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How About MANAGING Your Own PR?
It's one thing for a senior manager to approve story angles for the publicity folks to use in shopping around for print and broadcast placements. Not an especially large amount of managing needed there. It's quite another matter, however, when that senior manager, with the best interests of his or her own department or unit in mind, actually overlooks the reality that people act on their own perception of the facts, leading to predictable behaviors about which something can be done on his or her behalf. Then compounds the error by failing to insist that the PR people make a special effort to create, change or reinforce the perceptions of those external audiences whose follow-on behaviors really DO impact his or her unit. That's a bit of too bad because those two, core, public relations functions require hands-on managerial cooperation throughout the organization if it's to get its money's worth. The two functions deserve first-class treatment because they help each manager target the kind of stakeholder behavior change that leads directly to achieving his or her objectives. Pretty important stuff! What it says to business, association and non-profit managers is this: a key part of your job description is ? or should be ? do everything you can to help your organization's PR effort as it strives to persuade important stakeholders to your way of thinking. And particularly when the program works to move those stakeholders to behaviors that lead to the success of your department and your programs. In your own best interest, that means assuring yourself that your public relations program is actively MANAGED to that end. Has anybody to your knowledge sat down and listed those external audiences whose behaviors could hurt your unit badly? Then prioritized them according to the impacts they have on your operation? This is a necessary first step in creating the right public relations goal for you. Here, in fact, is how public relations activity could proceed on your behalf. Let's take a look at the audience at the top of your target audience list. Because there could be negative perceptions out there, some of your colleagues will have to interact with members of that audience and ask a number of questions. "Do you know anything about our organization? Have you had any kind of contact with our people? Have you heard anything good or bad about us or our services and products?" Watch respondents closely for hesitant or evasive answers. And stay alert for inaccuracies, rumors, untruths or mis- conceptions. The responses gathered by this kind of perception monitoring among members of the target audience provides grist for your public relations goal. Namely, the specific perception to be altered, followed by the desired behavior change. While the goal by itself isn't of much use, with the right strategy, the public relations program is off to a good start. Fortunately, there are just three strategic choices for dealing with matters of opinion and perception. You can create perception/opinion where there may not be any, you can change existing opinion, or you can reinforce it. An effort should be made to match the strategy to the specific goal. For example, if you want to correct a misconception, you need the strategy that changes existing opinion, not one that reinforces it. Now, some serious writing is needed. The corrective message to be communicated to members of the target audience is an opportunity to write something designed to change individual opinion, and that's a positive experience for any writer. Clarity is first, followed closely by accuracy and believability. Stick closely to the issue at hand ? like an inaccurate belief, a misconception or a dangerous rumor. A compelling tone is useful because the message must alter what a lot of people believe, and that is a big job. Tryout the message on some colleagues for effectiveness. With goal, strategy and message in hand, it's time to call in the "Beasts of Burden" ? the communications tactics that will carry that first-class message to the attention of members of the target audience. Luckily, there are many, many such tactics ranging from luncheons, news releases and personal contacts to print and broadcast interviews, speeches, press releases and dozens of others. Only requirement is that they have a proven track record for reaching your target audience. In short order, colleagues will inquire whether any progress is being made in altering the offending perception or opinion. Ruling out an expensive opinion survey, your best hope of assessing progress is to return to the field and re-monitor the target public member's perception. While you ask the same questions as in the initial monitoring session, the difference now is you're looking for evidence in the responses that the offending perception is, indeed, being altered. What you want to see and hear are signs that percep- tions are actually moving in your direction because, then, you know that positive behaviors cannot be far behind. By the way, you can always move things along at a faster clip by adding a few more communications tactics, and even increase their frequencies. Your message should also be re- vetted again to double-check its clarity and factual accuracy, One way to persuade your operation or department's key stakeholders to your way of thinking ? and move them to behaviors that lead to the success of your organization ? is to insure that the public relations effort on your behalf is actively managed along such lines every step of the way. Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Robert A. Kelly © 2003. About The Author Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to general management personnel about the fundamental premise of public relations. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; Director of Communications, U.S. Department of the Interior, and Deputy Assistant Press Secretary, The White House. mailto:bobkelly@TNI.net Visit: http://www.prcommentary.com.
