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Positive Attitude Tips & Information |
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Never Quitting is an Attitude
Never Quitting Equals Success There are many, many stories of financiers and businessmen who without any formal education strive to overcome their difficulties and went onto be highly successful and in some cases famous. Some people strive towards achieving one single goal in their lives and many attain that when they are still young. However, others are prepared to risk everything to be successful even if it means high risk involving new ventures or new adventures. Malcolm Forbes, the money magnate, used to say that it was "never too late to learn". Forbes said that he learnt to ride a motorcycle when he was 50 and to fly balloons when he was over 50. This tells us that whatever your obstacles you can be as successful as anyone else if you are prepared to never quit. Your Attitude Makes the Difference Focus on the Positive You can always end each day on a positive note by taking note of the things you have achieved rather than by focusing on the things you wish you had achieved. It may be things that happen to you or people around you or events that proved advantageous to you. There are probably things that no one else knows anything about because they were achieved quietly during your day. So, you may be the only person to give yourself a pat on the back by acknowledging that you made progress however small. Always retain a positive attitude in your business and personal life because the characteristic of being positive is one that most successful people possess. A positive attitude does not come by accident. It is something that involves your personal choice of how to react. It is easy to react in a negative manner and decide to give up. Just remember it is just as easy to choose the positive manner and tell yourself that there is hope, that tomorrow is yet to come and that what you failed to do today you will be able to achieve the next day. Highly successful people know how to create a positive attitude for themselves. They don't just wait for it to arrive. By assuming a positive attitude on the things that happen in your business and personal life your confidence will be restored and your sense of hope will be increased. This will allow you to have a new perspective on life and encourage you to have the attitude of never giving up. When you fall, do you get right back up? Do you learn from your mistake and move on? Or do you kick yourself so hard in the butt that you just mope around for days in your Pj's and wonder why you're so miserable? The more mistakes you make, the more you learn. The more you learn the more you grow and the more likely you'll be a future bright star in the sky. The old saying "if you don't quit, you'll make it" still holds true. Copyright 2005 StartRunGrow StartRunGrow (http://www.startrungrow.com) is a global online information organization that specializes in creating, developing and marketing business help information specifically with the aim of "making business easier" for entrepreneurs around the world. The StartRunGrow objective is to become a dominant player in the business help arena providing end to end solutions for the millions of small and medium businesses worldwide who continue to struggle daily with the difficulties of starting, running and growing a successful business.
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Get Some Attitude! You've been looking for a job for as long as you can remember. Or you've written that exam more times than you can count. You can't remember a time when you weren't broke. And you are beginning to wonder if things will ever change for the better. Taming Your Gremlin "Who am I fooling?" "I'm a loser," "I'm too old," "I'm fat," "I'm not smart enough," "I have no talent," "I'll never finish it," "It's too late," "I'm not good enough," and on and on. Feeling Grouchy? Heres What to Do I woke up this morning feeling sour. Using Power Affirmations on ePosters I believe that one of the best ways to stay positive is to create a multi-media "advertising" campaign to condition the thoughts and beliefs into your mind that you choose. 5 Tips on Turning a Negative into a Positive I thought this was fitting sense I just experienced a huge negative in my life and choose to focus on the positive in the situation. For instance, when I was unable to sign into this program to get to my list of subscribers, I could have taken it in the real negative manner and given up. But instead, I choose to see the positive. And, because I choose to see the positive, I was able to think clearer and was able to enter into my subscription base on another level. But, because of this negative experience, I have decided to take it as a sign for me to move on to something better, where I have more control over my newsletter. The View From Nana and Papas I'm a working mother with a preschooler, worrying about Mom and Dad, who are approaching their eighties. See, I'm part of the growing number of Americans who are caring for aging parents (or wringing their hands in anticipation of it) and raising a child simultaneously. How Gratitude Can Be Your Partner in Life Gratitude is one of the most important things you can practise if you want to manifest unlimited wealth. One of the best ways to keep abundance and wealth flowing into your life is to give thanks for what you have today. By