. Reject all impossibility thoughts and all disadvantage complexes. Imagine yourself as a friend of the Mighty, a partner of the Wealthy and a co-worker with the Almighty. Faith begins with a dream but it must move to deeper levels before success will be realized. b. Step 2 : Desiring. Faith in deeper water is wanting something so badly that someday, somehow, somewhere, sometime, you know you shall have it. More faith is shattered by lack of desire than by real doubt. No man or woman will ever believe that he or she can move a mountain unless he really wants that mountain to move. Almost anything can be accomplished by the person who really wants to succeed. The old adage is true : If there is a will, there is a way. "We believe what we want to believe ! Believing is wanting !" Apply this definition of faith to your dreams. To begin with, you must know what you want. Visualize in details what you want to achieve. With a confused and muddled picture of what you are going after, do not be surprised if you fail. Therefore, an early step in mountain moving faith is forming A DETAILED MENTAL PICTURE OF YOUR DREAM. If you want your dream badly enough, you will plan, organize, reorganize and work until you get what you want. Great desire marshals great determination. Faith is wanting something with all your heart. After you know what you want, you must censor these desires. The moral questions must be asked at this point : "Is this right ? Would God want this ? Can I ask God to be my partner in this dream venture ?" Faith builds strong muscles when it get a "Yes" to all these important questions. c. Step 3 : Daring. Doubt is frequently a lack of courage. Fear of embarassment along with fear of involvement or fear of personal self-sacrifice is enough to keep you from wanting to make a commitment of faith to an idea, a dream, a project or a cause. With God on your side you will dare to run risks. Mountain moving faith is not merely dreaming and desiring. It is daring to risk a failure. For faith is making a DECISION with no guarantee of succes. If success is certain then a venture is no longer an act of faith. Faith without risk is a contradiction. Faith is taking a chance on something before you can be sure how everything will finaly work out. Remember this : "Every time you make a choice you take a chance." "The saddest words of tongue or pen are these : it might hav been." Faith is daring to risk disappointment. If you never try, you will never lose. Faith is daring to be a chance taker. Here is how success will work for you. Chance taking generates exitement. Exitement generates enthousiasm. Enthousiasm generates energy. You have a success cycle going. d. Step 4 : Beginning. You have a dream, you have ruled fear out of your thinking, now get going. It is not enough to dream, desire and dare. Mountain moving faith now begins to act as if nothing is going to stop the dream from succeeding. Faith must move from the level of imagination into the level of conversation and then into the level of concrete organization. Get started ! Do something ! "Beginning is half done !" e. Step 5 : Expecting. Hope is the great power that can move you to success. Why ? Because when a men or woman expects to win, he or she does not hold anything back, but gives his or here project all that he or she's got. When you expect success, then you hold nothing back, but stick your last dime, spend your second wind energy and gamble your priceless reputation, confident that you'll make it. Such extreme dedication almost always leads to success. When people know that you have given your wonderfull idea all that you've got, they will march to your site and help you on to victory and success. f. Step 6 : Affirming. Faith is affirming success before it comes. Faith is making claims to victory before it is achieved. This is very difficult to do but most important. Mountain movers are people who boldly predict success. They know that they have to convey an image of winning or they will never gain the following they need to achieve their goal. Affirming is enthousiasm generating faith. Great affirmations heighten the sense of expectancy and generate great enthousiasm. Affirm success and you will visualize yourself winning. g. Step 7 : Waiting. Almost every venture goes through a period of time when problems are overwhelming. This is the time to remind yourself that mountain moving faith is faith with hold the line power. Faith is patience. Men or woman who really succeed are men or woman who know that every project goes through phases when there is nothing to do but wait. This is especially true when we have experienced what may appear to be a failure or a costly setback. Successful people are men and woman who refuse to believe in defeat. Their infinite patience generates fantastic bounce back ability. Where the average individual quit, the positiv thinker bounces back, confident that somehow some way, sometime a new opportunity will come along to pull him or here up and on to success. Time has a way of proving that what looks like a setback is really good fortune wearing a false mask. h. Step 8 : Accepting. We all face situations when our mountain does not move in spite of all we do. Then, the only thing we can do is offer that profound prayer of faith offered by Jesus Christ : "My Father, all things are possible unto Thee. Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done." "Thy will be done" towers above all human utterances as the supreme statement of faith on the deepest level. Mountain moving faith is surrendering, letting go and letting God take over. How can you surrender your dreams or your problems to God ? Only God knows what's good and what's bad for us. If your mountain will not move, surrender it to God. He will either move it or show you how you can turn it unto a mine or a monument. About The Author Fernando Soave is the author of "Cutting Edge MLM News." He has been in marketing for 20 years and is helping individuals succeed online. Visit his site to find out how you can get free reports. http://www.cuttingedgemlm.tk or Subscribe to the Free Cutting Edge MLM Newsletter and receive your +$585 MLM Value Pack. mailto:mnet@followup101.com?subject=SUBSCRIBE
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