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How to Master Google AdWords - Part 1
Then most difficult aspect of marketing a new product or web site is to find enough people that are interested in it so that they are ready to buy. Mastering Google AdWords will enable you to drive traffic to your web site and start making sales immediately. You can create a Google AdWord campaign in a matter of minutes and be making sales within 24 hours. Benefits of Mastering Google AdWords 1. Test Products - with Google AdWords you can quickly test a product to determine if there is a demand for it. If you generate a lot of clicks, this may mean you have a winning product. 2. Generate sales leads - use Google AdWords to generate leads by offering something for free to obtain their email address. Following this, create an autoresponder series to build a relationship with the person. Through this long term relationship you can continually introduce new products to them. 3. Sell your own products - this can produce large profits because you don't have to deal with any middle men which tend to reduce your total profits. 4. Sell other people's products through affiliate programs - you become the sales person for a large company. The company provides a quality product that is in high demand, with a professional web site and sales page. You simply direct visitors to this site and collect commissions for every sale you make. Here are some tips to get you started: 1. Do extensive keyword research first - use Wordtracker to find the best keywords that fit the product you wish to sell. Make a list of at least 50-100 keywords or keyword phrases. Create different ads based on your most targeted keywords. Not all keywords will necessarily be profitable, however you can use them later when developing content for your web pages. 2. Create several ads within an ad group. - an ad group consists of a group of ads you create for the keywords you have researched. Choose your most targeted keyword or keyword phrase then create at least 2 different ads so you can see which ad produces the highest click through rate. The click through rate (CTR) is the ratio of the number of times a person clicks on your ad based on the number of times it is viewed. For example if 100 people see your ad and only one person clicks on your ad to be taken to your web site, then the CTR for that ad is 1/100, 1%. 3. Don't place too many keywords in one ad group - if your keyword phrase is "red wagons" then create an ad group of 2 ads containing this phrase. If your keyword phrase is "blue wagons" then create another ad group with 2 ads containing this phrase. All your keywords must be similar. Part 2 discusses points 4-10 of "How to Master Google AdWords" Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW) owner and author of http://www.iSiteBuild.com Affordable Web Site Design and Low Cost Web Hosting Subscribe to his "Marketing Tips" newsletter for more original articles. subscribe@isitebuild.com. You can read more of his in-depth articles at: http://www.isitebuild.com/articles
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How to Master Google AdWords - Part 1 Then most difficult aspect of marketing a new product or web site is to find enough people that are interested in it so that they are ready to buy. Mastering Google AdWords will enable you to drive traffic to your web site and start making sales immediately. You can create a Google AdWord campaign in a matter of minutes and be making sales within 24 hours. Profiting From Second Tier Pay Per Click Search Engines Once you venture into the world of Pay Per Click advertising, you'll soon discover that the marketplace is sharply divided between tier 1 Search Engines (Google and Overture), and everyone else. While it's difficult to imagine a comprehensive, successful Pay Per Click Advertising campaign that doesn't include the major players, companies that limit themselves to Google and Overture may be missing out on profitable traffic. Making Google Adsense Work For You If you have been online for quiet some time you might have noticed those tiny ads on many websites with the little "ads by google" notice beneath them. Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing - Starting A Campaign Pay per click advertising is an on-going and growing arsenal for all entrepreneurs world wide. Whether your have a small business or a large business, buying a search engine placement is definitely the way to go. Another Advantage To Pay-Per-Click Marketing Web marketing has taken on many different shapes during the last 5 years. It has gone from banner advertising to e-mail campaigns, and now we are in the age of pay-per-click systems like Overture and Google Adwords. While everybody may not agree about the effectiveness of using pay-per-clicks advertising, the one thing nobody can take away from them is their ability to drive traffic to a website. Preliminary Survival Steps for Adwords Success What I find is a lot of marketers do have a great set of keywords, they have a great product to promote (whether it's their own or someone elses), BUT, they go and ruin it all by structuring their campaign all wrong. PPC Management: When To Give Up On A Loser Pay per click (PPC) advertising can be a dream come true. You can get traffic almost immediately from some PPC search engines. And it can be mighty cheap too. Next to joint ventures, PPC search engines have been responsible for most of my online income. I've gotten some great returns on PPC campaigns. And I know other people who have too. What is Google AdSense? In the mid 1990's websites used to earn income by receiving money from advertisers by publishing or allowing companies to deploy a banner ad campaign on your website. Usually these banners would be brilliantly designed to catch the eye of the consumer along with a short message. The website in turn would receive a tiny profit from a click-through, which was when a customer actually clicked on the banner and went into the website and purchased the product. This was considered traffic-driven income. It was the industry standard until Google came along. PPC ClickFraud: Its a Bigger Problem then You Think Pay per click search engine advertising is one of the most popular ways to promote a website. With Overture and Google leading the pack, the