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Self-Opinions---Can Limit Our Lives
Dr. Phil says each of us has a personal "truth" -what we believe of ourselves when no one else is looking-- and from this comes results in our lives that are in keeping with that truth. Let's call it our "opinions" of ourselves. They take many forms, we have an opinion of ourselves in every aspect of our lives; how we look, how well we speak, think, walk, work, dress, make love, treat others, etc., etc. These opinions, not being obvious, require some honest inward thinking (introspection) to ascertain their nature. One of the best clues we can use to recognize the nature of these opinions is to first look at the results. Do we dress in a sloppy way because we believe we don't deserve to look neat? Do we avoid applying for that better job because we believe we don't measure up? Do we refrain from asking that attractive person for a date because we believe we are not attractive enough? Do we not speak out because we believe our thoughts are not interesting to others? Beliefs, though natural and not dictated by our conscious minds, can be changed. Opinions are formed by observed evidence so all we need to do is provide some evidence to the contrary and our natural common sense takes over and makes the change for the better. We probably can't make a sweeping change over night butwhy not a little at a time? Choose some aspect of your life that you think might be held back by a poor opinion and decide that you want to change it. Maybe you are overweight because you believe deep down that you can't lose any. Pick a small goal like losing five pounds. Just do it, find a way. There! You just proved you can lose weight and your natural sense believes the evidence. Now you know you can. Look around at work. Ask for more responsibility or volunteer for extra duties or tasks. Do a good job on these and there! You've proved to yourself that you are more capable. Find some time to get some daily exercise and you'll be surprised at how confidently you'll walk and even actually feel. (This deserves a separate report). Choose any aspect of your life and make a small positive change. Just like that you've reversed a negative belief, turned around, and moved in a desirable direction. Now make multiple small changes and sooner or later there can be a big change, just as a bricklayer builds a structure brick by brick. It takes time and effort to effect changes but don't you personally deserve some? (This could be the first and best change in your self-opinions). Your reward can be a real makeover. Small changes multiplied over and over can add up to big changes. With better self-opinions comes better results which in turn leads to a better life-a new you! Love to learn to play music? Gain the knowledge you need to cut out most of the drudgery of endless practice. Dr. Moloney is a retired Family Practitioner with a lifelong interest in music and teaching. Empower yourself to take charge of your learning by studying his E-book. http://www.musicsimplified.com/
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What?!? No Bananas? "Where are your bananas?" It seemed like a logical question to ask. For all of my forty trips around the sun, bananas were a key item to place in the grocery cart. For the first time I could recall, the banana bin was empty. So I asked a store worker where the bananas were. Halt All Complaining Have you ever thought about you have a lot to be thankful for. Lets look at some of the things most people don't look at: You Must Change the 148,000 Nos In Your Subconscious to Yes What does it take to succeed? How can you move forward - no, take a quantum leap forward - in your achievements, in realizing your dreams? Important Days Ahead Humans tend to categorize things by large or small, bright or dull, special or ordinary, and so on. We like to bring order and structure, but sometimes our efforts to place things into neat little slots can blind us to the little moments of joy we could be experiencing every day. An Unquestionable, Positive Demeanor - How to Maintain it Near the end of December 2004, I received an email from one of my colleagues that I had not heard from in awhile saying, "Donna, I'm wondering if I might have a moment of your time in the near future to ask you some questions about what I've observed to be your unquestionable, positive demeanor. Any time that I've encountered you, I've found your attitude is very infectious, and I'd like to talk to you about how you maintain it and where it springs from." Affirmations to Improve Your Life An affirmation is a positive assertion, a solemn declaration, a way to change your way of thinking. You can use affirmations to improve performance and results in all areas of your life. The "positive action" self-talk of specific affirmations is beneficial to achieving desired outcomes. Potency No, not that kind. Don?t Worry, Be Happy! Philippians 4:6-do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Im Loving Me... Right Where I Am I heard these words from a client who had been struggling for weeks to find peace in her estranged relationship with her daughter. Because she 'new better' she kept telling herself that her feelings were wrong and to shape up and get over it. Youre Not a Victim--Really! Woe is me... life has dealt me a bad hand... the stars are aligned against me... whine, whine, whine! Get over it! You are not the innocent victim of some terrestrial scheme. You are a victim of only one thing... YOU! Enhance Wellness by Doing Something Different. Many people would say that it is absolute madness to keep on doing the same thing, time after time, expecting to get a different result or for something different to happen. Alternatively, many people, especially those in the personal development and wellness fields of varying natures, would describe it as intelligent to have a goal and be wonderfully flexible about how you go about achieving it. Taking Responsibility for Yourself This week I happened to catch a few minutes of a popular talk show on television, and the topic was confessions. A young man was confessing to his girlfriend of 5 years that he had cheated on her with her best friend. Not too unusual these days I guess. But what he said next floored me. "It was an accident. One thing led to another and before I knew it, we were having sex." Be Thankful for What You Have Got Did you know that the 911 equivalent in the UK (999) now has call waiting? I hope that you never find out for yourself. How to Stay Motivated Despite Negative People Getting motivated is sometimes easy enough to do, at least for short periods of time, but staying motivated can be a lot harder to do. Taking Yourself Too Seriously? - Suggestions for Reclaiming Your Perspective "We can change our circumstances by a mere change of our attitude." - William James, 19th Century American psychologist and philosopher The Enchantress Within Each of Us Returns?Making Potholders, One Stitch at a Time! When I was little I was very busy--as I imagine most little girls are. At six years of age I had my toys, my fire station with a real bell, my fire trucks and other cars, my paper dolls, my coloring books and large box of Crayola assorted crayons, my picture books and stuffed animals. One of my most important possessions was a 'working' toy which was my ceramic pig that served as my personal banker. This pig controlled my destiny to some extent, because when there was enough change inside of him, I got to go downtown Bridgeport with my mother and guess what? I picked out a new toy! Now I was going on seven and saving every penny toward a Toni doll. Did you know you could perm her hair? I couldn't wait! Universal Thought Systems/Forgiveness Philosophy of Forgiveness: Changing Negatives to Positives Occasionally people will ask me how I keep a positive attitude, or remain optimistic. I used to find it funny that I would get asked such things. It was as though they assumed that somehow I'd figured a way to avoid allowing any negatives into my life at all. I can assure you I have not :-) When Laughter Does Not Come Easily The surge of emotions. Thinking Your Way To Success: Materializing Your Goals Through The Power of Thought THOUGHTS are powerful. The power of THOUGHTS cannot be underestimated. What we believe is what we create in our lives. The more we think about something, the more we magnetize it and feed it power. Nothing was ever created in this universe without a THOUGHT preceding it. ![]() |
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