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Press Release, An Alternative For Paid Advertisement. Step 1
What's a press release? This is generally a one page story about your business, your product/service or an event happening related to your business that is about to, or recently occurred. These publicity stories are generally "shot gunned" to newspapers, radio, television and the trade publications. Then imagine having your products/service written on newspapers, trade publications, aired on radio and viewed on television absolutely for FREE!!! Pal, that's going to skyrocket your profit target. That's what press release can do for you. It's not going to cost you anything to do this, not a dime. Don't get excited yet because survey shows that 95% of all press release are rejected, they don't make it. The problem is getting the people to whom you've sent these press release to use them, publish or broadcast them. But this article will show you the art of making a good press release that will be accepted by news directors and editors, and give your product/service the publicity it needs. The two basic things to pay much attention in making your press release is the writing and presentation. So lets start from writing. What would you write about? You can write about just anything but please it" MUST be something that will sell the first person receiving your material - the editor or news director. Then the media man will quickly see and understand how your product or service benefits, his readers - thereby making him a hero to them. Go right to the point and say your product is lower in price, more convenient to use or in what way your product or service is useful to the people in general. It's a good idea to include a complimentary sample of your product. Don't make the mistake of telling the story of your ups and downs towards your success about your product/service. They don't have time for that, they only want things that alerts them of something new and probable real interest to their readers. Try to associate your release with current events in the news. Is there job layoffs, increased unemployment, and inflation or growing need for earning extra income? Then its an opportunity to cash in if you have a product/service that's a solution. Now you have gotten a story to write, to make it to be attention grabbing depends on how you write your headline. Lets say your product/service offers a solution to the above mentioned problem. Here's an example of a headline that could be used - MONEY MAKING GUIDE: SECURE YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE, NEW SOLUTION FOR THE UNEMPLOYED. You can write the headline before the story, and then a story to fit the headline or the story before the headline, and then a headline to fit the story either way basically the same as writing a space ad or a sales letter; you attract attention with the headline and fill in the details with your story. About The Author Emma okafor, an online market researcher and writer. His blueprint success in online marketing is available in his site http://bizacumen.8k.com
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Managers, Which PR Is Right For You? An effort built around a string of print and broadcast exposures? Or, a public relations initiative that delivers results far beyond simple publicity tactics. Namely, real behavior change among your most important outside audiences leading directly to reaching your objectives. Achieved, incidentally, by persuading key outside people with the greatest impacts on your organization to your way of thinking, then moving them to take actions that help your unit succeed. Grow Your Financial Planning Practice by Taking Your Publicity National Think that you aren't big enough for national media coverage? Says who? Certainly not the USA Today. In one recent two-week period, they quoted financial planners in Southfield (Michigan), Dublin (Ohio) and Clearwater (Florida). These are not exactly metropolitan hubs. 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Managerial Survival Key For business, non-profit or association managers like yourself, survival pretty much depends on whether you achieve, or fail to achieve your department, division or subsidiary objectives. Guerrilla PR- Chapter One THE NATURE OF MEDIA Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Dont Hold Back Information From the Media Some financial planners think that they shouldn't share their top tips with the media. How to Make A Great Press Kit ? A Musicians Guide As an owner of an independent record label, I often get asked how to put together a great press kit. I have found that young musicians understand their music, but are often intimidated by the marketing end of the business. In this article I will help you figure out how to position yourself, whether you are a Latin female vocalist building her base, or an upstart garage band just looking for a break. Public Relations Primer, Part II: Five Dos 1) Package your story. Two critical elements will help you do this: Knowledge and Creativity. The Medias Muscle: Make it Work for You The least expensive, most effective way for you to promote your product is through media coverage. Reporters are excellent communicators. They can often tell your story better than you can. They also have the attention of the public. How to Work with Newspaper Photographers The next time a newspaper photographer takes your photo, remember the 8 things they hate: 10 Tips to Give Your Press Release The Edge It Needs to Make the News Writing a press (or media) release is quite an art (and a science) but don't let that scare you. Here are 10 tips to point you in the right direction... Is The Traditional Press Review Still A Business Tool Of The Future? Press reviews are a common and basic feature for surveying the market situtation, your company's public image and the coverage of your competitor's business. Only if you are well-informed about theses topics, you can make sound business decisions. Life After Press Release Distribution? A few weeks ago I was participating on an on-line message board. One of the members was a new business owner who was very excited about sending out her company's first press release. The question she posted to the group was important, but also a common one echoed by so many small-business owners charged with handling media coverage in-house for the first time: "Now that I've distributed my press release, what do I do next? Can Your PR Do This? Can your PR do something positive about the behaviors of those outside audiences that most affect your business, non-profit or association? ![]() |
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