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Positive Attitude Tips & Information |
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Positive Thinking: Are You Truly Being Positive?
Positive thinking in this day and age is a tool people are trying to incorporate into their lives; from housewives to CEO's. But the question is what is positive thinking and how do our thinking patterns truly affect how we feel and how successful we are? The mind is a neutral party and can be positive or negative depending on what it is trained to think. Our training comes from our lives as a whole and many people are an active part of our training: parents, teachers, friends, those of a religious position etc. So at the point that we begin to choose what information we want, and what information serves the mind, it is here where we decide whether or not to absorb positive or negative information. To be positive is not to simply think, on a conscious level of happy things but to get to the roots of our thinking and make changes in the subconscious. It will then start to show in all aspects or our lives. Success breeds success; therefore successful thoughts breed successful thoughts which in turn breed successful actions, and so on. So if you begin to create successful thoughts and make it a habit to think this way you will become successful. An example of our training is in our beliefs. Our beliefs are our filters in life. They decide the way in which we view the world, and whether or not we will absorb certain pieces of information. If I believe that all men are not worthy, then no matter what man I meet, regardless of how fantastic he is, I will still view him as not worthy, because I was trained to do so. So the question now is how do we overcome the training that we were given, and eradicate those beliefs and patterns of thinking that do not support us? If you feel that you hold a particular belief, e.g., the one about men, go out and act against this belief. Go and give a man a chance. This changes the mental connections of the old thinking and so you are forming a new belief. The more you challenge a belief the less your mind holds on to it. 1. Write down your thoughts and feelings. This is a great way to get to the subconscious mind. 2. Be more aware of the thoughts that color your judgment. The more aware you are the better chance you have at changing the ones you do not like. 3. What you think is a mirror image of your life, subconsciously and consciously. So whilst you are working on the subconscious, watch what your conscious thoughts are. If they are negative acknowledge them, but move on and act in spite of these thoughts. Muneeza Khimji is a Coach and a Psychotherapist. She lives in Toronto, and currently has a practice that serves both clients interested in coaching and therapy. She works with emotional issues and traumas as well as coaches around career transitions, workplace issues, team coaching and life coaching to name a few areas. For more information on bringing more positivity into your life please click here: http://www.muneeza.com or mail to coach@muneeza.com
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Affirmations to Improve Your Life An affirmation is a positive assertion, a solemn declaration, a way to change your way of thinking. You can use affirmations to improve performance and results in all areas of your life. The "positive action" self-talk of specific affirmations is beneficial to achieving desired outcomes. Reframing Rejection So people will reject us no matter how good we look, no matter how successful we are, and no matter how giving we are. If we were to become even nicer, and even more spiritually aware they would still reject us so it is a pointless battle trying to win over everyone. Acceptance as a Path to Inner Peace Inevitably in life we will face disappointment from time to time. Sometimes they may be little disappointments, and other times they may be great, big, heart-wrenching disappointments. When this happens to us, we have a choice in how we react. Some of us may give up on our dreams, others may keep fighting stubbornly against the tide, and still others may choose another path to travel. Using Negative Experience to Discover Your Strength "Someone was hurt before you; wronged before you, hungry before you, frightened before you, raped before you; yet, someone survived" - Maya Angelou Mind Games! Have you ever been caught up in a thought that will not let you out? Escape is not an option. What was a simple drip in your pool of thoughts, quickly turned into an ocean of tidal waves rolling into each, over and over again.This is what it feels like to not have positive control over your mind. ![]() |
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