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Click Fraud and How to Deter It
Pay per click (PPC) advertising continues to gain popularity in the online marketing world as an effective and inexpensive way to drive targeted visitors to web sites. Research firm eMarketer reported that between 2002 and 2003 the paid search listing market grew 175 percent. Major trusted search properties such as Google, Overture, FindWhat.com, and Kanoodle, all offer PPC campaigns in which you pay only when someone clicks through your banner ad or link. But PPC also has an enemy--click fraud--and understanding what it is and what to do about it should also be a key part of your PPC campaign. What is Click Fraud? Click fraud is when someone or something generates illegitimate hits on your banner or text advertisement causing you to pay for worthless clicks. AS PPC campaigns have grown in popularity and keyword prices and bidding have become more competetive, click fraud is on the rise. Online marketers are becoming increasingly worried about the prospect of click fraud. According to CNET News, some marketing executives estimate that "up to 20 percent of fees in certain advertising categories continue to be based on nonexistent consumers in today's search industry." This estimate is certainly unsettling for advertisers who, recently, have been paying hefty amounts bidding on desirable search terms. Financial analysts report that in the year 2004 advertisers are paying an average of 45 cents per click. Compare this to 40 cents in 2003 and 30 cents in 2002; the bidding wars continue to rise. Who's Doing it and Why? Click fraud perpetrators are most often motivated by trying to increase revenues from affiliate networks or attempting to damage competitors' revenues by forcing them to pay for worthless clicks. The Google Adsense program, in which affiliates receive payment for clicks whether they are real or not, has caused great concern for Google and has intensified its focus on click fraud. Those engaged in click fraud use a variety of techniques to generate false clicks. Low cost international workers from all over the world are hired to locate and click on ads. The Times of India provided investigative reporting on payment for manual click fraud happening in India. Unethical companies may pay their own employees to click on competitor ads. Last but not least, click fraud can be generated by online robots programmed to click on advertiser or affiliate ads. Some companies go to great lengths creating intricate software that allows for this to happen. How Can You Deter It? Many advertisers know about the possibility of click fraud but generally haven't done much in the past to prevent it. Some feel that if they complain to any of the search conglomerates, it could ruin their free listings. Others feel like the problem is beyond them. "It is a bigger problem, but folks just don't want to take the time to track it down because it's a complex problem," stated John Squire, of web analytics firm Coremetrics, to CNET. "Given that some of the largest marketers manage up to 1 million keywords in a campaign the data can be difficult to crunch." Companies who do understand and report click fraud to search engine properties have had success receiving refunds for fraudulent clicks. For those advertisers who want to address the possibility of click fraud in PPC campaigns, good option do exists. At the most basic level, advertisers can use general auditing; many have been known to compile lists of sites that generate high numbers of clicks but not sales. This will indeed put up a red flag. On the other hand, because click fraud is advancing at such frequency, click fraud detection companies and software have been popping up all over the country. Let's take a look at some of the options: ClickDetective - ClickDetective allows you to track return visitors to your site and alerts you if there is evidence that your site may be under attack. Its reports show you every click in real time rather than a summary hours later. Who'sClickingWho.com - This fraud detector tracks all PPC search engines, detects multiple IP's, and even pops up a "ClickMinder" after a potential abuser clicks repeatedly over five times. BogusClick - BogusClick can help advertisers determine competitor IP addresses, originating PPC search engines and/or partner sites involved, as well as keywords used. Clicklab - Clicklab employs a score-based click fraud detection system that applies a series of tests to each visitor session and assigns scores. Calculations are made to indicate bad/good sessions to show an advertiser the quality of traffic. Click fraud is a big problem in search engine marketing that's only going to get bigger in the future. It is wise for any online advertiser to implement some auditing system. Why continue to waste precious campaign money?! Hollis Thomases is the President of Web Ad.vantage, Inc., an online marketing firm specializing in search engine optimization, paid search engine marketing, and online media buying. The Web Ad.vantage Inc. site was named by Forbes magazine one of its "Best of B2B Sites" for media and advertising. An award-winning entrepreneur, Hollis Thomases has been honored by CNN and is also a contributing writer to ClickZ.
