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Grandma Says...
Southern grandmothers have often said, "there are only three times a respectable person's name should be in the paper: when you are born, when you are married, and when you die."
This is the one area in which I part company with my grandmothers. Publicity is more critical today for the success of a business than it has ever been.
Why do I believe it's critical? Let's review what publicity ? particularly publicity in business and trade publications - can do for your business.
Provides Neutral Third-party Endorsement. Even though many think the media are biased, consumers still cling to the belief that people who are quoted by the media have something worthwhile to say.
Boosts Your Competitive Advantage. Positive publicity confirms for your customers that they made the smart choice when they elected to use your products or services.
Enables Referrals. Your "smart" customers become evangelists by handing out articles about you to their business contacts.
Shortens Your Sales Cycle. Media coverage often does a better job of explaining what you do than an ad can. So, readers will have a level of knowledge about you before you meet.
Builds Your Marketing Library. Print and web-based articles can become excellent marketing material that costs little to develop.
Positions You. Publish or perish is the academic motto. Experts from outside the world of academia also know that by being quoted by the media they can improve their position as industry experts.
Builds Value. For every speaker like Tom Peters earning thousands of dollars for appearances, there are hundreds who are paid a pittance for speaking engagements. Can you guess the difference?
As you can see, there are a wide variety of reasons for you to be publicizing yourself and your business. Just this once, don't listen to Grandma. Go get your name in the paper. Harry Hoover is managing principal of Hoover ink PR, http://www.hoover-ink.com. He has 26 years of experience in crafting and delivering bottom line messages that ensure success for serious businesses like Brent Dees Financial Planning, Duke Energy, Levolor, North Carolina Tourism, Ty Boyd Executive Learning Systems, VELUX and Verbatim.
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All You Need to Know About Press Release Writing and Distribution Before you even think about writing a press release, there are a few things you need to know about the media. Here's the first - and most important - of them: CD ROM Business Cards Created properly, an extremely effective marketing tool. Media Training 101: When 60 Minutes Knocks On Your Door You never know when 60 Minutes will knock on your door and if not them, then maybe a local investigative reporter. A little media savvy is a valuable skill for executives and their image-conscious organizations. Unless you've had media training you know most businesspeople would rather face a firing squad than a crew from the 5:00 news. Although most reporters have professional integrity, some can be crafty. PR tips for business Question: Why should your business issue a press release? Answer: because you have something to say, you want to say it in public and a press release encourages the press to say it for you. And because you want to show your business in a favourable light from the outset and begin the longer-term process of building awareness and understanding of your product or service. The PR And Marketing Expert Has A Smattering Of Knowledge Regarding Nearly Everything And Is Certain PR, that is public-relations, leads the way to effective advertising; opening the channel of communication and allowing the advertising to be acceptable. Public-relations is really all the different ways of communicating that enable society and individuals and groups and organizations to better function and more understandably communicate with each other. Marketing is composed of the different forms of communications, such as words and pictures on music and shapes and colors that make a person or group more willing to receive a communication that communication usually being an advertisement. In the advertisement is to induce a consumer to purchase a good or service. The more a public-relations and marketing expert knows about various goods and services, the better that person is that marketing, advertising and selling them. Managers Who Leave PR to Others You're a business, non-profit or association manager who needs to achieve your organizational objectives on schedule. Since public relations should be helping you do just that, why leave it wholly in the hands of others? 7 Simple Steps To A PR Launch A PR product or service launching is a perfect way to build momentum slowly. It handles the first and most important hurdle to overcome in building a brand -- credibility. Possibilities Of The Blogosphere For The PR Industry In Spanish-Speaking Countries Only two media in Spanish speaking countries offer RSS: the Spanish newspaper El Mundo and the Argentine Clarín. Although the blogs are becoming more visible in the media and are becoming a research topic, still they are something of small "evangelist groups", who promote its use? but this can change in little time. Whats Stopping You From Getting Publicity? When I talk with business people, they tend to believe if they offer good service, they will automatically get "noticed". How to Tie-In With News Events to Score Publicity It's safe to say that we live in interesting times. It seems wehardly have a breather between wars, tragedies, scandals,epidemics, circus trials and other events that capitalize themedia's attention. For the business seeking publicity, the "newshole" for more traditional stories -- new product reviews,business features, offbeat promotions -- keeps shrinking as the"big story" mentality takes hold. Financial Planners Publicity and Marketing - Live By The Calendar The media live by the calendar. Your story pitch might miss the mark with them the first time out, solely because it's out of whack with the seasonal cycle (obvious examples: just try pitching another tax story on April 16, or offering the media your 10 tips on backyard barbecue safety the morning after Labor Day). Media Relations: When Numbers Lie NUMBERS, NUMBERS EVERYWHERE PR Essential to Your Success Whether you are a business, non-profit or association manager, your success will depend, to a large degree, on how well you positively impact the behaviors of those outside audiences that most affect your operation. Anchor Your Relationships I heard a speaker recently who was talking about how to maintain strong relationships. As I listened to his basic principle, I realized that it is true in all of our life situations, be it work, family etc. And let's face it, relationships are what make the world go 'round. So strong healthy relationships will make your work more enjoyable, and prosperous, and will make your family and friend relationships better as well. Are You Sure You Know What Youre Doing? Because when it comes to public relations, non-believers can produce a double-bummer -- missed opportunity AND a ton of wasted money. It really is a shame because we do public relations to change the behaviors of certain groups of people important to the success of those very Doubting Thomases. Publicity: Polls and Surveys Are a Great Path Free Publicity When I search Google News for "surveys," I get nearly 50,000 results. When I search for "stocks," I get about 54,000. The media love polls and surveys. Top Ten Tips For Great Sound Bites If you're an online business using public relations (PR) to help increase traffic at your site, you've found a great way to gain exposure at little cost. And before you know it, the day will come when you are invited to do an interview with a reporter. It's exciting, but scary. What do you do? How do you prepare? Why PR Packs a Punch Done right, it delivers the key, target audience behaviors you know you must have to achieve your organizational objectives. Press Kit Elements That Work Considering how fundamental they are to the publicist's trade,it's always amazed me how lousy almost all press kits truly are.Your typical press kit is a bloated folder filled with puffery,hype, irrelevant information and worse. The vast majority ofthese monstrosities do little besides kill trees and clognewsroom trash baskets. Press Release, An Alternative For Paid Advertisement. Step 1 What's a press release? This is generally a one page story about your business, your product/service or an event happening related to your business that is about to, or recently occurred. These publicity stories are generally "shot gunned" to newspapers, radio, television and the trade publications. ![]() |
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