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Managing PPC Campaigns Inhouse
Pay-per-click search engine advertising has generated ample interest in the online advertising community, primarily because of its measurability and specificity. However, running a profitable PPC Campaign is not as easy as it might seem.More people lose money through PPC advertising than those who are able to generate profits. I have tried to capture some essential learnings that my team derived managing PPC Campaigns for advertisers in retail, professional services, travel, telecom and financial services industries. The suggestions: 1. The entire PPC Campaign process can be broadly divided into three stages: a. the keyword stage Our experience has been a well managed campaign requires sufficient focus on all the three stages. 2. Keyword stage: 2a. Industry research: Competiton websites - PPC benchmarks - rough spends - offers by comeptition - industry trends (avg.CPC,comeptition intensity ,etc,) 2b. Analyzing your website: You need to chart out your focus areas - what is that you want from the PPC Campaign and which sections of your site(s) address the "NEEDS OF THE TRAFFIC/VISITOR" who come to your site from PPC ads. After this you should clearly draw up a list of strengths - the areas you would like to focus - and finally have some sort of an idea as to which are the keywords you would want to focus on for PPC campaign 2c. Keyword Research and Generation: Now that you have some idea "what you want to do" you can use tools like PrioritySubmit(arguably the best tool available currently),WordTracker,Overture Suggestion tool and Google SandBox. There are some tools like keyword tumbler that give you the combinations and misspelling tools like SearchSpell. The idea is to generate a comprehensive list of keywords from which you can select the optimal list . 2d. Keyword Selection - Now you have a bunch of keywords...you need to select the most optimal set...can be tricky The ideal way is to "quantify your objectives" and "assign a weight" to each objective....whoa! To make it look simple, suppose you have a campaign budget of $100, and have three objectives: achieve a CPA of $x, get y clicks, get a CTR(Click Through Rate) z. Now you need to decide how much money would you allocate to each of these objectives.Keywords can be divided into three objective oriented sets.Seems simple...not really, because there will be "overlapping kw's" that address multiple objectives. After you have decided the above you have: 1. A clear "boundary condition" or a constraint : Budget - number of clicks - CPA 2. Using the tools mentioned(Overture is easiest) get the list of kw's that address each objective and select the "list that seems to fit most optimally". 3. Now you would have: Say,three sets of kw's each with a defined objective and bounadry condition. And in each set you would have say n number of kw's. IF THE ABOVE PROCESS IS CARRIED OUT WELL - 50% OF YOUR CONCERNS ON PPC CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT ARE TAKEN CARE OF!!! 2e. Now comes a part that's difficult for most and easy for some Writing ad copy: This is one time consuming job and calls for expertise. You may have selected the best set of kw's,but if the copy is not effective, what's the use?? No one would click your ad...and a strict SE like Google would give you a poor score on relevancy (CTR) and push your site down in the listing The other week my copy writing team went berserk writing ad copy for a client who had 10,000 keywords and wanted 3000 unique ad copies. :) 2f. You have written the ads - cheers! Now you need to specify the "effective destination page URL's". Its of no use leading a visitor to a page that doesnot contain the stuff she wants. We have observed that 80% of the sites DONOT specify the appropriate landing URL and thereby lose out. Who has the patience to search your site for info? Its not for nothing that Amazon started and to great effect the "one click" concept. 3. The Keyword BidManagement Phase 3a. You have defined keyword sets/groups and for each group you have specified the objectives - CPA, clicks et al. Now you need to monitor your bids closely for all the keywords so that the objectives specified are attained. In a competitive category like travel the bids can change thereby affecting your site's position on the SERP, maybe even 300 times in a day!!! Your site might have been in top position at 10am CST but at 10.30am for the same CPC it might not be there in the top 10!!!! Gosh :eek: Keep a round the clock vigil especially for the competitive sectors. 