Positive Attitude Tips & Information
Develop Yourself - The Power Within
Living without limits. Living your life to the fullest. Living with happiness. Living your dreams. Living free from fear and worry. You have the power to live your life any way you want.
Optimism: The Tremendous Benefits of a Positive Attitude
How many times have you heard someone say, ?Hey, cheer up!? or ?Turn that frown upside-down!?? Unconsciously we all seem to know that optimism is a virtue and that a negative outlook is something to be concerned about. And did you know that there are actually a host of concrete reasons why this is so?
The Power of Positive Thinking: Unlimited Possibilities
Does negative thinking pay? Is it desirable for me to encourage thoughts in my mind that break down, hinder, and incapacitate me for good work? Do I want negative thoughts that inevitably bring discontent, unhappiness, and ultimate failure in their train?
Individualized Positive Affirmations for Improving Self-Esteem
Positive self-esteem is very important if not crucial to our happiness and well being as a human being. Having positive self-esteem can make the difference in that which we take on in life, in that which we go about achieving and creating. Having positive self- esteem also allows us to have healthy and joyous relationships with others, to experience true intimacy. One could also assert that having positive self-esteem gives us access to genuine spirituality. Poor self-esteem, on the other hand, creates the space for us to experience a great deal of negativity in life including depression, anxiety, fear, stress and loneliness. Negative or poor self-esteem is also highly correlated with alcohol and drug dependency. Some even believe that a negative or poor self-image is the source of such addictions.
Knowing the Power of Positive Thinking
In the self-help and wellness industry, a mission has been designed to aid those around us to be more fulfilled, more joyful, more confident?you name it. The adage, think positive, be positive is one that millions of people have taken on, at least in thought. And though positive thinking can certainly push aside our negative thought patterns that spiral us to a sense of low self-esteem, helplessness, hopelessness and a pattern of feeling stuck or trapped in a life we would like to change, thinking alone will not help.
Zenobias Life Lessons
I was a young girl aged 12, when the one person whom I adored and admired was removed from my life. During that time, I was emotionally scarred and abandoned. I didn?t know it then, but the outline for my life?s future was being created during those moments that surrounded her death.
Mindfulness and Money: Monkeying Around
Kasia is a talented landscape designer who speaks several languages, and when she jokes about being a "Polish princess" it's because she actually has the pedigree to support that claim.
Understanding Visualization
Visualization is the art of using ones imagination to influence his/her being and existence in many different ways. Such as: Healing one's self, increasing personal growth, influencing the outcome of circumstances, attracting wealth and love, changing habits and acquiring possessions.
How Gratitude Can Be Your Partner in Life
Gratitude is one of the most important things you can practise if you want to manifest unlimited wealth. One of the best ways to keep abundance and wealth flowing into your life is to give thanks for what you have today. By focusing on what you already have, you allow yourself to receive even more, so it is really vital to practise true gratitude.
Building Unshakeable Self Confidence!
One of things that Charismatic people share is an unshakeable self confidence. It comes from deep within and it?s the knowing that everything will be okay. It?s a faith that their life is going somewhere and it has purpose. These people often are the ones that everyone notices when they walk in the room. They magically attract people to them in a social environment and everyone stops to listen to them in a business meeting. Everyone knows they mean business and what they have to say is going to be important.
How to Get Rid of Frustration and Self-Pity
I've yet to meet the person who never struggles with frustration. It comes with the territory of being human. Like many negative emotions, it's not wrong or weak to feel frustrated. What is crucial, however, is how we handle our frustration.
Instant Frequency Boosters: 10 Fast and Simple Ways to Raise Your Vibration
When you're feeling "low," or out of the flow, it's a sign that you need to raise your frequency. There are infinite ways you can lift yourself up?pretty much anything that makes you feel better is a frequency booster?even eating ice cream! (The problem with that, though, is that, along with the pleasure in consuming it comes the guilt and remorse about the future ramifications of the indulgence, as well as the immediate toll that the sugar takes on your body and mind, all of which can easily lower your frequency!) Think?what is it that always makes you feel better when you're feeling less than great? Is it exercise? A soak in the tub? A walk in the park? Time in your garden? A snuggle with your sweetie? Why do these activities lift your spirits? It's because they raise your frequency. The higher your frequency, the better and more joyful you feel! The most effective frequency boosters are the ones that quickly align you with your divine design and purpose, and bring you into synch with the natural world.
Oh for a Really Good Day!
What's wrong with me? When I'm sick I get grumpy and
irritable. When I'm criticised I become defensive. When
people interrupt me I become impatient. I get angry at
injustice. Waiting in lines, and bureaucratic runarounds
make me feel I'm wasting my life.