focusing on what you already have, you allow yourself to receive even more, so it is really vital to practise true gratitude. Impact of Positive and Negative Catalysts on Events in Human Lives Have you ever noticed what can happen if you just met a friend in the street and shared a cab? You are both in the cab, all is fine, you plan to attend a social function and suddenly your cab gets involved in an accident. The police comes and you are a witness in an unforeseen event. Per chance? Not quite. There might be an explanation. All people have vibrations emanating from their bodies. Some people have much stronger vibrations than others (as evident in the human aura) while others have energies very focused at a certain point in the human system (physical, mental or spiritual) and of greater strength than most. Such people are instrumental in attracting to themselves events of a positive or negative nature. As in the case of an earthquake that has an epicenter. I term such people as catalysts because that's what they are. Learning To Embrace Change The only constant is change. If theres one thing we can count on in our life it is that whatever is going on now, will change. We live in an ever-changing universe. Everything in our world, including our very bodies is changing. The cells in your body are totally replaced every seven years. The seasons change as do governments, businesses, cultures, the sun, moon, stars, and, of course, us. Self-esteem Boosters: 5 Action Points ? Make a list of all your accomplishments in life so far. Whatever you consider an accomplishment qualifies ? your education, successful parenting, promotions, and skills you have acquired, overcoming adversity, a happy marriage, weight loss etc. Include everything; leave nothing out. Do you know people who do not have any of the successes you have listed? Someone who didn't finish high school like you did, isn't as qualified on the job as you are, or cannot sing like you do? Most likely you do. You have achieved something that someone else hasn't. And you should give yourself credit for that! Stop Complaining You don't need to a piece of paper to prove that you can do something! I don't have anything against achieving or completing degrees or obtaining masters and all that ? absolutely nothing. In fact, I am a law graduate myself and will strive to provide good educational background for my kids in the future. But I am sick and tired of people complaining about how they wish they could do something and not being qualified to do it! I mean COME ON!! Get real?? Words, Ignorance, And Casper The Friendly Ghost! Words, Ignorance, and Casper The Friendly Ghost! Scented, Spiritual Waters Water is an important tool for magic rituals in many religions and spiritual beliefs. Although it sounds redundant, most cults, sects or spiritual beliefs use it to represent the cosmic element of water for purifying, scrying, and even starting wars. Considering that most of the time H20 is not the only element a spirit seeker needs, the water may go through a bit of a special transformation that requires flowers, herbs, sticks, and other natural resources to become colognes/perfumes or spiritual waters. Theres No Negative In My Program - Part 2 Well you know about the young hero who saved his brother, but that was just the beginning of the incredible feats of these young men. Change Your Mind; Change Your Luck When I was a young man, even a teenager for that matter, I always had an optimism that was hard for others to overcome. Even in the midst of the all the negative influences from family and peers, this positive optimism was difficult to beat down. I was powerful, I was lucky, life was magic. I remember it like it was yesterday. Does Lack of Confidence Stop You? Ever had the sense that there is more to life than you're experiencing? Chanel Your Prosperity Energy Today Every emotion, wether we classify it as good or bad, has energy. Think about it. Can't you feel it when you are angry or bouncing off the walls happy? Just as there are levels of energy for these emotions, there are levels of energy for another emotion - wanting. Balanced Living: 18 Steps A balanced life not only leaves you feeling more fulfilled; you will become healthier in body as well as mind. Ponder on each step below. One per day is the ideal. If you rush then you are failing before you begin. Taking your time over anything is the first positive step to a sustainable success in all things. Anything worthwhile ? they say ? is worth waiting for. Today we cannot wait for anything ? allow your self the luxury of slowing down and discover you will actually achieve more. What Should You Be Committed To? There are many dynamics that go into making a great team. Dynamics such as chemistry, talent, unity, and the list could go on and on. However, there is one dynamic that many teams, businesses, and leaders often overlook. That dynamic is commitment. Without each individual person in the organization, including yourself, being totally committed to the organization it will never reach its potential. A Negative Experience an Opportunity? Early in my career a position became available which I thought I was entitled to. I had the experience and a good performance record. Much to my dismay it was given to an individual with a university degree. Someone it turned out, I then had to train. At the time it seemed so unfair to me. ![]() |
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