3b. The menace of click frauds - I mentioned in a post in the same forum yesterday that 15% of the budget on an average goes down the drain because of fraudulent clicks. You must have sufficient capability to capture instances of fraud and bring them to SE's notice. Also, you must keep a very close watch over the logs and take immediate action. Carrying out bid management in a rigorous manner is painful- in competitive industries you have to maintain a 24 hours vigil - no breaks - no off days(the visitor does not recognize off - days ).However, if this stage is carried out meticulously it can result in substantial savings and qualified clicks. I read this somewhere: about 75-80% of marketers DONOT make a profit using PPC. Take control over your campaign...its your business! 4. Performance monitoring - Do you know how effective your campaign is? Are u making money? How many additional conversions have you received? How many visitors are visiting your site? What pages on the site are they visiting? How much time they are spending per page? Which links are they clicking ? Whats the conversion ratio - click to sales? what's the cost per lead? Whats the CPA? Are you "in the range" compared to competition? If you don't, either you are not serious about your marketing... or probably you just don't care... Get one of the numerous analytics tools available in the market TODAY. However, this is just the basics - the same process has to be repeated everyday - the campaign optimized based on performance data - set objectives - its trickier in Adwords with the importance given to CTR(relevance).I was discussing this with a Senior Personnel in Google Adwords the other day: one of my advertiser's sites suddenly got a flurry of impressions but no clicks - as a result the CTR went down and as Google listing depends on CTR*CPC , the site went down in listing!!! This was a case of impression fraud PPC is arguably the most powerful advertising mode available to a marketer today (the average cost per lead is just 45 cents compared to 55cents for emails and $1.2 for yellow pages), however, with increasing competiton and entry of bigger players in the fray , it has become extremely important for the campaigns to be managed well. Chief Executive at BidOptima (http://www.BidOptima.com), Texas based Search Engine Marketing Technology firm. BidOptima has been consistently able to deliver a minimum 20% higher ROI than any comparable service or software in existence today. A patent pending process, proprietary technology and 24*7 performance optimization operations ensure the superior performance. BidOptima has been working towards making Paid Search a predictable and profitable online advertising option for the advertisers. Prior to founding BidOptima, Udayan was a Director and Business Unit Head at iGlobalMedia, arguably world's largest e-gaming firm.
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Optimize Your Pay Per Click Ads - 3 Quick Tips Running a pay per click campaign can be a valuable, fast source of online sales ? but it can also cost you a lot of money if you don't know what you're doing. Many pay per click newbies sign up with a ppc search engine and end up spending lots of money very fast - without making a single sale. What is Google AdSense? In the mid 1990's websites used to earn income by receiving money from advertisers by publishing or allowing companies to deploy a banner ad campaign on your website. Usually these banners would be brilliantly designed to catch the eye of the consumer along with a short message. The website in turn would receive a tiny profit from a click-through, which was when a customer actually clicked on the banner and went into the website and purchased the product. This was considered traffic-driven income. It was the industry standard until Google came along. 3 Adsense Tips To Dramatically Increase CTR Here are three Adsense Tips, together with the required HTML code, to dramatically increase CTRs and Google Adsense revenue. PPC Search Engines Revealed - 5 Things You Need to Know The pay per click (PPC) search engines have created a new way for websites to advertise and increase traffic to their sites and it is very affordable. There are a variety of things about PPC search engines you should know so read the following suggestions and educate yourself on PPC advertising. Once you know how pay per click advertising works, you will be able to utilize this affordable advertising tool to increase your website traffic. Improved PPC Marketing Performance from Time-Tested 80/20 Principle As marketers and business owners, we're always looking for "the next big idea or strategy" to maximize our business performance. Yet, the application of time-tested principles consistently achieve greater results over efforts to create newer ideas and strategies. How to Make More Money with Google AdSense Like any Google AdSense Publisher, you will want to increase your Google AdSense revenue. Your AdSense revenue depends on 3 factors: (1) the number of visitors to your site, (2) the number of visitor that clicks on the ads (Click Through Rate, or