Why You Must Learn to Forgive for the Sake of Your Own Happiness
Your ability to forgive those who have hurt you in the past is a crucial stepping stone to your spiritual and emotional growth. Throughout the course of our lives, we collect emotional baggage. This is unavoidable, and even though it can cause us a great deal of pain, it helps us to define who we are as people; the result is, we grow even more and learn valuable lessons along the way about ourselves and others.
How To Gain Confidence Quickly And Effortlessly When You Feel the World is Against You
Have you ever felt the whole world was against you? No matter what you try, you just can't succeed, causing you to have a total lack of self-confidence. You may even feel that way now, but what I am about to share with you should pull you out of that place and into a mindset and feeling of total possibility and success to ensure you boost your self-confidence rapidly.
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Change Your Focus and Change Your Results
In his all-time bestselling record The Strangest Secret,
author Earl Nightingale made one of the most profound
observations of the 20th century. He said:
Increasing Expectation Positively!
At your next staff meeting lead your team through the following discussion and exercise.
Why Should You Forgive?
When I teach private Yoga sessions, sometimes, I become aware that a client has issues that cause anxiety, depression, and a negative outlook on life. This often causes difficulty for the student when trying to practice a stage-by-stage relaxation, and especially during meditation sessions.
Gratitude: the ICE that Fills Your Half Empty Glass!
Are you completely happy in your life right now? Honestly? Have you achieved all the success that you know is rightfully yours?
Growing Optimistically
Spring is here at last! The season brings with it an opportunity for continued personal growth, stimulated by a sense of life renewing itself around us. We see growth of every kind reflected in our environment in the spring. Tiny seeds and bulbs blossom into colorful arrays of yellow, purple, and pink flowers and plants and the grass becomes green. Suddenly one day we look at the trees and see soft green leaves. Children seem to leap ahead in growth, outgrowing clothing and changing shoe sizes. One day in the supermarket there are blueberries from central New Jersey, not flown in from California.
One thing in life is certain---change. Things never stay the same. If you are hoping for the status quo, then I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Just think back to how things were five years ago and you will realize that there is so very much that's already different in a very short time.
Optimism: The Tremendous Benefits of a Positive Attitude
How many times have you heard someone say, "Hey, cheer up!" or "Turn that frown upside-down!"? Unconsciously we all seem to know that optimism is a virtue and that a negative outlook is something to be concerned about. And did you know that there are actually a host of concrete reasons why this is so?
Look for the Positives
Our lives are overflowing with negative information from the newspapers, magazines, television and radio. Nations are at war, thousands are dying of starvation and hundreds are killed by natural disasters. There is no avoiding or ignoring the facts. We even receive negativity from our own families and friends every single day.
Banish Shallow Breathing And Boost Self Esteem!
You know, very often, the manner in which a person holds himself or herself can impact quite noticeably upon their own feelings of self worth and also on how deeply they breathe.
Anger And Your Health
How to Get Rid of Stinking Thinking
Q: I seem to beat myself before I ever get started. I catch myself trying to talk myself out of doing anything because of all the obstacles I see. And then I end up regretting not doing anything and get more and more frustrated. A friend of mine pointed this pattern out to me, but neither one of us knows what to do about it. What should I do?
Change Your Perception and Your World Will Change!
Get Out of Jail Free: How to Identify Unconscious Beliefs
Know thyself.
How Our Beliefs Narrow The Limits Of Our Possibilities
The universe is vast, it's dimensions inconceivable, it's potentialities unimaginable, and we know too that our own consciousness has depths to it that are virtually infinite, and yet despite this enormity within and without, we choose to confine ourselves to beliefs in scarce resources.
My Attitudes
"If you don't enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are you're not going to be happy. If someone bases his or her happiness or unhappiness on major events like a great new job, huge amounts of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a trip to Paris, that person isn't going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness." ~~Andy Rooney
Positive Thinking - Anxiety & Panic
If you suffer with or have in the past suffered with anxiety and panic disorder, then you certainly know what its like to be swallowed up by your negative thoughts and feelings.
Anger And Your Driving
Are you driving under the influence of impaired emotions?
Big Move to a Small Town
I'm getting calls from folks who say, "I hear you moved to a very small town. I'm thinking of doing the same. What's it really like?"
What?!? No Bananas?
"Where are your bananas?" It seemed like a logical question to ask. For all of my forty trips around the sun, bananas were a key item to place in the grocery cart. For the first time I could recall, the banana bin was empty. So I asked a store worker where the bananas were.
The Inner Dialogue
Do you talk with yourself? When we hear people talking aloud with themselves we consider it weird. But have you noticed that all people, with no exception, talk silently with themselves? This, we do not consider odd or weird.