industry as a whole has grown immensely in the past few years. According to a report by PriceWaterHouseCoopers, they estimate that Internet Advertising brought in more than $9 billion in 2004 alone. Price Your ClickBank Products for Maximum Profit Choosing the right price for your digital products is one of the most critical, yet difficult, aspects of your business strategy. Google Adwords: Higher Traffic and Sales in 2 Hours or Less! There are various ways to purchase highly targeted advertising at very low prices. Google AdWords is one simple and quick way to to do this. Regardless of your budget, you can actually get your text ads appearing on search result pages within minutes! You can also target your ad to a specific language or country. Google AdSense Rewards Content with Adversiting Revenue If you've been looking for an easy way to increase your website's revenue, Google AdSense may be your answer. Understanding Google AdSense Early on Google implemented a filtering system that allowed webmasters to prevent a specific domain's ads from being served on any websites in their account. Ad blocking meant that webmasters could prevent their competitor's ads from being dynamically served on their websites. Google provides a wide variety of ad formats to match the most suitable option with a website. Webmasters can select from a handful of preformatted towers, inline rectangles, banners and buttons. The ad boxes can be modified by webmasters to resemble the website's color scheme. Examples of how different the various text boxes and color schemes appear on similarly themed sites can be viewed at: http://www.ring-tone-software.com (scroll to the bottom)http://www.ringtones-central.com (scroll to the bottom) or http://www.police-central.com (download left side)http://www.police-supplies.com (scroll to the bottom) Ads can be geo-targeted based on the visitor's location. Advertisements containing content in English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese, or Spanish are all available. ChannelsGoogle recently introduced channels, enhancing AdSense reporting. When a channel is selected Google modifies the java script to include additional tracking. The additional tracking information allows webmasters to track a variety of metrics across their sites. Channels can be used to measure performance on various domains, differences in revenue with various ad sizes, or placement. By assigning each group of pages to a specific channel and comparing results in custom channel reports webmasters can work at increasing their AdSense revenue. Optimizing Google determines the content of the ads that are shown, webmasters serious about earning revenue from Google AdSense can use the following guidelines to optimize their website and ensure that targeted and relevant ads are served. If Google's spider has not crawled the site and determined the nature of the content, public service ads may be served. Public service ads will not accrue any AdSense revenue if clicked. As a result Google allows webmasters to designate alternate ads. Alternate ads allow webmasters to utilize the ad space in the event that Google is unable to serve targeted ads to the web page. By specifying an alternate image, HTML page, or ad server the advertising space can always being used effectively. 1.) Web page content on pages that ads are served should be static not dynamic. 2.) Ensure that the robot.txt does not prevent the web page from being spidered. Robots.txt file's will need to be removed or the following text will need to bedded to allow Google's content bot to crawl the site: User-agent: Media partners - Google 3.) If the website contains frames, select the 'framed page' checkbox when generating the ad layout code for that website. 4.) The body of the page and title of the page should contain contextual words that indicate a common theme on the web page. Revenue EarnedAlthough Google doesn't disclose the exact revenue share or percentage that webmasters will earn, webmasters will receive a portion of the amount paid for clicks on Google ads on websites. 7 Secrets for Pay-Per-Click Success "Pay-for-Performance" or "Pay-per-Click" Internet advertising is making big waves lately, and the two biggest players are Google and Overture, which was recently purchased by Yahoo. Microsoft has since joined the fray with MSN Search and there are numerous other fish (albeit tadpoles) in the pond. AdWords Campaign Set Up Tips It's easy to overlook the basics of a strong AdWords campaign. Without them though, your AdWords campaign can be doomed from the very start. Follow these tips and you can be sure that your campaign will have a strong foundation for both short term and immediate success. Google Adwords ? Manipulating Keywords For Success As you probably know, Google Adwords is a pay-per-click solution offered by Google. As with other PPCs, you are given the ability to place your small advertisement on various platforms controlled by Google. While the platform provides you with a large audience, you must manipulate your keywords to generate success. Get Real-time Adsense Channel Stats And Find Out Which Ads Are Being Clicked If you have multiple sites or multiple directories in your site for different subjects and you have placed Adsense codes in your site, I am sure you would like to know: (a) from which site or directory you are earning the most / least, (b) which Adsense ads are being clicked and (c) from which page? Team Up With Your Competitors Pay per click search engines are a great way to get targeted traffic quickly. The only problem is that as the search terms get more popular, the price of each click through rises. Free Pay Per Click-PPC Search Engine Advertising Did you know that there are actually pay per click search engines that will actually reward you with $10, $25, $50 or even $100 just for signing up for an account? That's right sign up for FREE and start advertising your site using pay per click search engines. How to Skyrocket Your Paid Search Profits Faced with a mediocre or worse performing paid search campaign and the pressure to allocate resources elsewhere, many businesses choose to drop their paid search or scale back their budgets ? leaving ripe buyers waiting to be harvested by their competitors. ![]() |
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