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Positive Attitude Tips & Information
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Self-esteem: Who Do You Think You Are? Are you the kind of person who dwells on your strengths, or the kind obsessed by your weaknesses? It's been said that you become what you think about most of the time. Continually pondering your strengths therefore makes you become stronger, enhancing self-esteem. Conversely, thinking constantly on your weaknesses makes you become weaker, draining whatever self-esteem you have. How Important is Attitude? We have often missed the mark because we believe we set goals too high. In a moment of enthusiastic wishful thinking, we have stretched just a bit too far, too high, too tough. But did we? Probably not. Here is your proof... Envisioning Your Ideal Self In my work as a professional coach, I've had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of individuals. I've found that people who are successful and fulfilled share common characteristics. How to Change Any Belief I have studied the idea of changing thoughts to create a new reality for some years. There are many books on the subject. They talk of visualisation, affirmations, positive thinking, overcoming the past, transcending your beliefs, prayer, meditation, use of structural tension or creating intention to change. I have used all of these techniques to change beliefs with varying degrees of success. Some beliefs seem quite easy to change, while others require a lot more work. Establish What you Want with NLP Recently, a lady came to see me and she had successfully stopped smoking with me and as she had enjoyed the success after 30 years of trying and failing to stop smoking, she was so happy that she felt capable of doing anything. She brought in what looked like a shopping list of things in her life that she wanted to change! Getting Over Your Fear Of Success The fear of success is more common than some might realize. Just the thought of 'What it would be like to...' is enough to set some people off. The Art of Jiu-Jitsu Using an opponent's force against them is the fundamental teaching of the Jiu-Jitsu art. When two equal and opposing forces go head to head the force is neutralized. If the forces are unequal, one side gains a marginal victory. Using the force of an opponent requires little or no energy of your own. It is simply a matter of redirecting a force that could have been opposed. Top Three Secrets To Becoming A Better Thinker We all know there are ways to become a better thinker. We should read more books. We ought to go to lectures and concerts. We need to visit exhibits and appreciate art. We can take classes and expand our horizons through travel. Why We Shouldnt Worry Almost everyone experiences some form of worry one time or another. It is a part of life. Everyday, we struggle financially, make decisions, and face major changes in life. These things create an inevitable occasional wave of apprehension. Ordinarily, a certain amount of worry is essential for our survival. It helps us to focus on the task at hand and leads us to constructive action. However, when worry goes overboard, instead of being a good friend, reminding us to use good sense, worry suddenly morphs into a bully, making us crazy about things we can't control. Here's a list of reasons why constant worry is not good, if it is at all: Get the Confidence to Be Your Best A confidence crisis is looming with a recent study showing that 3 out of 4 of us would love to be more confident but don't know how to go about it. Beginners Programming 101 Recently a great idea popped into my head about creating a software program. Now, if the truth be told, I know absolutely nothing about computer programming. But the thought of creating this software was very persistent, so I went to the book store and purchased a few books for beginning programming. Thanks For The Rejection! It sounds a little masochistic, but I actually appreciate being rejected. No, I don't needlessly relish the sting of reproach, or eagerly welcome scornful criticism, per se. But, as a writer, a salesperson, and an entrepreneur, I have come to appreciate that there is a strong correlation between the frequency of rejections that I withstand and the amount of success I generate, especially in my career. Important Days Ahead Humans tend to categorize things by large or small, bright or dull, special or ordinary, and so on. We like to bring order and structure, but sometimes our efforts to place things into neat little slots can blind us to the little moments of joy we could be experiencing every day. Life Writing, One Facet of Living an Enchanted Life I started life writing in the fifth grade. My mother bought me my own Girl Shout diary! Are you wondering what a Girl Shout diary is? It was a Girl Scout diary kept by me. I had a minor learning disability, undiagnosed in those days, resulting in funny spellings. Undaunted, I wrote to Dear Diary, sharing the best of I Love Lucy, visits with grandparents, and weekly meeting with the Girl Scouts. Then one day this dairy was put away. Junior High School, High School and college were years when Reacting To Given Situations! The milkman knocks at the door of the old lady's apartment. He notices that the door is open. He slightly pushes the door open and finds that she is murdered. His natural reaction to the situation would be to scream with fright, fully shaken up. The fear that someone might blame him, and the fear that the police might interrogate, flashes in his mind. But once he takes control, he begins to respond to the situation by calling the neighbours. Is The Glass Half-full Or Half-empty? Keep focusing on the fullness of your life: Keep remembering your dreams, your strengths, your unique talents and skills. Be absolutely, uniquely, fully yourself and you have everything you need to create the life of your dreams. -Marc Allen Stream of Consciousness One thing that is important to realize about thought: one thought always leads to another. It is impossible to have one thought without having another one. What does this have to do with positive and negative thinking? Self-esteem: Does It Really Matter? Some people are full of confidence and able to meet even the most difficult challenge with an air of authority. A good level of self-esteem is essential for us to function successfully in our professional and personal lives. Sally Foan, principle trainer at The People Tree, looks at the importance of self-esteem and how we can build on it? Halt All Complaining Have you ever thought about you have a lot to be thankful for. Lets look at some of the things most people don't look at: Community After Tragedy One Friday in November, I began a journey from New Jersey to downtown New York City to visit old work friends. It was my first visit since the tragic September 11th attack. Although I've traveled this same route--the commuter train to the Hoboken station from 1996-2000--there were now, of course, changes in the environment when I got to Hoboken. ![]() |
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