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VIP Database; Does Your Company Have One?
The VIP databases are fun to create and can be an excellent source for your small business. You say; VIP database, "what is that; who would I put in it?" It will contain things like mayor, city council persons, city managers, service club board members, campaign contributors in previous elections, human resource directors, P.R. directors and presidents of large companies, etc. And anyone who's anyone in your market or trading area should be put into your VIP database for easy reference. We recommend using a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet as a format. To insure accurate information you will need to call the presidents of all clubs and introduce ourselves. By clubs we mean the Rotary, Kawanis, Lions, Elks, Optimists, Soroptimists, Genealogical Society, New Comers, etc. Then jot down all of their annual and or big upcoming events they have planned, their basic mission, big projects, weekly meetings and club contact names. Presidents of clubs love to talk about all the great things they are doing. They'll talk your ear off. So listen. When they are done talking, you start talking, volunteering and telling them about your services or products and thus you become a resource for them to do good in the city. They will pretend to care for ten to fifteen minutes and then give you the names and phone numbers of their club officers and various committee heads. These go in the VIP database. It doesn't take much to get yourself invited to a meeting or two. Most local politicians are listed in the white pages. They usually have an answering machine and don't pick up the telephone. They want to look accessible, but it's all a facade. Half of the local politicians return phone calls and the others don't care unless you are a contributor to their re-election or you are a VIP. You need to make contact with them and tell them of your pro-active approach in your business to be a community based business and you want to help. As your database gets bigger you will see the value and the simple meeting of all these folks will start an insider buzz and it will bring business your way as you tap into the community that supports you. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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How To Get Radio-Active PR For Your Non-Profit Cause: Part Two of Three FIVE WAYS TO GET ON THE RADIO Celebrities Cant Have It Both Ways Corporations are willing to pay substantial amounts of money to prominent personalities so that consumers will relate the brand with their favorite star, and thus will be more likely to buy the product. The buying public imparts credibility to the celebrity because of his or her charisma as well as the credibility that comes with prominence in the media. The power of someone's personality also entails risks for the brand with which they are associated, because any controversial behavior may reflect badly on the product. This has become an especially frequent problem in recent times. What Kind of PR Makes Sense? For business, non-profit and association managers, is it publicity that delivers newspaper and talk show mentions backed up by colorful brochures and videos, combined with special events that attract a lot of people? The Feeding Tube for Your Business There are a lot of things that make a business full of clients and running smoothly. So Whats Wrong With Strategic? Some folks see the word "strategic" as a needlessly tiresome and complicated notion. But anything that shows you how to get from here to there IS strategic, and something we all need. Why Good PR Warrants Your Attention Because good public relations can alter individual perception and lead to changed behaviors among key outside audiences. And that can help business, non-profit and association managers achieve their managerial objectives. Financial Planners Publicity and Marketing - Live By The Calendar The media live by the calendar. Your story pitch might miss the mark with them the first time out, solely because it's out of whack with the seasonal cycle (obvious examples: just try pitching another tax story on April 16, or offering the media your 10 tips on backyard barbecue safety the morning after Labor Day). PR: Behavior Modification Specialist While awaiting economic recovery, business needs to attract the attention of its most important external audiences in a more targeted and focused way. Primarily to impact the perceptions of those key outsiders so that resulting behaviors help those managers achieve their objectives. Public Relations Primer Part III: 10 Donts There are all kinds of smart moves professionals can make to raise their media visibility. Here are ten things not to do if you're aiming to heighten your public profile. Public Relations: Converting the Non-Believers What's the real reason some managers shy away from public relations? I believe it's because they don't understand, or believe, the direct connection between what public relations is capable of delivering and their need to achieve specific business objectives. 3 Essential Elements For Turning Your PR Pitch Into Publicity Exposure 1) Establish Rapport, then get the editor/producer excited. PR: A Potent Force for Success What's REALLY potent for a business, non-profit or association manager is public relations' ability to alter individual perception leading to changed behaviors. And then, to persuade those key outside folks to the manager's way of thinking, and help move them to take actions that allow their department, division or subsidiary to succeed. Writing a Press Release: The Design Basics Big corporations like General Motors and Coca-Cola spend thousands of dollars on press kits with specially-designed folders, full-color stationery, digital photos and lots of other goodies. Does this make a reporter more likely to do their story? In my experience, the answer is no. Managers: Do You Trust Your PR? You can if, as a business, non-profit or association manager, you can honestly say you are doing something positive about the behaviors of those important external audiences of yours that most affect your department, group, division or subsidiary. Its CNN! They Want To Talk To You! Being invited to appear on radio and television used to be reserved for top company executives and spokespersons. Until quite recently, the chance of being invited to make a media appearance was extremely small, even for the highest echelon. Today, almost anyone in responsible positions could be called on to interview. Two Donts for Financial Planners Seeking Free Publicity Many of my clients have had the misguided perception that they won't be able to get media coverage from a publication that their larger competitors advertise in. Nothing could be further from the truth. Austin?s Annual Charity Event with KVET In my travels around the country while building my business I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the greatest community volunteers in our nation. I never missed an opportunity to meet community leaders and learn all I could about every market my company franchised in. One event in particular was a standout; the Austin's Annual Charity Event with KVET. How to Get PR There is a process for successfully getting publicity about your business or organization. Publicity is no great mystery, just a thorough and strategic sales job. You are selling content to a publication or website who needs it to entice their readers. No publicist can guarantee a publication will print stories about your company because the publisher or editor ultimately controls the content of a publication. However, here is the method we recommend: Life After Press Release Distribution? A few weeks ago I was participating on an on-line message board. One of the members was a new business owner who was very excited about sending out her company's first press release. The question she posted to the group was important, but also a common one echoed by so many small-business owners charged with handling media coverage in-house for the first time: "Now that I've distributed my press release, what do I do next? Nows The Time To Get Christmas Media Coverage Publicity seekers know that Christmas can provide a bonanza of media coverage. Every media outlet, it seems is cranking out a special edition on gifts for the winter holidays. So, Christmas is the time to get ink for your product. ![]() |
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