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Train Your Brain, Or Cook Your Goose!
One day while in deep meditation and self analysis, a paralyzed man discovered the most important person he would ever meet in his life. He saw very clearly that HE was a "mind with a body". And, right then he made the most important decision he would ever make. Discover what it was. Have you ever considered this, that probably one of the greatest advantages of the subconscious mind is it's ability to be "trained" or programmed? Yeah, I can hear somebody saying now, "my mind is as trained as that Aflac duck" and it sounds like it too quacking at me.. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the ability to visualize your intended destination or goal. Visualizing is just a form of imagery. Seeing pretty pictures in your mind. Everybody sees in pictures. We don't think in words, we think in pictures. If I say to you the word "dog", you didn't think the letters "d-o-g", you saw an image of that ugly mutt that you own. Don't get mad at me now, I'm just kidding, he's probably a pretty mutt. :>) When you visualize what you want, this creates the tendency to get you on the right track and headed in the right direction. It gets you into action. Then your activities become fun and you are motivated to pay the price necessary to achieve your goals. Yeah, but I'm special?..I'm already turbo charged!! Yeah, you're a turbo alright. Listen, No one gets their body into action without their mind first orchestrating it. You may be turbo charged until you come up against a brick wall then your mind better kick in gear, or your body will strip a cog. You know what a cog is, don't you, turbo? he?he? That's what the paralyzed man discovered. By the end of this article, you'll know what he did. Opportunities Abound! For you to think, study, and Plan. When you do, you'll organize your time, money and the more you meditate the more enthusiastic you'll become. The more enthusiastic you become, the more that enthusiasm turns into burning desire. That's when good things start coming your way. You then are alerted to opportunities in your everyday life as they present themselves. Because you visualized what you wanted through thinking, studying, and planning first, in your subconscious, you are much more likely to recognize good things when they show up. Suddenly, Something Happened! This is where it gets good. Ok, it's time to find out what happened to our paralyzed friend. He was completely incapacitated late in life and barely able to move his body. He would have ended his life as a hopeless invalid if something hadn't happened to him. It brought the kind of joy and happiness that only comes from achievement and financial success. The whole process came about when he realized he could train his brain. Yes, he said my body is paralyzed. But, my mind is not. He could think, plan, and meditate. And, one day while meditating he met that most important person. That most important person was the recognition that the subconscious does not recognize the difference between truth and lie. He discovered his subconscious sees everything as truth. Especially if it is his thoughts or beliefs. If he believed he couldn't, then that was truth. If he believed he could, then that was truth. And, his subconscious got his mind to organize what his family was able to do because his body was unable. And, he created a company that sold their products through every retail grocery store in America at the time when he was about to lose everything. He decided to train his subconscious with images of prosperity and abundance. He said for awhile, it took all the mental focus he could muster. But, then one day his mind suddenly got the message and from then on only handed him back images of success and prosperity. Whenever he thought of anything, it was uplifting and motivating. And it helped him to create a multi million dollar company with the help of his family lying flat on his back in bed. The Key That Set Him Free, and YOU Too!! He convinced his subconscious he was wealthy before he attained it. Too many people want to attain it before they believe it. It don't work that way. You never will attain it if you don't first believe you can. Don't tell me you can't? I'll?? ah, never mind. :>) Nobody ever achieved Lion status believing he was a skunk. Nuff said. You were born a champion. All you need to do is train your brain, or in other words, renew your mind. And I've made it my personal goal to help everyone I can weekly through my newsletter to do that. In fact, I think I'll coin the phrase "train your brain". That's catchy. I like that. Everything you think, every thought you have right now is a trained response to whatever circumstance you face. Yeah, you trained it, probably ignorantly. But the subconscious took it as truth because it doesn't know the difference. You said, "I'm a dummy" and the subconscious said, yes, you are and made you feel like one. You said, "Ah..that's just my dumb luck", and the subconscious said, yes, it is, you poor thing, and made you feel like a skunk. Now, you say this, I feel good, I feel fine, I feel terrific, OUT LOUD, and your subconscious will say, yes you are and will make you feel like it. Because IT DON'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!! Now retrain your brain and your subconscious will help you to attain love, prosperity, success, fulfillment, happiness, and all that your heart desires. Go ahead, go for it, I dare you. Richard Vegas © 2002 About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" Teaching The Success System That Never Fails, at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://www.richardvegas.com webmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
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Whats On Your Shift List? The most happy and successful people on earth have a personal Shift List. They probably don't call it by that name, but they have one. How do I know? Because these folks are enjoying their journey on our challenging planet! Instant Frequency Boosters: 10 Fast and Simple Ways to Raise Your Vibration When you're feeling "low," or out of the flow, it's a sign that you need to raise your frequency. There are infinite ways you can lift yourself up-pretty much anything that makes you feel better is a frequency booster-even eating ice cream! (The problem with that, though, is that, along with the pleasure in consuming it comes the guilt and remorse about the future ramifications of the indulgence, as well as the immediate toll that the sugar takes on your body and mind, all of which can easily lower your frequency!) Think-what is it that always makes you feel better when you're feeling less than great? Is it exercise? A soak in the tub? A walk in the park? Time in your garden? A snuggle with your sweetie? Why do these activities lift your spirits? It's because they raise your frequency. The higher your frequency, the better and more joyful you feel! The most effective frequency boosters are the ones that quickly align you with your divine design and purpose, and bring you into synch with the natural world. Creating Icebergs Out Of Hostility Have you ever dreaded an upcoming presentation, meeting or function because you just knew that the group would be hostile? Maybe you had heard that these people are very critical, even aggressive. How to Have a Life of Satisfaction - Guaranteed! Satisfaction 100% guaranteed or your money back! That was the promise, so you bought the product. You've been there! You ended up not liking it and decided to send it back. But, when you started the return process, you discovered that it cost more to send it back than the refund was worth. Ouch! Its Okay to Be Negative Sometimes! 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The awe you felt was partly because of your innocence. You saw only the good in those times and you felt an unconditional love coming from those who gave you the gift or took you to visit Mickey and Minnie.I'll bet you didn't even notice the other park visitors. If you did you were unaware or unconcerned with the color of their skin, race, size, language,clothes, hair etc. The feeling of unconditional love and the innocence we all experienced in our youth are the antidote to many of society's ills-prejudice, hatred and selfishness,consumerism etc. Believe It Or Not I am often astounded at what and why people believe what they do. I am sure that you too have noticed that some people believe in the oddest things. Are You A Victim Of FABS? Part One Have you heard of the FABS? The FABS are quadruplets; they are not identical but they are very, very similar! The FABS are: Fear, Anger, Blame and Shame. This quartet love to arrive, uninvited, at people's houses and literally stay forever. 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