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Dealing With Negative People Made Easy
I was playing tennis today with one of my tennis buddies. We play once a week and we usually chat about work, professional tennis players and local news. Today he was very negative about the people of the area we live in. According to him they are all thieves and crooks. Now this makes me really angry when I hear him talking like this since I have had very positive experiences with the people I have dealt with locally. I find the locals to be very friendly, helpful and considerate. So we disagree on the facts. What can I do about his negative thinking? What can you do when dealing with negative people? Three Ways To Deal With Negative People 1. Get specific When someone is caught up in negative thinking they will often generalize their statements. It is a good idea to ask them questions to clarify what they mean. For example if my friend says all dogs are aggressive I will ask him: Small dogs or big dogs? All dogs or certain breeds? According to who? In what kind of situations? By doing this you can shift the perspective of the negative person from a generalized over reaction to a highly specific opinion. This will ease some of the negativity and the intensity of their outburst. 2. Let Go Let go of wanting to control the opinions of the people you deal with no matter how negative they are. By all means talk to the negative person and use your persuasion skills to help give them a more positive outlook. However remember that each of us is entitled to be negative, wrong and inaccurate! Once you accept this you will not get so stressed about wanting to change people who are negative. And ironically when you stop trying to change people they can almost sense that you accept them and so your words have more impact. 3. Choose to Be Positive When people around us are negative sometimes the easiest thing to do is to join in. You do not have to. If you want to just go ahead. Otherwise find ways to maintain a positive attitude. Look for the positives in the situation and point them out to people. Ask yourself how you can use this opportunity to become better. And refuse to get dragged down by others into the murky waters of negativity no matter how bad it gets. Being positive is a choice even when those around you have slipped into negativity. About The Author Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: http://www.howtotalkwithconfidence.com/report.htm
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Positive Thoughts and Words You want to change your self-care habits and you can't seem to do it. Or, you realize that changing your self-care habits might be a good idea but you just can't seem to get on board and be sold on the idea. Maybe the words that you're thinking and saying are getting in your way. Challenge Your Perspectives When I was a young girl, my sister and I used to visit an aunt who had a swimming pool. It was always a treat, as all we had was a small, kiddie pool and sprinkler at home. One summer, we even got to spend a whole week at my aunt's, and we got as red as lobsters, as we were in the water every available minute. Positive Thinking: Are You Truly Being Positive? Positive thinking in this day and age is a tool people are trying to incorporate into their lives; from housewives to CEO's. But the question is what is positive thinking and how do our thinking patterns truly affect how we feel and how successful we are? Universal Mind "There is an infinitely worthier subject for philosophers (to study) than all these trees and stones, and even all those stars; there is the mind of man." --Socrates Why Positive Thinking Doesnt Work! There was someone I used to work with who, well aware of their tendency to look at the negative side of things, used to constantly tell themselves to "think more positively". If Youre Stuck Then Make a Different Decision Many people don't really understand the gift they have been given in their ability to be decisive. According to the dictionary, decisiveness means 'having the power or quality of settling a dispute, question, doubt, contest, event, etc.' How individuals use this power of decisiveness will strongly influence the quality of life that they experience. The Enchantress Within Each of Us Returns?Making Potholders, One Stitch at a Time! When I was little I was very busy--as I imagine most little girls are. At six years of age I had my toys, my fire station with a real bell, my fire trucks and other cars, my paper dolls, my coloring books and large box of Crayola assorted crayons, my picture books and stuffed animals. One of my most important possessions was a 'working' toy which was my ceramic pig that served as my personal banker. This pig controlled my destiny to some extent, because when there was enough change inside of him, I got to go downtown Bridgeport with my mother and guess what? I picked out a new toy! Now I was going on seven and saving every penny toward a Toni doll. Did you know you could perm her hair? I couldn't wait! Time To Give Up Resentment Resentment isn't a spectacular emotion, but it is long-lasting and it easily becomes a way of life. When this happens, it blocks all possibility of successful and healthy relationships. Top Tips for the Temporary Move Question: "It's only three months. Or six months. Or a year. How bad can it be?" The Inner Dialogue Do you talk with yourself? When we hear people talking aloud with themselves we consider it weird. But have you noticed that all people, with no exception, talk silently with themselves? This, we do not consider odd or weird. Does Life Really Stink? One of my class fellows was really tensed, when asked the reason, he was really tensed over his future. It is a true fact that most of us despite a very good education remain uncertain of our future. Especially in a country like Pakistan where there is no job security whatsoever it may be, people are disillusioned. What we look for in a life? Financial security, professional stability, a good family life and for people of substance, peace of mind (certainly not supposed to be read as a piece of mind). All of us have our insecurities and in majority of cases, we spend our entire life dealing with our insecurities. Some would spend their entire life looking for love without knowing what it really is. Some of us spend their entire life just to earn money for at least two generations, we revert to God. However, majority of us live, rather they are forced to live a life without any direction totally aimless life where they accept whatever comes their way and are least concerned about living a better life. And probably that is why very few people would come up with a proper answer to the question. We hardly ever have time or energy to think about some thing as fickle as life. In fact we give in ourselves to our fate to such an extent that we refuse to bring any change in our life even if is well within our control. Its not that we cannot do anything to come out of the mess. It's just that we don't want to. How to Plan a Vacations of the Mind Part 1 Are You Thinking The Right Thoughts? "A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses." ? As A Man Thinketh 3 Ways to Change Roadblocks into Valuable Tools Our initial reaction when hitting a setback or a "roadblock, whether it be during an important project or even just trying to finish a task, is usually one of frustration or the thoughts of "Why does this always happen to me?" or "why doesn't anything ever work for me?". Roadblocks can be valuable though. Here's how: Why We Shouldnt Worry Almost everyone experiences some form of worry one time or another. It is a part of life. Everyday, we struggle financially, make decisions, and face major changes in life. These things create an inevitable occasional wave of apprehension. Ordinarily, a certain amount of worry is essential for our survival. It helps us to focus on the task at hand and leads us to constructive action. However, when worry goes overboard, instead of being a good friend, reminding us to use good sense, worry suddenly morphs into a bully, making us crazy about things we can't control. Here's a list of reasons why constant worry is not good, if it is at all: 5 Ways To Use Mind Power To Maximise Your Potential Why do patients who are given placebo pills report that they feel well? These pills have no healing capabilities. They get well purely because the power to heal came from their beliefs. I Know I Can, I Know I Can I'm sure most of you remember the children's book about The Little Train That Could. I have to admit that at my age, I don't remember the exact title or exactly how the story goes, but I don't recall the idea in the story. Strength Within For the twelve hundred hostages, most especially Timur Kasumova. You Cant Plant Apple Seeds and Expect Oranges Cheri decided that she wanted to grow an apple tree in her back yard. She had never planted an apple tree before. In fact, she had never planted anything before. This was her first time trying her hand at gardening. But last year, she had this idea that it would be nice to grow an apple tree right in her back yard. Dump Those Negative Tapes Every time something doesn't go quite right (rather frequently for some of us), we start berating ourselves. We can be the soul of courtesy and forgiveness to those we care about and then turn and savage ourselves in the most brutal fashion. How many times have you told yourself: "I'm an absolute idiot!" What was I thinking?" And that is just the start. ![]() |
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