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Our Worst Enemies
Most of us love to think that our problems are the result of the actions or in-actions of others, economic conditions, timing and any number of other things outside our control. These things do in fact have a bearing on our situations. They are not however, the root cause. The real problem lies within! Now that's not something most of us want to hear. It's much easier if we have an excuse or two for the situation, isn't it? Unfortunately while there are always excuses, they seldom help. Our real enemies are those negative thoughts that creep into our minds unchallenged and hide in the corners, waiting to jump out at us again and again whenever some obstacle appears. We don't want to deal with them so we brood a bit and let them slip by without questioning their validity. Unchallenged they gain strength! What kind of thoughts are we talking about? It's usually stuff like: maybe I'm not capable of doing this; maybe I have reached my level of incompetence in this job; perhaps I just don't know as much as I thought I did; they are just plain better than me; I never get a fair shot at things; I just don't have enough resources to do the job. Does any of this sound familiar to you? In my opinion, the worst thing we can do is let thoughts like these slip by unchallenged. Each one, as it occurs, needs to be examined and dealt with. We need to tear them apart and look at them in detail. We need to figure out where they came from and send them right back! Right about now you are probably thinking that this is just smoke and mirrors. Am I right? Well, I would like you to consider that there might be some substance to this idea. Why not? If you give substance to the idea that - you are not good enough, why not give substance to the idea that - thoughts cause results. Here is a quote that has always struck me as being very empowering. It is from a book called 'The Miracle of Right Thought' by James Allen. "Whatever comes to us in life we create first in our mentality" If you think about that statement, I'm sure you will begin to see it as a truism. If you think positive thoughts and focus yourself on something you want, very often you achieve it. Conversely, if you sit around focusing on the things you don't want to happen they tend to gain momentum. There is a real simple reason for this. If you are focusing on the things you don't want, you are not focusing on the things you do want. Now, let's go back to the idea that the negative thoughts you let slip by unchallenged are your worst enemies. Think about this for a minute. If people tell you that you are stupid enough times, you begin to doubt yourself, don't you? Well what do you think happens when you yourself think you are stupid? It carries a lot more weight in your mind because you believe it. If you believe it, what kind of an impact is that going to have on how you feel about your ability to accomplish things? How long will it be before you stop trying, some, then many things because you believe you can't accomplish them; because you are stupid? Every negative thought that enters your mind should be carefully examined and dealt with. We must turn these thoughts around, upside-down and backwards and look at them from all angles. We must consciously decide what credence to give them and then deal with the things that need action. If we do not do this and simply let the thought slide by, then when it occurs again it is stronger. We all know that repetition is how we learn. If a thought keeps repeating itself it begins to become true. If it repeats itself enough times it becomes a fact. Even worse, once it becomes a fact it becomes an excuse. What good did an excuse ever do you? I started this article out fairly negatively on purpose. Now let's turn that around. If an unchallenged negative thought gains power and becomes an insidious, destroyer of confidence, then can a positive thought not become the reverse? If we challenge our negative thoughts and do not give them credence and power, we neutralize them. Then if we take our positive thoughts and allow them to flourish, they will gain credence. This an empowering thought? If you are anything like me, when negative thoughts pop into my mind I start to feel depressed, dark and heavy, but when good, empowering thoughts occur, I feel great! It lifts a weight off my shoulders and brightens up my day. Guess which one is more productive? Guess which one helps me accomplish things? I am smiling right now just thinking about the power of these positive thoughts. All of us let some of these negative thoughts slide by and hide in our heads. We will likely never catch them all, but what if we caught more of them each day just by being aware of the damage they can cause. Like anything else, practice makes perfect! Let's practice grabbing those negative thoughts and dealing with them on the spot. I bet you will find that debunking one of them not only eliminates it's power over you but it gives you a positive win that brightens your day, empowers you and maybe even puts a smile on your face. Ron Hughes is CEO of Adapt Information Technology, one of the longest standing Internet businesses in the world. He is also a public speaker and frequent contributor of articles on a variety of subjects. Ron welcomes your comments at ron@wowgroups.com. Visit http://www.wowdesk.com for information on how to have your own secure, personal office on the Internet. The Hughes Boys ? http://www.getexperts.com
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Positive Mental Attitude Look at this glass on the table in front of you. Is it half-full or is it half-empty? The View From Nana and Papas I'm a working mother with a preschooler, worrying about Mom and Dad, who are approaching their eighties. See, I'm part of the growing number of Americans who are caring for aging parents (or wringing their hands in anticipation of it) and raising a child simultaneously. How Much Better Can You Have It? "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." -Maya Angelou Notable Thoughts on Positive Living I went online -- and what do I see? A news report scrolled across my screen: "Murder by Mother's Milk," compliments of the Associated Press. I try to keep up with the news as it informs me of my environment, the world around me and society in general. But when I look at a television or monitor screen and read horrific reports such as this one, I have to wonder what this world is coming to. The Power of a Positive Attitude You wake up in the morning sleepy and fatigued; the day has to start but you do not want it to. You stumble around; stub your toe on the dresser and step on the dog. What do you do, get mad and waste the day with anger or get excited because you woke up this morning and the day is going to be awesome. Learning From Life Do you ever find yourself thinking, "Life has taught me some tough lessons, and the scars do not heal easily."