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In A Slump?, Rejoice I Say, Rejoice!
Yea, I know........I hear you saying "that's easy for you to say"! Well......why don't you just pout about it then? You know, I want to tell you a funny story about a salesperson in a BIG slump. This person I actually trained before she moved on to another job many years ago. You'll like this. Now, you know what a slump is, right? Don't ya? If you have ever been in outside sales you know what a slump is. But, now, on this wild thing we call the internet, we think we don't have to worry about "slumps" because we're big internet tycoons. Yeah! Right. More like typhoons. A big bag "o" wind. Well, anyway, this particular salesperson was in presentation with a very wealthy businessman and trying her best to make a 5 million dollar sale. Talk about pressure. And, we sweat over $50 bucks. Well, this sales lady had given her finest presentation, she had polished it, she had smoothed it, she had rehearsed it till all the rough edges were off, and it was round as a bowling ball. She just knew this sale was in the bag. She had already spent the commission so she had to make this deal fly. As the presentation rolled on, after an hour and a half, she began feeling that she was not making a connection with this prospect. And, you know that nagging little voice inside your head that says, "Hey dummy" you ain't gonna make the car payment next month? Well, it started talking to her. And, she say's of all the times, right in the middle of my presentation I just yelled out, "oh sh**". Her prospect, being an elderly sophisticated gentleman and just a little bit hard of hearing says, what? What? She said, in her most humble tone of voice, "oh excuse me sir, but could you direct me to the lady's room". He said, OHHHH! Certainly. She says to me, with a look of total confidence on her face, like she knew exactly what she was doing and saying all the time, she walked right into that lady's room and took a big load off her mind. She say's and not a second too soon. After composing herself she remembered what I had told her several years before about laughing. About how good it is for the soul. She thought to herself, that's my medicine. So being as quite as she could she started laughing. So really guys, come on now listen, slumps are nothing more than a part of life on and off the internet. I know you've heard it said a thousand times by every hot dog seminar promoter that comes to town with his little bag of tricks that's going to get you making a zillion dollars by the time you complete his program and of course fork out your fourteen hundred dollars. Here are some easy things that everyone can do to get out of a slump. Everybody wants something easy. Here it is.
I have proved all these strategies out on myself, even the one about the wife and dog, yeah, really, and I tell you from 20 years of hard knocks what works and what don't. Maybe that's why I'm single today. Hmmm. Only the women really know for sure. :>) Can you avoid a slump? Not really. But you can laugh your way through it. I promise you if you will force yourself to laugh, your body and mind will get the hint and then your inner emotions will really begin to make you feel like you are in control. If you really want to know the facts, that's the problem with slumps. We feel like we are not in control. And that is scary. But feelings are fickle. They come and go with the wind. So, feelings that are created by outward circumstances can be changed by laughing yourself silly. Try it, You'll like it. Richard Vegas ©2002 About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com You may also hear and follow Richard's music at: http://www.richardvegas.com webmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
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Oh for a Really Good Day! What's wrong with me? When I'm sick I get grumpy and irritable. When I'm criticised I become defensive. When people interrupt me I become impatient. I get angry at injustice. Waiting in lines, and bureaucratic runarounds make me feel I'm wasting my life. How To Condition Your Mind For Success Your mindset is a strong factor in achieving any type of success. By creating S-M-A-R-T goals for yourself you can condition your mind to achieve whatever it is you desire. Another Life: I Wish I Were Someone Else In 1978, Erma Bombeck wrote a book entitled "The Grass is Always Greener over the Septic Tank." It was a most humorous read, at the time. Of course, this title falls in line with the idea that "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." But, her sentiments hit the idea head on in noting that there must be some specific reason that the grass is greener "over there." 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Some of us go through our life fighting against that feeling that we are just 'not good enough'. We convince ourselves that we don't matter and that we don't deserve to amount to anything?..but what price do we pay? The fact is that many people are lacking is self-esteem, yet feel powerless to do anything about it. Poor self esteem needs to be addressed with a vengeance; it affects your emotional and physical wellbeing and really reduces the quality of your life. So it's time to take action and raise the bar right now. Here are some tips to help you get started: When Laughter Does Not Come Easily The surge of emotions. How To Talk Your Way To Success Smart folk have always realised how vital it is to talk positively to themselves as well as to other people. A bit of research will show you how these successful men and women not only visualise their goals but also frame them in words they constantly repeat to themselves. How Do You Habitually Treat Yourself? 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Using Negative Experience to Discover Your Strength "Someone was hurt before you; wronged before you, hungry before you, frightened before you, raped before you; yet, someone survived" - Maya Angelou Positive Attitude is Not Enough Contrary to the popular saying "attitude is everything" attittude is not enough. You can have the right attitude and all the motivation in the world and still wind up playing "dead atheist." ![]() |
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