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MSN PPC Advertising Behavioral and Demographic Targeting: Killer App. or Achilles Heel?
Examining the failures of the web content design of many enormous consumer corporations. When you think of the world's most successful businesses, what names come to mind? Most likely, consumer-oriented giants such as Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Sheraton, Disney, IBM, General Electric, and IBM. Not only have they spent billions on advertising to buy their way into your head. They offer convenient products and services that have made them a part of your life. But when you think of the most successful web sites, what names come to mind? Names like Google, Yahoo! Amazon, AOL, Kazaa (for better or worse), and Hotmail. The late-1990s mantra about the web being a disruptive technology that would destroy traditional companies may have been overstated. But a decade and a half into the web's existence, it is clear that the world's leading corporations have been sidelined on the web. The biggest shopping site is not walmart.com but amazon.com. The biggest map site is not randmcnally.com but mapquest.com. Established companies have usually only been able to buy their way into this market through acquisitions (as with Microsoft's purchase of Hotmail, which it used as a base for creating MSN). Why, with few exceptions, were the world's most successful web sites not launched by the world's most successful corporations? Many Big Name Companies' Web Sites a Vast Waste of Time for Visitors The McDonald's web site talks about food, but has no real menu. The Coca-Cola USA web site has no clear ingredients list or nutritional information, no recipes for floats or mixed drinks, no company history, and nothing else useful to people who like Coke. All that information has been inexplicably located on the " company" page, which on every other web site is used for investor relations. The Johnson and Johnson web site has useful information if you can access it-when the author attempted to open it, it crashed two different web browsers (Internet Explorer and Mozilla) before finally yielding (to the Opera browser). Many big-name companies' web sites offer lessons in what not to do in web design. The biggest lesson by far is not to sacrifice usability in an attempt to look cool, and never forget why your users came to your site in the first place. McDonald's may be the world's largest restaurant chain, but it didn't get that way because of its web site. Why Big-Budget Websites Are More Often Bombs than Blockbusters The web sites of many successful corporations (both B2C and B2B) are like big-budget Hollywood movies that spend millions on stars and special effects, and a quarter of a percent of the budget on the script. Worse, the special effects of blockbuster web sites are far more annoying than impressive. Special Effect that Bombs Number 1: Flash! When web sites don't offer any content-any useful information to read-what do they put up there instead? Spinning Coke bottles. Chicken McNuggets and French fries that zoom out toward you when you position your cursor over them. Changing pictures of generic-looking office buildings and men in suits (on the web site of real estate giant CB Richard Ellis-but that essentially describes the generic look of many corporate web sites). Of course, Flash can be used as a way to present content-words, both printed and recorded, and pictures that actually illustrate something. But more often, it is used to impress. And most often, it ends up annoying. Who wants to spend the better part of a minute waiting for a rotation of generic pictures of smiling models? Special Effect that Bombs Number 2: Splash Screens You type in duracell.com expecting information on batteries-which you will find, if you have the patience not to hit the "back" button while the site shows a picture of a battery revolving painfully slowly. On www.mcdonalds.com you're met with pictures of happy children playing with Ronald McDonald and a menu to select what country you're from. Johnson's and Johnson's web site shows a logo before automatically redirecting you to the main page-that is if it doesn't crash your browser first (which happened when the author tried to access the page on May 2, 2004 ). Another way big consumer corporations' web sites from Schick to Mercedes-Benz to Thomas Cooke waste your time with splash pages is by making you choose what country you're visiting from. This could have been detected automatically, or at least, useful worldwide content could have been placed on the homepage, with an option to choose a country prominently displayed. Splash pages are the internet equivalent of making patrons wait in line out front before letting them inside. Unless a site belongs to a night club or a professional services firm with too much business, this can't be a good idea. On the web, where the "back" button and the URL bars loom temptingly, making people wait is business suicide. Special Effect that Bombs Number 3: Overbuilt or Badly Built "Dynamic" Functionality Every web surfer has a story about a shopping cart that malfunctioned just when they were about to click "purchase" on something they really wanted. Or a detailed form that lost all the information after the "submit" button was pressed. When there are so many good "dynamic" sites out there, why are there still so many bad ones? Part of the problem may be overbuilding and needless custom design. There are already excellent Open Source databases out there, which can be endlessly customized and updated by any skilled designer. Yet many companies prefer to spend their money reinventing the wheel so they can have their own proprietary technology, even if it doesn't work. Sometimes, dynamic content can distort the way an entire site presents itself. If the dynamic content is so complex that it presents problems for many users, it is unlikely the dynamic content is worth it. On disney.com, your first greeting is a message that your computer is sufficiently up-to-date (or not) to handle the site. Is that really the magical and fun impression you want to give visitors? About the author Joel Walsh is the head writer at UpMarket, internet marketing services, online copywriting services, & website content provider focusing on small and medium-sized businesses and those who serve them.
