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Be Selfish and Save The World
Why do we help others? There is a whole lot of pain and poverty, illness and despair in the world. I can't speak for you but I would like to make a difference and improve the quality of life for others. Volunteer work is a great way to begin. No single person can change the entire world but you can have an impact on the lives of others in your own corner of the universe. That, in a small way, changes the world ever so slightly. Multiply that by a billion and it is a brave new world. How many times have you heard people say " You can't change the world. You are just one person?" It begins with one. Forget all that nonsense the defeatists choose to fill there heads with. That's their business. The contents of your head is all that matters. Your happiness counts. How can you share your happiness if you have none to share? You can't be happy if you put others happiness ahead of your own. You have to put yourself first in order to have the tools to affect change. I don't know how many people I have met that speak of all the hungry people of the world living in poverty. And how they dream of helping them. These are people that are wallowing in consumer debt, the working poor, just inches away from bankruptcy. They want to help others when they cannot even dream of themselves living in prosperity. Such noble nonsense. If you want to help your family, help your community or change the world, you have to help yourself first. You have to be selfish for pete's sake! It's not a sin or a crime to put yourself first. You have to lead by example. Nobody chooses to follow the disempowered. Make your happiness and peace of mind your number one priority. Once you have that you have the power to really affect change. Helping others is a wonderful thing. Look at the global efforts to help the Tsunami victims and affected areas. You could rationalize it and say that helping is the right thing to do, that contributing to any good cause is the right thing to do. I agree. But, we are not motivated by our intellect or rationalizations. It is emotion that moves us to act. Helping out makes us feel good and inversely we know that watching others suffer and not helping when we know we can will make us feel miserable. We don' t want to make ourselves unhappy. If you can truly be honest with yourself you will see that beneath all the sentiment is a need to tend to our own happiness. I like to volunteer because it makes me feel good. That is the bottom line. The rest is just window-dressing. I have a selfish desire to feel good and so do you. There is nothing wrong with that. Yoga, meditation and prayer make me feel good, too. Can you call those selfish pursuits? How about attending church or worshipping your higher power? Do those things make you feel good? Of course they do or you would not do them. If pursuing your own emotional well-being and feeling good is not what you would consider selfish, than I think that the term "selfish" is highly misunderstood. Tend to your "self" first. Be selfish. Then and only then can you really make a difference. David Parton http://the_noni_blog.typepad.com/noni/
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Turning Fear Into Power How would your life shift if you moved into what you feared not away from it, if you moved into the future with controlled abandon ?think about it! One of the things I know from working with people for close to two decades and from my own development is that ? things change. And yet how many people say they hate change. If change is inevitable in growth and you hate change you have a bad equation for a good life. Watch Your Mouth Ever had one of those mothers, or grandmothers, who would often say, "Be careful what you ask for?" Give Your Attitude A Little Altitude Need a way to make your life a better place to live? What Do We Choose? Life is an enigma...It starts without our knowledge, grows without our suggestions and ends without our consent. Life is not about 'either-or', its all about 'this-and-that.' Instant Frequency Boosters: 10 Fast and Simple Ways to Raise Your Vibration When you're feeling "low," or out of the flow, it's a sign that you need to raise your frequency. There are infinite ways you can lift yourself up-pretty much anything that makes you feel better is a frequency booster-even eating ice cream! (The problem with that, though, is that, along with the pleasure in consuming it comes the guilt and remorse about the future ramifications of the indulgence, as well as the immediate toll that the sugar takes on your body and mind, all of which can easily lower your frequency!) Think-what is it that always makes you feel better when you're feeling less than great? Is it exercise? A soak in the tub? A walk in the park? Time in your garden? A snuggle with your sweetie? Why do these activities lift your spirits? It's because they raise your frequency. The higher your frequency, the better and more joyful you feel! The most effective frequency boosters are the ones that quickly align you with your divine design and purpose, and bring you into synch with the natural world. Acceptance as a Path to Inner Peace Inevitably in life we will face disappointment from time to time. Sometimes they may be little disappointments, and other times they may be great, big, heart-wrenching disappointments. When this happens to us, we have a choice in how we react. Some of us may give up on our dreams, others may keep fighting stubbornly against the tide, and still others may choose another path to travel. So What Is A Limiting Belief? So what is a limiting belief? Management of the Almighty Anger Apart form the Emotions and the attitude, Anger is a quite unsolved thing. we become angry when things are not according to us or not as we want, or not up to our expectation. We just simply becomes angry to satisfy & gratify our ego, super ego and false ego. Does It Really Matter? We are all involved in this game called life and we will have our challenges and successes. One thing that will have great bearing on our attitude and lives is how we treat those challenges and successes. What You Can Do As A Non-Raging Mate To Either Fix The Relationship Or Forget It (The following is an actual email conversation between Newton Hightower, Director of The Center for Anger Resolution, Inc., and "Betty" the girlfriend of a rageaholic.) The 5 Words That Are Ruining Your Life How would you like to stop feeling like your life isn't good enough? (I realize advertisers would go broke if this happened, but it's better for you!) Imagine feeling joyful, whole and complete when you look in the mirror at the end of the day. Establish What you Want with NLP Recently, a lady came to see me and she had successfully stopped smoking with me and as she had enjoyed the success after 30 years of trying and failing to stop smoking, she was so happy that she felt capable of doing anything. She brought in what looked like a shopping list of things in her life that she wanted to change! Quick Tips On Making Change Work For You Facing a change and want to make it work for you? Think Positive: Using Affirmations to Create Health, Wealth and Beauty You've heard the buzzwords: Attitude is everything! Change your perspective! Have a positive outlook! But, can these words really change our future? And if so, how? Theres No Negative In My Program - Part 1 Imagine the what you could achieve if: P. M. A. P.M.A - so what is it? Some people will automatically recognise this acronym - Positive Mental Attitude. The Enchantress Within Each of Us Returns?Making Potholders, One Stitch at a Time! When I was little I was very busy--as I imagine most little girls are. At six years of age I had my toys, my fire station with a real bell, my fire trucks and other cars, my paper dolls, my coloring books and large box of Crayola assorted crayons, my picture books and stuffed animals. One of my most important possessions was a 'working' toy which was my ceramic pig that served as my personal banker. This pig controlled my destiny to some extent, because when there was enough change inside of him, I got to go downtown Bridgeport with my mother and guess what? I picked out a new toy! Now I was going on seven and saving every penny toward a Toni doll. Did you know you could perm her hair? I couldn't wait! The Ultimate In Positive Thinking? I will never forget an evening in 2003, when I met an amazing gentleman. I had, for several weeks, had a problem with my foot and ankle, having great trouble walking because of the pain. It was a bit swollen, and I thought it was an injury of some sort, although I could not recall how it had happened. How To Stay Positive In spite of The Negativity Around You I'm often asked how it is that I stay so positive. Now allow me to clear up some misconceptions you might have based on that last statement. I am not one of those folks that walk around with what is commonly referred to as a career politician's smile painted across my face. Anger - The Truth Beneath The other day one of my "challenging clients" and I were debating the appropriateness of anger. While maintaining my perspective, I was also enjoying listening to his commitment to anger. My client felt that his outrage at the often-shabby treatment of lower-income people moved him into action and, therefore, anger served a valiant purpose in his life. "Good argument," I conceded, "but not good enough." After twenty minutes of getting nowhere, we agreed to both be right and return to the coaching. ![]() |
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