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Reframing Rejection
So people will reject us no matter how good we look, no matter how successful we are, and no matter how giving we are. If we were to become even nicer, and even more spiritually aware they would still reject us so it is a pointless battle trying to win over everyone. However we can change how we think about rejection. If we change the meaning of rejection it can become our ally instead of our enemy. Next time someone rejects you why not take it as feedback instead. That is, your approach did not work and you need to try a new approach. In sales, the salesperson must view rejection as feedback or else she will slowly go insane! So let us view rejection as feedback. When you are rejected immediately set your mind the task of intelligently answering this question - how must I change my approach to get what I want? By doing this, you shift your attention back to what you can do and off the other person whose approval is theirs to give or not to give. Let us take the example of asking someone to help you with a project at work, you are afraid to ask for help so when you do, your coworker can almost smell this fear of rejection coming from you. So he says No, he is far to busy to help you today. Now immediately ask yourself the feedback reframe question - how must I change my approach to get what I want? Asking this question will give you an unlimited range of new aproaches to use: maybe smile more, or bribe him with a soft drink, or perhaps offer to do some of his boring work in return for help. It also helps to anticipate rejection before it has a chance to happen. In the case of the example above, before talking to the colleague I would spend a few minutes in preparation running through possible ways he might reject me. For each possible situation, just keep asking yourself - how must I change my approach to get what I want? You may not realize, most people just give up too easily because rejection feels so unpleasant. If you reframe rejection to mean feedback it becomes a mental puzzle to solve instead. You will then be able to endure the word *No* a lot longer. This endurance will also encourage others to let you have what you want because you just do not seem to take No for an answer! ****Warning: maintain rapport at all times when you use this approach, this new found courage and tenacity is only appreciated by others if you use it with a win-win outlook.**** Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert and published author.
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Life Issues Pt. 3 - An Attitude of Gratitude An Attitude of Gratitude. How important is this to you on your path to success? I sincerely believe that everyone should consider this simple but effective fact. Being grateful for the things you possess in life will make your journey to success more smoother. 10 Tips for Practicing Positive Thinking as a Tool for Managing ADD At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another. But many of us with ADD develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward. Let Go of Resentment Maureen worked in an office with twenty other people, processing checks. She didn't particularly like her job, but she didn't particularly dislike it either. Getting ahead in her career wasn't important to her until the day that her friend and co-worker Betty was promoted to be the boss of the unit. Betty had not being doing the job as long as Maureen had, but Betty was always cheerful, hardworking and ambitious, where Maureen had been low-key and easy going. Dissolving Stereotypes through Personal Individuality The other evening, I was meticulously assembling and painting one of my many model airplanes. I carefully constructed the wingspan of this F-15C Eagle, gently sealed the cockpit and began to brush whisping strokes of color upon this small, plastic aircraft. You Are Magnificent! Creating Self-Confidence The image you hold of yourself determines your success or failure in every aspect of your life. What do you really think about yourself? Do you like you? Do you believe in your abilities? Are you worthwhile? Are you the person who sets and accomplishes his or her goals? Are you decisive? Where do we gain these self-value skills? 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Life can throw some serious curveballs at us sometimes. Increasing Expectation Positively! At your next staff meeting lead your team through the following discussion and exercise. Why You Must Learn to Forgive for the Sake of Your Own Happiness Your ability to forgive those who have hurt you in the past is a crucial stepping stone to your spiritual and emotional growth. Throughout the course of our lives, we collect emotional baggage. This is unavoidable, and even though it can cause us a great deal of pain, it helps us to define who we are as people; the result is, we grow even more and learn valuable lessons along the way about ourselves and others. Financial Abundance And Peace Of Mind Are One! There are only two emotions we can experience; love or fear. It should be obvious to you that any emotion based on love is positive while any emotion based on fear is negative. Examples of love based emotions are feelings such as forgiveness, hope, charity, compassion, calmness, and peace. 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Few people are aware of the thoughts that pass through their minds. Thinking is performed like a habit, in an automatic manner. If the thoughts are positive, then it is all right, but if they are negative, they may cause trouble. ![]() |
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