? This article can help you learn valuable lessons from the past, instead of allowing the past to determine your future. Transform Your Behavior Painlessly by Using the 5-Minute Success Strategy Recently, I coached a young woman whom I'll call Mary about how to make critical lifestyle changes. Mary had always struggled with her weight. She had no control over her eating and she could not maintain a consistent exercise program. That's when I suggested that Mary try the 5-Minute Success Strategy to help her overcome her problem behavior. The beauty of this strategy is that you can use it both to eliminate an unwanted behavior and establish a desired one. Individualized Positive Affirmations for Improving Self-Esteem Positive self-esteem is very important if not crucial to our happiness and well being as a human being. Having positive self-esteem can make the difference in that which we take on in life, in that which we go about achieving and creating. Having positive self- esteem also allows us to have healthy and joyous relationships with others, to experience true intimacy. One could also assert that having positive self-esteem gives us access to genuine spirituality. Poor self-esteem, on the other hand, creates the space for us to experience a great deal of negativity in life including depression, anxiety, fear, stress and loneliness. Negative or poor self-esteem is also highly correlated with alcohol and drug dependency. Some even believe that a negative or poor self-image is the source of such addictions. You Are Magnificent! Creating Self-Confidence The image you hold of yourself determines your success or failure in every aspect of your life. What do you really think about yourself? Do you like you? Do you believe in your abilities? Are you worthwhile? Are you the person who sets and accomplishes his or her goals? Are you decisive? Where do we gain these self-value skills? They begin with our thoughts. Positive Self-Talk One of the most powerful influences on your attitude and personality is what you say to yourself. It is not what happens to you, but how you respond internally to what happens to you, that determines your thoughts, feelings, and your actions. By controlling your inner dialogue, or your "self talk," you can begin to assert control over every part of your life. Envisioning Your Ideal Self In my work as a professional coach, I've had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of individuals. I've found that people who are successful and fulfilled share common characteristics. Embrace Change We all have a unique way of communicating our story, a way that reflects our life experience. The photographer uses a camera, the artist a brush, and the musician a melody or rhythm. But as the years go by our story changes. We look through a different filter, paint with a different color, sing a different song or feel a different rhythm. This past June family members came from all over the country to celebrate my son's graduation from high school. While sitting on the baseball field with picturesque mountains in the background, memories of parenting flooded my mind. I thought about how rapidly my children had changed and how I had to let go of some of my expectations in order to stay connected with them. As I eagerly awaited the moment of my son's graduation, the valedictorian read an inspiring poem and a few students performed original inspirational songs for the occasion. And then the principal addressed the students and their families. She made reference to Spencer Johnson's classic parable about change, "Who Moved My Cheese." It is a paradox of life that while our children change rapidly, we as adults try to put the brakes on the speed of change. We like to think to some degree we are in control of our life by holding on to what we're used too. "No," Hem quickly responded. "I like it here. It's comfortable. It's what I know. Besides it's dangerous out there." Johnson, Spencer "Who Moved My Cheese?" How to Get Rid of Frustration and Self-Pity I've yet to meet the person who never struggles with frustration. It comes with the territory of being human. Like many negative emotions, it's not wrong or weak to feel frustrated. What is crucial, however, is how we handle our frustration. It?s All About Beliefs Changing your mindset can have a significant impact on achieving your goals. Letter of Hope from Hospital Patient Hospital patient undergoing surgery recounts how Hero Soul provided strength, inspiration, and hope during recovery Fearing the Future: I am what I Fear! When we were children, we were fearless. We would stick our hands in the fire, chew on the beetle bugs, and eat that dirt. But, over time, we learned those things that we should not do through experience and from "parental voices" --- those baseless fears passed down through the generations. Later in life, we learned that fire burns, beetle bugs are "yucky" and dirt is not nutritious. But, we also learned all of the things that our parents learned, including their fears and phobias, and integrated those lessons into our own "belief systems." Gain Confidence By Avoiding The Trap Past Experiences Can Give You In Life One of the biggest potential problems we face with every action we take are our past experiences. In fact, as humans the only reference we have whenever we take some kind of action are our past experiences. There is nothing else we can go by for an indication of expected results. The Trouble with the Mind Bernard always had a problem with money. Establish What you Want with NLP Recently, a lady came to see me and she had successfully stopped smoking with me and as she had enjoyed the success after 30 years of trying and failing to stop smoking, she was so happy that she felt capable of doing anything. She brought in what looked like a shopping list of things in her life that she wanted to change! The Power of Positive Thinking - Turn a Bad Day Around! Turn brutality into kindness. There is no small deed and no kindness that is insignificant. A kind word, holding the door open for someone, complementing another, thanking another or easing the pain or the effort of one who may be infirm, all of these, no matter how small or no matter how little effort is used, are a gift to the Spirit and all make for a little more peace on the planet. ![]() |
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