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Want This Kind of PR? PR that really does something positive about the behaviors of those outside audiences that most affect your business, non-profit or association? Publicity: Three Tips on Writing a Press Release Use journalistic style 10 Secrets to Get Your Press Release Noticed It's difficult enough running the day-to-day aspects of a business, let alone trying to drum up new business as you go. But according to Shannon Cherry, APR, even if you have additional staff helping to get the word out about your products and services, location and prices, delivery and sales support, news releases can make your company grow faster. Dont Do This to Your News Release! Hundreds of thousands of News Releases are sent out all the time and many people will show you different ways to write a news release in a way that will result in publicity for you or for your company. However, many people over look the 17 Deadly Sins that you should never do or have in a news release. These can cause your news release to end up in the shredder! Do You Have A Press Package? How do you make a friend of the media? A press package can go a long way in helping you deal with the media. It allows you to have everything you need handy. Culture As A Barrier To Communication Each of us is exposed to people from other cultures on a regular basis, in the workplace, in our social activities, at school, or even within our families. Our culture hinders us from getting our message across as well receiving the full message that others want to convey to us. This article expound on three aspects: what culture is, the main causes for cross-cultural misunderstandings, and the attitudes and skills that we need to communicate cross-culturally. Doubt PRs Clout? Dont! Done right, it helps modify the behaviors of your most important target audiences, and that can spell S-U-R-V-I-V-A-L. Dont Expect to Bump Oprah From A Magazine Cover "I want a pony, a tree house and the fastest bike in the world." Publicity: Polls and Surveys Are a Great Path Free Publicity When I search Google News for "surveys," I get nearly 50,000 results. When I search for "stocks," I get about 54,000. The media love polls and surveys. Dont Be Incredible Public relations is all about credibility and trustworthiness. If you don't practice PR, then you are likely to be incredible. How to Get Some of Paris Hilton?s TV Time When your book is mentioned on television, sales go up. Immediately people start looking in book stores and on the internet to find out how to buy it. The more people hear about it, the more they want the book. When several shows are talking about the book, it become a best seller. Look at the success of Oprah's Book club, The Today Show's Book Clubs and all the other shows that feature a writer and their book. Sometimes the writer is interviewed but sometimes the writer doesn't even have to be on the show in order to sell books. It made Mark Victor Hansen, the Chicken Soup book author multi- millions. They have published over 85 books. The MOST Powerful Marketing and Advertising on the Planet! It sounds too simple to be true, but it really is... A well targeted and timely PRESS RELEASE to the media is the most powerful form of marketing and advertising on the planet! A high quality press release, with the proper targeting and distribution to reach the correct media members, could have many businesses sailing on a sea of new sales and profits. Just one feature or a mention in a popular or targeted business publication has the potential to cause some business's phones to literally be ringing off the hook! Building The Best Network If you want to succeed, build a great team. A great team multiplies your prospects for success; it enables you to form relationships with powerful people who can make your dreams come true. A great network supports your strengths, fills in your weaknesses and allows you to d build on your teammates' accomplishments. When you have a great team, people assume that you are great and will stand in line to get to know you, do business with you, and help you. They will also be delighted to pay your price. PR: The Thrill of a Good Idea The notion that a business, non-profit or association manager can actually hold a big key to success in his or her own hands IS a thrilling idea! The Right Hook Have you fantasized about spreading word of your business on a top-rated TV show like The Today Show or Oprah? Nows The Time To Get Christmas Media Coverage Publicity seekers know that Christmas can provide a bonanza of media coverage. Every media outlet, it seems is cranking out a special edition on gifts for the winter holidays. So, Christmas is the time to get ink for your product. Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Make Your Web Site a Resource for the Media Reporters, by nature, are curious people. What You Dont Know About PR Can Hurt You And hurt bad if you are a business, non-profit or association manager. Especially when you rely too heavily on tactics like special events, brochures and press releases to get your money's worth. How to Get $1000 worth of Advertising for $60 ©2004 Jeffrey Dobkin PR Works! 15 Ways To Make Your Press Release Stand Out From the Crowd Do editors of newspapers, magazines and online news sites really use press releases? Too right they do. In fact, the press release is one of the most effective forms of publicity. But many businesses, both online and off, underestimate the power the press has to promote their business and get their product or service noticed by potential customers. ![]() |
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