10 Tips to Give Your Press Release The Edge It Needs to Make the News

Writing a press (or media) release is quite an art (and a science) but don't let that scare you. Here are 10 tips to point you in the right direction...

(1) Make sure the information is newsworthy.

(2) Tell the audience that the information is intended for them and why they should continue to read it.

(3) Start with a brief description of the news, then distinguish who announced it, and not the other way around.

(4) Ask yourself, "How are people going to relate to this and will they be able to connect?"

(5) Make sure the first 10 words of your release are effective, as they are the most important.

(6) Avoid excessive use of adjectives and fancy language.

(7) Deal with the facts.

(8) Provide as much Contact information as possible: Individual to Contact, address, phone, fax, email, Web site address.

(9) Make sure you wait until you have something with enough substance to issue a release.

(10) Make it as easy as possible for media representatives to do their jobs.

Remember this, a news or media release is not meant to be a blatant self promotional vehicle - it's meant to make the journalist's job easier for them and be interesting reading for their readership. Keep this in mind and you'll have a fair chance of coverage.

Author: http://www.JamesBurchill.com - James is a freelance writer and consultant

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