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A Fundamental Overview Of Pay Per Click Search Engines Forbes magazine has reported that pay per click ad sales are expected to increase to at least $8 billion by 2008. Disguise Your ClickBank Affiliate Links Using Status-bar Faking Many surfers are savvy enough to identify ClickBank affiliate links, simply by glancing at their browser's status-bar before clicking. The status-bar reveals the familiar ClickBank hoplink URL, which frequently alerts the surfer that an affiliate referral is about to take place. A proportion of prospects lose interest as soon as they realize that an affiliate relationship exists. They reason (consciously or sub-consciously) that an affiliate with a vested interest is not making a genuine recommendation. So they simply don't click the link. Googles AdSense Soon To Have New Rival? A large part of Google's multi-billion dollar annual turnover comes from its nifty AdSense advertising program. The software enables website owners to drop in a piece of code to their pages that then serves advertisements provided by Google. Sell Multiple Products Through a Single ClickBank Account A ClickBank merchant account allows you to define and sell up to 50 separate products. If you have more than one product in your range, it makes sense to sell them from a shared ClickBank account. Here are three good reasons why: Want Higher Adsense Earnings? Then Optimize Site Navigation Webmasters know that Adsense generates a sizeable source of additional advertising income. That's why they're using it to go after the "high paying keywords." They've bought the lists that tell them what these keywords are and they've used various other methods of identifying them. And yet, after putting up these "high paying" pages on their websites, the advertising money they expected to see isn't rolling in. What's wrong? 5 Ways To Make Your Adwords Ads Outshine Your Competitors Google Adwords is a very good place to promote your business on the Internet. It allows you to target for specific keywords, allowing you to to promote right product to the right audiences. Wheres the Best Place to Put Google Adsense Ads? Why, on your web pages of course. Ok, just kidding. The real question should be: "Is there really any truth to the rumors that where you place those Google AdSense ads can actually improve response?" According to my best information, the answer to that question is: Yes. Advertising And Generate New WebSite Traffic Here's a simple way to use "No Results, No Pay" radio advertising and build traffic for your website. Seven Tips To Getting The Nost From Your Google Ad Word Investment With Google Ad Words . . . Choosing the Right Strategy for Your Online Business: Pay for Inclusion vs Pay per Click Back in the old days of the Internet - in 1993, - there were 284 locations on the entire World Wide Web. According to Bill Clinton, only 8 of them ended in .com or .net when he was sworn into office. As of January 1, 2003, there were 171,000,000 domain hosts in use. In 1995, the largest search engine database was Altavista, and it had most of the Internet categorized. Today Google and FASTsearch own the largest databases. Yet neither one of them has even 10% of the Internet covered. It's estimated that more than 8,000,000 web pages are added to the Internet every day. None of the search engines are able to keep up to that pace. So how will your website stand out? How will it acquire the traffic it needs to succeed? There are many ways to approach the issue of marketing an online business, but for the sake of this article, we'll concern ourselves solely with online tools, and ways to expedite success. In that vein, we'll concern ourselves with Pay for Inclusion and Pay for Placement (or Pay per Click) advertising. PPC Management: When To Give Up On A Loser Pay per click (PPC) advertising can be a dream come true. You can get traffic almost immediately from some PPC search engines. And it can be mighty cheap too. Next to joint ventures, PPC search engines have been responsible for most of my online income. I've gotten some great returns on PPC campaigns. And I know other people who have too. Secret Reasons Why Some Businesses Can Afford to Bid Ridiculous, Amounts On Pay-Per-Click Keywords The other day I was talking to one of my consulting clients on the phone about the return on investment from his Google Adwords campaign. And, he asked me a question that I get several times a week from clients and other online marketers. The Truth - Adsense Click Fraud Can NOT be Stopped Your probably reading this article because you use Google Adwords to bring traffic to your website, or your a click fraudster yourself, wanting to see what kind of information I have for you. Most of you click fraudsters will think that I have no idea what I am talking about, and that I do not know your methods. Well, trust me buddy, I KNOW ALL ABOUT YOU AND WHAT YOU DO. 3 Tips For Adwords PPC Management Adwords PPC Management Tip No. 1 Click Fraud and How to Deter It Pay per click (PPC) advertising continues to gain popularity in the online marketing world as an effective and inexpensive way to drive targeted visitors to web sites. Research firm eMarketer reported that between 2002 and 2003 the paid search listing market grew 175 percent. Major trusted search properties such as Google, Overture, FindWhat.com, and Kanoodle, all offer PPC campaigns in which you pay only when someone clicks through your banner ad or link. But PPC also has an enemy--click fraud--and understanding what it is and what to do about it should also be a key part of your PPC campaign. Google Adwords Guide I You probably have already heard about the new marketing tool from Google.com on the Internet. Their advertising service is called "Adwords" and allows you use Google.com for marketing. Your ads will be displayed on Google's website when people initiate a search. Your ads can also be displayed very targeted among many thousand websites that partner with Google in a program called "Google AdSense". Adwords is the Google.com version of a pay-per-click advertising model. That means users click on your ad and will be redirected to your website or a specific URL that you have selected when creating your ad campaign. Affiliate Strategies Of Pay Per Click Search Engines Where are your ads being displayed? PPC Fraud, Google Stands to Lose Millions Google stands to lose millions if fraud continues. It is only a matter of time before the current problem of click fraud implodes on Google. How To Increase The ROI On Your PPC Campaigns Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most cost effective (and just plain effective) ways to get laser-targeted traffic to your website. For just pennies per click you can have your offer placed in front of only those people who are truly interested in what you have to offer. Pay Per Click Search Engines - A Fundamental Overview Forbes magazine reported that pay per click ads accounted for $1.4 billion in 2002 and are expected to increase to $8 billion by 2008. The fundamental core elements of a successful pay per click program are constant monitoring, analysis, and refinement. ![]() |
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