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How to Beat Your Rivals on Google AdWords Google AdWords is a great tool for driving traffic to your site; but you need to know how to make the most of the system. Many people just find they end up spending loads of money bidding on super-competitive keywords and sooner or later their ads get disabled for under-performing. While your competitors seem to be getting the top spot time and time again! Want to know how to beat them? Read on.. PPC Advertising Explained Advertising on the Internet has always been a bit of a minefield for people being new to online advertising. Banner advertising, text link advertising, CPM, CPA, PPC, email advertising, SPAM - finding the way through this minefield can be very confusing and expensive if the advertiser does not what he is doing. When Pay-Per-Click advertising entered the market the advertisers gained a big piece of control. Wheres the Best Place to Put Google Adsense Ads? Why, on your web pages of course. Ok, just kidding. The real question should be: "Is there really any truth to the rumors that where you place those Google AdSense ads can actually improve response?" According to my best information, the answer to that question is: Yes. Who Else Wants To Maximize Their Google Adwords Success? By Mark Meyers What The Adsense Top Earners Are Doing To Constantly Increase Their Earnings It is really frustrating, is it not, to log into your Google Adsense earnings and find that you've had yet another disappointing day. Another day of making nothing or just a fraction of a penny. How To Use PopUps With Google Adwords One of the common issues that marketers face when using Google Adwords, is that the use of popups on the target page for their ad is not permitted. Many Adwords advertisers just completely remove popups from their web site, which can not only significantly damage the profitability that results from other traffic sources, but, as we shall see, it is also not entirely necessary. This article looks at alternative solutions, which when implemented can virtually double the ROI (Return On Investment) for Adwords ads. 5 Tips to Pay-Per-Clicking Hi, my name is Darryl Power and I have been using the internet for about 3 years. I used every way possible to generate traffic. But it was not until May 2003 when I found overture did my success really take off. But I am not here to tell you about my success, I'm here to give you some helpful tips with Pay-Per Click advertising which I learned over the past year. The following 5 Tips will help you target your specific audience, and help reach over 85% of internet users in a fast and effective way. Click Fraud and How to Deter It Pay per click (PPC) advertising continues to gain popularity in the online marketing world as an effective and inexpensive way to drive targeted visitors to web sites. Research firm eMarketer reported that between 2002 and 2003 the paid search listing market grew 175 percent. Major trusted search properties such as Google, Overture, FindWhat.com, and Kanoodle, all offer PPC campaigns in which you pay only when someone clicks through your banner ad or link. But PPC also has an enemy--click fraud--and understanding what it is and what to do about it should also be a key part of your PPC campaign. Get Real-time Adsense Channel Stats And Find Out Which Ads Are Being Clicked If you have multiple sites or multiple directories in your site for different subjects and you have placed Adsense codes in your site, I am sure you would like to know: (a) from which site or directory you are earning the most / least, (b) which Adsense ads are being clicked and (c) from which page? Making Google Adsense Work For You If you have been online for quiet some time you might have noticed those tiny ads on many websites with the little "ads by google" notice beneath them. Pay Per Click Search Engines - A Fundamental Overview Forbes magazine reported that pay per click ads accounted for $1.4 billion in 2002 and are expected to increase to $8 billion by 2008. The fundamental core elements of a successful pay per click program are constant monitoring, analysis, and refinement. Free Pay Per Click-PPC Search Engine Advertising Did you know that there are actually pay per click search engines that will actually reward you with $10, $25, $50 or even $100 just for signing up for an account? That's right sign up for FREE and start advertising your site using pay per click search engines. Pay-Per-Click Marketing & Natural Search Engine Traffic PPC advertising has many great benefits. First of all, you get your traffic going quickly. I have used this advantage many times. I test new products and even new websites through PPC advertising before making a decision to promote or scrap my new website or product idea. Price Your ClickBank Products for Maximum Profit Choosing the right price for your digital products is one of the most critical, yet difficult, aspects of your business strategy. How To Screen Your Visitors When Using Pay Per Click Advertising If you are using pay per click advertising, I don't need to tell you that it can get very expensive if you have a lot of unnecessary click throughs. In this article I will explain how to screen your visitors and how to apply it to your pay per click advertising campaign, so that you can screen your visitors before they click through. A Smart Trick for Attracting Higher Paying AdSense Ads There are no guarantees in life, so I don't guarantee that following these tips will bring you more money every time. However, I do guarantee that they will greatly increase your chances of pulling more of the top-paying AdSense ads to your site than if you don't follow these suggestions. Run a Profitable Google Adwords Pay Per Click Campaign Google and Yahoo-Overture control over 90% of the PPC market and as such you should seriously consider using them if you want the maximum possible exposure to targeted web traffic through PPC advertising . Affiliate Tips to Raise Your ROI - From Loser to Winner in 30 Days "Todd" was keen to compete in one of the most notoriously difficult categories ? work-at-home. He was smart, earnest, hard-working and keen to make affiliate marketing more than just a part-time endeavor. He had dreams of living on the beach in Mexico and surfing between sessions at the computer. Using Google AdWords to Increase your Adsense Profits I had been using Google's Adsense program to generate some revenue from my various web sites. Prior to Adsense, I was never previously paid to run these and did so for a hobby. Overall I was pleased with the income I was generating. The only drawback was that I was always looking for ways to get people to my sites. I enjoyed working to bring in more visitors but felt that if I looked at my earnings vs. the hours I worked, the economics weren't making sense. So You Want Big Profits From Your AdWords PPC Advertising Campaigns? So You Want Big Profits From Your AdWords PPC Advertising? Everyone wants to make $300 a day or more with their AdWords campaigns. You've started a few campaigns, spent a few dollars, and now you're wondering - "where's the payoff!" ![]() |
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