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Really Scary Stuff
With the probable exception of some basic instincts ? or motivation toward self-preservation ? we've just flat learned to be afraid of about all the rest of the stuff we're afraid of. I know, the word "about" is a cop-out but I'm using it because I'm not really sure where this next mega-fear comes from. Maybe it's an instinct thing, too. I dunno? The one fear that trips most of us up is ? the FEAR of the UNKNOWN!! It has provided the foundation for some really great movies and TV programs but it has also managed to slap the snot out of most of us at one time or another To start, let's lump a bunch of this together into the category we'll simply label as "The Future" (I think I'm overdoing this capitalization stuff. Sorry?) Most of us have a tendency to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy thinking about what is lurking just around the corner. We imagine (as in image ? create a mental picture of) all sorts of bad things. We latch onto a few perceived facts and using our worst mental programming, fill in the blanks with the very worst negative scenarios we can possible conjure up. We then extrapolate from this erroneous foundation through all the imaginary conversations and situations to the most creative, catastrophic conclusion possible. What a cool thing to be able to do! But here's the best part. If we focus really, really hard on our mental movie, there's a fairly good chance that some of it may actually come true! For those of you who are sure that I've blown a gasket, just hangy on a minute and you'll see where I'm going with this? OK, back to the future (I think I'll suggest that as a title for a movie trilogy?). Here's what we know for sure about our future. Nothing! Zip! Nada! Gar Nichts! Zero! It just ain't happened yet ? at least that we know of. And yes, based on our knowledge of the facts related to a given situation coupled with a fair amount of deductive reasoning we can predict with varying degrees of accuracy what may happen on down the road. But can we really know? Ain't no way! Life has altogether too many variables to be able to plug them into a pat formula to predict the future. I could waste time and space here giving you a pile of examples on how our personal projections have turned out to be something other than we expected. We've all had enough life experiences so we can individually look back and grab a few dozen on our own. Just think about projected conversations or confrontations with your boss, employees, significant other or children that never came to pass and you'll get the idea. We "what if" and yeah but" ourselves into inaction and/or mega-stress. We numb ourselves out to prevent us from facing our imaginary future. We think of a thousand ways to avoid the catastrophic future that we're so certain awaits us. Why do we do that? What's the alternative to this miserable approach to life? How about taking whatever facts ? I repeat, facts ? we can gather on the situation and using them as a foundation for our projections, fill in the blanks (the unknown stuff) with positive scenarios. For planning purposes and to provide a bit of flexibility, it's a decent idea to snag maybe two or three different positive possible blank fillers that could provide a couple of positive outcomes. Focus on these positives and start taking whatever steps you need to take to address your situation. Slide into your future with the probable assurance that the outcome will ? at least in the long run ? be beneficial to everyone concerned. (If the outcome is not nearly as pleasant as you would have wanted, at least look for the lesson contained in the whole situation. There probably is one in there for you.) Focusing on the potential positives really does give us a distinct advantage. It first of all, provides a more constructive (as opposed to self-destructive) foundation to use to draw up a reasonably logical plan of action. It helps us feel better about the whole process. Instead of being scared about the possible monsters lurking in the darkness somewhere down our path, we are better able to use our adrenaline surges as the fuel to blast us into ? and through ? the upcoming adventure. And ? no BS here ? the more we focus on positive efforts and a resulting positive outcome to our situation, the more likely it is that the end result of our endeavor really will be positive! It's sort of like a self-fulfilling prophecy thing. We will usually get out of life no more than we expect. Our mind is pretty incredible. It is capable of whisking us down the road to our own special hell ? or propelling us toward a considerably more desirable destination. The direction we wind up traveling is up to us. About The Author Gene, through NuPathz.com, provides an easy reading self-help blog along with affordable books and materials written to help folks find the road to a more enjoyable lifestyle, to pass on some of life's "secrets for survival" in a chaotic world & offer a few smiles along the way. It's a down-to-earth, simple approach to discovering a better life. This article is an excerpt from Gene's blog posted on 9/21/03. You can visit Gene at http://www.nupathzcom/