CTR), and (3) how well the ads pay (Cost Per Click, CPC). Get anyone of these factor to go up and you will earn more money from AdSense! Google AdSense Revenue = Traffic x CTR x CPC Fortunately you can control all of these variables. Increase your web site traffic Profit from Adsense with Adwords Here's a feisty trick where you can profit from Adsense with the use of Adwords. First you need to find a high paying keyword. It is better if the keyword you will find is worth more than $20 so you're EPC(Earnings per click) would average anywhere from 1$ to 10$. This is just a guess because Google doesn't disclose its revenue share with website owners but many claim its 50%. Plan Your Way to Pay-Per-Click Campaign Success! Have you heard the saying, "planning is everything?" Perhaps there is some truth in that saying so let's discover how to successfully plan your pay-per-click campaign. 5 Ways To Make Your Adwords Ads Outshine Your Competitors Google Adwords is a very good place to promote your business on the Internet. It allows you to target for specific keywords, allowing you to to promote right product to the right audiences. AdWords Work: They Really Do! In 2003 I was accepted by Google into their AdSense program. Without a doubt, it has been a profitable relationship for both parties as they continuously serve up high paying content related ads and we share in the spoils. Still, AdSense does not bring me new customers, but AdWords does. Do AdWords work? Yes they do. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of running a cost effective AdWords campaign. Googles AdWords Select(tm) Groundbreaking Program One of the absolute best online marketing processes available to any business today is Google's AdWords Select advertising program. It produces immediate results within minutes after being setup, drives highly qualified traffic via selected keywords and can be monitored and modified on a 24/7 basis via Google's excellent online interface. There are no hidden fees - it costs a mere $5. USD to setup a campaign and requires a credit card submission at startup. We highly recommend this interactive marketing process to all of our clients and incorporate an AdWords Select component with all of our marketing campaigns. The New Google Ad Links You know about Google Adsense, now it's Google Ad Links for Google Adsense publishers. How To Screen Your Visitors When Using Pay Per Click Advertising If you are using pay per click advertising, I don't need to tell you that it can get very expensive if you have a lot of unnecessary click throughs. In this article I will explain how to screen your visitors and how to apply it to your pay per click advertising campaign, so that you can screen your visitors before they click through. Secret Reasons Why Some Businesses Can Afford to Bid Ridiculous, Amounts On Pay-Per-Click Keywords The other day I was talking to one of my consulting clients on the phone about the return on investment from his Google Adwords campaign. And, he asked me a question that I get several times a week from clients and other online marketers. It Makes Sense to Add AdSense to Your Blog Google AdSense is easy to install on a web page or blog and constitutes additional source of income without spending anything. You have to apply on-line for Google AdSense Program and generally approval comes from Google within two days. Those having AdWord account can use AdWord e-mail address and password for AdSense account also. After acceptance of application, Google confirms creation of your Adsense account thru e-mail. You get a code for AdSense text ads and another code for AdSense search. These codes are to be installed on web page or blog and within minutes the page will start displaying ads from Google, and a Google search bar. AdSense is available in dozen languages worldwide. PPC Fraud, Google Stands to Lose Millions Google stands to lose millions if fraud continues. It is only a matter of time before the current problem of click fraud implodes on Google. Who Else Wants To Maximize Their Google Adwords Success? By Mark Meyers Work At Home Business Tip - Test Everything Dinner With Mark Joyner How I Boosted My Monthly AdSense Profits from $673.07 to $21,398.85 in Just 6 Months All of my keyword research/analysis and search engine optimization skills suddenly came together in October 2004. ClickBank Link Theft: Is It Really That Bad? If you have visited any of the affiliate-related websites or read any of the various ebooks about affiliate marketing, you've almost certainly seen references to the thorny subject of link theft. Indeed, so contentious is this issue that it is frequently discussed in forums and a whole arsenal of third party weapons has evolved to help defeat it. But is the problem really as serious it is made out to be? ![]() |
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