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For Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Small Publications Can Have Great Publicity Impact
Just because a publication is small doesn't mean that getting your name in it won't have great impact. Trade on the reputation of the trades Some of the trade publications have very loyal audiences who are much more likely to trust someone they see there than someone on the local news or in The Wall Street Journal. Now I'm not talking about the trade publication for your profession ? the only people you'll reach are your competitors. Get yourself in the publications your prospects and clients read! Don't forget the Sewer Cleaner Association's newsletter It's a great to get yourself in the newsletters of the associations your prospects in that niche belong to. Whatever your market is, you can bet it has a professional or trade association. Sure, their newsletters are "smaller." But there's nothing better or more tightly focused on reaching your targets ? and no one else! Offer yourself as a guest columnist Unlike the major publications, which receive 100 times more material then they could ever print, smaller publications usually scramble to get enough content. Ask one of those industry publications, or your local paper, if they'd like a guest columnist to write advice articles on your topic. Or offer to answer "reader's mailbag" questions. Ned Steele works with people in professional services who want to build their practice and accelerate their growth. The president of Ned Steele's MediaImpact, he is the author of 102 Publicity Tips To Grow a Business or Practice. To learn more visit http://www.MediaImpact.biz or call 212-243-8383.
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Media Training 201: The Reporters Have Done Their Homework. Have You Done Yours? Just about anyone who has been in the public eye has a story of the media interview that went south. "I talked to that reporter for an hour and all they used was a ten-second sound bite!" or, "He said he wanted to ask me about X when that was just a way to get in the door so he could talk about Y." Chances are, the reporter came armed with questions and if he really did his homework, knew what answers to expect. You should be just as prepared. Media training can't make the tough questions go away, but it can give you the tools to control the interview. Here are some tips: Media Relations: Should You Pay For News Coverage? Dear New York Times: Whats Your Op-Ed? Everyone has an opinion on something, and you can leverage the opinion of top executives to heighten the visibility of your organization. How? By getting them to write so-called op/ed pieces for newspapers. Publicity: Three Tips on Writing a Press Release Use journalistic style Publicity: Five Tips for Calling a Reporter Always ask, "Is now a good time?" Public Relations Primer Part III: 10 Donts There are all kinds of smart moves professionals can make to raise their media visibility. Here are ten things not to do if you're aiming to heighten your public profile. The PR And Marketing Expert Has A Smattering Of Knowledge Regarding Nearly Everything And Is Certain PR, that is public-relations, leads the way to effective advertising; opening the channel of communication and allowing the advertising to be acceptable. Public-relations is really all the different ways of communicating that enable society and individuals and groups and organizations to better function and more understandably communicate with each other. Marketing is composed of the different forms of communications, such as words and pictures on music and shapes and colors that make a person or group more willing to receive a communication that communication usually being an advertisement. In the advertisement is to induce a consumer to purchase a good or service. The more a public-relations and marketing expert knows about various goods and services, the better that person is that marketing, advertising and selling them. What I Do I believe this about public relations. Managers: Super-Charge Your PR Ain't a gonna happen unless business, non-profit and association managers, possibly like you, do something positive about those important external audiences of yours that most affect your operation. And then, as you persuade those key outside folks to your way of thinking, help move them to take actions that allow your department, group, division or subsidiary to succeed. Get Write To It The toughest thing about writing a news release is getting started. But writing doesn't have to be hard. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you beat writer's block. Prep for a Successful Trade Show Well, autumn is upon us and with the onset of this season comes cleaner air and colourful outdoor scenery and, it is also prime season for trade shows. Sure, trade shows happen all throughout the year but, with many areas recognizing small business month/week, there is a greater opportunity for entrepreneurs to showcase their products or services to their target markets. Mastering the Media What do Monica Lewinsky, Shoshanna Lowenstein, and even Richard Hatch have in common? Media exposure. They were ordinary people who became household names. Public Relations Success Starts Here For discerning business, non-profit and association managers, PR success is pretty much a matter of achieving their managerial objectives by altering perceptions leading to changed behaviors among those important external audiences that MOST affect their department, group, division or subsidiary. PR Works! 15 Ways To Make Your Press Release Stand Out From the Crowd Do editors of newspapers, magazines and online news sites really use press releases? Too right they do. In fact, the press release is one of the most effective forms of publicity. But many businesses, both online and off, underestimate the power the press has to promote their business and get their product or service noticed by potential customers. Did You Know That Even TV Remote Control Units Can Get Press and Media Coverage? Did you Know That Even TV Remote Control Units Can Get Press and Media Coverage? Media Training: When Reporters Bully You UNDER FIRE Think Big Would you like to be the next Dr. Phil, Suze Orman or Guy Kawasaki? How to Stay Composed During Contentious TV Interviews NOTE: Brad Phillips was a Producer for CNN's The Capital Gang from 2000-2001. Business Community Relations 101 - Getting the Most Out of Your Chamber of Commerce Membership Since the major part of a small business typically comes from business to business services, it is essential to maintain a positive standing with the local business community. It is of value to you to join as many business type organizations as possible in your town. You should attend meetings when possible and introduce your clients to each other. PR: The Wildcard Marketing Strategy What is the true purpose of public relations and how can it really help impact the growth of your small business? In order for the media to succeed, they need information that is both useful and entertaining for their readers. This is where you, the business owner or marketing executive, come in. ![]() |
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