Learning To Embrace Change

The only constant is change. If theres one thing we can count on in our life it is that whatever is going on now, will change. We live in an ever-changing universe. Everything in our world, including our very bodies is changing. The cells in your body are totally replaced every seven years. The seasons change as do governments, businesses, cultures, the sun, moon, stars, and, of course, us.

Unfortunately, it is our nature to resist change of any kind. I dont know about you, but I find this a bit strange. We are trying to resist change in an ever-changing universe. Unsuccessfully, I might add. The fear of change and fear of the unknown is so strong in some people that they will remain in abusive relationships, unhealthy environments, dead end jobs and many other self-destructive situations, rather than face the unknown. If you want to have a successful, happy and productive life, you must learn to accept, even welcome or embrace change.

I know it can be difficult. We become comfortable with the status quo, going along on our path feeling fine and all of a sudden wham! something happens to upset our apple cart. It can be something as serious as the loss of a loved one or a job or home. It may be a minor upset like rain on your vacation or a broken date. Whatever the situation, change or circumstance we must learn to handle it or we may be immobilized by it.

The best way I know of to deal with challenging situations is to ask better questions. Ask questions like whats good about this? Or, how can I best cope with this situation? Or, how can I make the best of this? I remember once being fired from my job at a TV production company. When the boss told me I was no longer need, I thanked them. You should have seen the look on his face. He expected me to be angry and was stunned at my response. I viewed my losing the job as the opportunity I was waiting for. He gave me the push I needed to start my own business and Ive never looked back. Of course, it may be prudent to seek outside help, especially in serious situations.

Dont be afraid to reach out for help. Our society has a support system for almost any challenge you may be facing. If all else fails, in a changing situation, remember the wisdom of the quote above: This to shall pass.

© 2004 Jim Donovan - PO Box 1147, Buckingham, PA 18912 - (215) 794-3826

Jim Donovan is the author of "Handbook to a Happier Life, a motivational speaker and coach. For a no cost bonus product & more, visit http://www.JimDonovan.com

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