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Competition in the News Creates Spin
In larger cities with many outlets they are competing for more news that other outlets cannot get as fast. "THE SCOOP" and also the spin, this spin thing is so that articles can cater to the readership or so they say. I have found that many reporters including at the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Christian Science Monitor, etc completely spin articles. How would I know this? Well I have my sources and I will not tell you!!! Just kidding, thought you might want to hear that excuse one more time. Places where you would think that they are very impartial, will spin a story to fit their topic. For a company PR department they say most all news is good news and not to worry. Yet the other point is that if the story is too slanted it is not real. The reason I mention this is because after giving hundreds and hundreds of interviews in my life, I can say not one grasped the topic of conversation and all took quotes out of context, inadvertently misrepresented an event or spun a story to fit their needs of personal opinion or even worse were on their little time line deadline and left out pertinent information. I realize this has been going on for decades; In my personal experience and probably since story telling came to terms with the printing press and newspapers were born. In my company we did not have a PR firm, just worthy news and news worthy events. Yet even as worthy as the WashGuys are it is nuts to think that the reporters are in such a hurry that they cannot do it correctly. It seems to me that the reporters secretly wish to be in power and therefore use their pen to promote their own agenda. The biggest problem with that is that most often the agenda is very skewed towards an academia socialist viewpoint. Which last time I checked we are a Capitalist country and everywhere socialism has been tried it has not succeeded as well as our current structure. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;
Radio Interviews - How To Get Them! Getting on the radio can be a great tactical move as part of your overall publicity effort, but you do need to have a story idea or an angle to present on a particular topic. Selling yourself as a guest on a talk show is a great way to raise your profile and if your subject relates to a topic that is currently in the news your chances of getting on is clearly improved. How To Write More Powerfully For PR, Offline And Online Years ago when my Dad owned a group of local newspapers I spent my school and college vacations working in the editorial office. We used to amuse ourselves over our sandwiches at lunchtime looking through and trashing the endless press releases that would arrive in the mail each day, all beautifully produced with glossy photographs (this was in pre-internet days). A New Idea For Venture Capitalists Obviously, it hurts when a promising business project you backed financially goes down the tube. 3 Reasons to Tap into the Power of Publicity Publicity is obtaining editorial coverage or features for your business. Publicity is getting your business reported as news. Examples of publicity are newspaper and magazine articles, radio and television interviews and Internet forums and much more. These are just a few reasons you should consider letting your business tap into the power of publicity. Maybe the Strongest PR on Planet Earth? Strong for business, non-profit and association managers when they use the fundamental premise of public relations to produce external stakeholder behavior change ? the kind that leads directly to achieving their managerial objectives. 16 Publicity tips for Restaurants With a dismal failure rate of more than 75 percent among restaurants, you must be sure you do everything you possibly can do to promote your restaurant through free publicity. Here are 16 tips that will boost your publicity efforts and help you finally get noticed--even if you don't have a big advertising budget. Talk Back Radio - Tips To Be A Star On-Air! Talkback radio offers a fantastic opportunity to access thousands of people instantly and relay your or your company's messages. An interview opportunity is highly sought after in today's business and to learn ways of working effectively with the media invaluable to any business. The Most Important PR In America Just happens to be public relations activity that alters individual perceptions leading directly to changed behaviors. PR pulls that off by persuading a manager's key outside audiences with the greatest behavior impacts on the organization, to its way of thinking. Then it moves those external stakeholders to take actions that help the organization succeed. How to Stay Composed During Contentious TV Interviews NOTE: Brad Phillips was a Producer for CNN's The Capital Gang from 2000-2001. Publicizing Your Company Got a huge need for publicity and a tiny publicity budget? You don't need to have a Madison Avenue-sized advertising budget to make your name known. Marketing-Minded Financial Planners--Appearing on TV? Tell the World! It doesn't matter how cruel the reality programs get, there always seems to be an endless supply of people willing to humiliate themselves to get on television. There's just something exciting about appearing in front of millions of people. Detailing The Famous Kentucky Derby Train The annual detailing of the Kentucky Derby Train is an annual ritual for the beautiful long sleek historical piece of American History. It may seem easy to detail such a fine piece of machinery, but it take many man-hours and they expect it perfect. Such a job is sure to inflate the egos of the company with the contract and make some ice pictures for their portfolio. Press Releases How do press releases or interest stories have an effect on meeting new potential clients? PR Secrets for Small Business Most small businesses do little to no public relations (PR) to promote their businesses. The reasons are fairly common. No one within the small business knows the mechanics of writing a press release, and if they did, they don't know what to say. Instead, small business owners wait for a local reporter to stop by or for a trade publication editor to notice them at a trade show. Most small businesses are still waiting, but a select few luck into their moment of fame; and when it comes, Wow! what an impact it can have. How To Get An Avalanche Of Free Publicity For Your Home Business! There are many ways you can get tons of free publicity in the form of write-ups in magazines, newspapers, and even radio and TV. And sometimes you can turn family events into human-interest stories that editors like and will publish in their magazine and newspapers The Press Release is Dead (Now Will Somebody Please Tell the Clients?) In competing for a piece of business not too long ago, my PR firm was asked to supply three samples each of recent clips, bylined articles we'd authored for clients, and press releases. Media Savvy - How To Lead, Persuade, And Influence Media management has become one of the strategic tools for managers and leaders to drive marketing opportunities, communicate key messages, achieve social change or influence Government. Media and Communications Consultant, Thomas Murrell* shares 10 success tips for getting the best from the media. Creating Your Online News Room: How To Build a Site The Media Will Love From time to time, people ask me how public relations has changedduring the two decades in which I've been seeking publicity. Myanswer: technology. Twenty years ago, the fax machine was anewfangled novelty. Our primary means of communicating withjournalists was the telephone and the US Mail. The advent of e-mail and the web has made life easier in many regards and tougherin others - namely, thanks to hordes of clowns with money makingschemes and software that "blasts" press releasesindiscriminately to reporters, it's become very hard to get youre-mails through to spam-weary reporters. Publicity Wont Thrive on Press Releases Alone Press releases are a useful tool for announcing news and for keeping your name in the mind of the news media. Mastering the Media What do Monica Lewinsky, Shoshanna Lowenstein, and even Richard Hatch have in common? Media exposure. They were ordinary people who became household names. |
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