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It may not be used to manipulate. It may not be used to gain an advantage. It treats everyone equally. It eliminates the negative side of opposites. Why is this Universal Language so critical to our progress? In our thoughts and actions, we either seek idols or we seek truth. When wefind the truth all our answers are provided. Truth contains all answers to every problem. Truth has always existed and will always exist. Our beliefs and feelings color our truth. They act as filters between our truth and our illusions. All Your Problems Are Based In False Beliefs! All the problems that any individual has in their lives can be found to have roots in what are called "false beliefs". These can be false beliefs about themselves, about other beliefs, about emotions they may harbor or entertain, about others, and about their reality. Such beliefs form and get stored in one's consciousness throughout the course of one's life. They often are never questioned and thereby are used to supposedly help that individual move through their life. Sexual Abuse. A Story From A Survivor. Uncle Liam was very kind to me again. He gave me more candies when I went to his grocery shop that morning. He always did. But I did not understand why he likes to touch and pinch my cheek. The Courage To Succeed! The hardest part of success is the **courage** you need to succeed--when you think: "I'm afraid to talk to people.", or "I'm a loser, nobody in their right mind would follow me.", or "I could never do what he/she does..", or "I'm afraid to talk to people on the telephone..." Positive Thoughts and Words You want to change your self-care habits and you can't seem to do it. Or, you realize that changing your self-care habits might be a good idea but you just can't seem to get on board and be sold on the idea. Maybe the words that you're thinking and saying are getting in your way. If Youre Stuck Then Make a Different Decision Many people don't really understand the gift they have been given in their ability to be decisive. According to the dictionary, decisiveness means 'having the power or quality of settling a dispute, question, doubt, contest, event, etc.' How individuals use this power of decisiveness will strongly influence the quality of life that they experience. Building Unshakeable Self Confidence! One of things that Charismatic people share is an unshakeable self confidence. It comes from deep within and it's the knowing that everything will be okay. It's a faith that their life is going somewhere and it has purpose. These people often are the ones that everyone notices when they walk in the room. They magically attract people to them in a social environment and everyone stops to listen to them in a business meeting. Everyone knows they mean business and what they have to say is going to be important. Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life I was always somebody who felt quite sorry for myself, what I had not got compared to my friends, how much of a struggle my life seemed to be compared to others. I was caught up in a web of negativity and needed someone or something to help me to escape. Your Frame of Mind May Determine Your Health The mind absolutely amazes me. It will never be understood, yet it's been said that a healthy body makes the mind work better and it's been said that the mind can destroy the body. I'm sure you've heard about the power of the mind healing the body too. Mental Fitness For Confidence And Winning In Life Studies show that men and women profit most with having self-confidence and by building up their psychological strength. Thinking Like A Winner Since the beginning of human history we have been living under certain universal laws that have operated our daily lives whether we are aware of them or not. One of the most important universal laws, is the Law of Correspondence. This law simply says, that your outer world is a mirror of your inner world. In other words, your outer world corresponds to your inner world. What's going on around you is a reflection of what's going on inside you. If you want to change what's going on around you, start by going to work on yourself, and specifically the way you think. Quick Steps To Improve Your Performance Though Positive Self-Talk Want to improve your personal performance? Positive self-talk can help. Courtesy In The Workplace -- Can You Say, Thank You? Thank you is such a beautiful phrase. When you say, thank you, it makes a world of difference. Recent research suggests that discourtesy in the workplace is rapidly becoming an increasing dilemma for businesses and organizations. Workplace incivility is growing, including an increase in bad manners, rudeness, coarseness, vulgarity, and a lack of respect. How To Have An Excellent Personality The way to define your personality is to refine your thoughts. Being Assertive Many people find it extremely difficult to be assertive, whether it is in the work place, or in their personal lives. All too often, there is confusion between being assertive and being aggressive. It is my belief that you lose credibility and the moral high ground as soon as you show any signs of aggression. Take a Gratitude Break An old Joni Mitchell song reminds us, "don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone." Stop what you're doing right now, look around and take a quick 30-second gratitude break. Take this moment to appreciate all the things you'd really miss if they were gone. Life as a Burden Vs. Live as a Privilege Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Is the glass half empty or half full? ![]() |
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