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The Non-business Business
Think for a moment! If you were to do a business, profession or a job that you loved, something that was a passion, you considered worth doing, one that gave you joy; would you ever think early retirement or rush home early from work? 'Doubtful' is a certainty, to say the least! A few years ago, I perchance drifted across a book titled 'To Sail Beyond the Sunset' in which Robert Heinlein's character, Jubal Harshaw, said something that left a lasting impression on me, and ergo, naturally, on the way I look at life. Jubal says "Happiness lies in being privileged to work hard for long hours in doing whatever you think is worth doing. One man may find happiness in supporting a wife and children. And another may find it in robbing banks. Still another may labor mightily for years in pursuing pure research with no discernible results." "Note the individual and subjective nature of each case. No two are alike and there is no reason to expect them to be. Each man or woman must find for himself or herself that occupation in which hard work and long hours make him or her happy. Contrariwise, if you are looking for shorter hours and longer vacations and early retirement, you are in the wrong job. Perhaps you need to take up bank robbing. Or geeking in a sideshow. Or even politics." So I settled on Public Relations. Not before completing various stints dealing in chemicals, stocks, exporting saddlery (would you believe?), and finally PR. But then, this article is not about me, its about The Non-business Business. What is it that PR provided that the myriad of other professions could not? What was I looking for, that was also the search of every Jubal? I began dealing in chemicals because I was a Chemical Engineer and I thought it came naturally to me. So it did, I understood the technicalities of the subject and also liked it, but it was monotonous, repetitive and required little else than the skill of a door-to-door salesman (not that I think that's an easy job at all though, only that I was not cut out to ringing doorbells!). Then, with an attempt to bring back the excitement that was lacking in the first business venture, and because of my interest in Finance I looked at the ever changing, dynamic and exciting world of stocks. Enter Stock Broking. The new age, online stock exchanges in India had just started and it required both acumen and understanding to be able to broker deals. Soon the business was grasped and volumes at our counters soared. But equally soon I realized all you needed to do to be a broker of stocks was a good number of contacts, a skill to understand what the market movements meant and to recommend based on your collective understanding, added with a good dose of instinct. Despite financial success, I had not found the profession I really wanted to pursue. I then turned to my childhood love for horses. I have always loved the animal and am passionate about everything to do with the animal. I migrated to a city which specialized in making saddlery for horses. For three years my routine would be the same. I would carefully select the leather which would be used for the horse riding equipment, have the embellishments for the saddles personally designed, and have my contractors craft wonderful equipments for riding the even more wonderful horses. Sadly, in all my years with the business, the only time I sat on a saddle was when it was placed on a testing horse (a wooden piece on which we used to fit the saddle). My love for horses was too strong for me to continue something that was so near, and yet so far from the magnificent equine. So, I was hunting for my dream profession yet again. After one brief stint with a dotcom, I settled onto PR, which is actually the subject of this story. I have been here for the last 6 years and to say the least, I can easily continue for a few decades more in the same profession. I stay back late nights, come back early morning, think about the clients business even when I am eating, bathing or (perhaps!) sleeping. I love what I do. It excites me, and I seriously think our organization will make a difference to this world and I already am of the firm belief that we are making a significant difference to our clients (otherwise, they would'nt be there with our organization as clients, right?). We consult our clients on their business, how to make it better and how they can make a difference in the world ? to me, that sounds very exciting. When I analyzed my life keeping Jubal's statement in mind, I saw through what it was that made a profession completely satisfying. I saw what made one love what one does (or not, as the case may be). And, trust me, I have been through enough professions to know. In most cases, professions are made by accidents. Almost everyone, other than the lucky few, has suffered (or is suffering!) the ill-advise of friend, uncle or parent. You have a great future as a doctor, engineer, or stockbroker, says a father's friend, little realizing what your real passion is. Else, someone knows of your passion for archeology, but little realizes that what kind of life a professional archeologist leads. The instances are too many to even attempt to think about. So what do you do? Always keep your eyes & ears open and absorb every thing that comes your way. Everything has a purpose, and when that one thing that comes your way, it could become the purpose for your life. Stay tuned to all channels and become a sponge. Then there are simple rules that help you find your right profession. And from here on, you only stay in the same profession if the answer to every question is a big YES. 20 year rule: You keep analyzing your profession against yourself and ask if there is a fit and do you see yourself doing this very thing 20 years from now. 12 hour rule: The next step is fairly easy. Ask yourself if you can do that thing you do; stock broking, astrology or saving rhinos in Africa, most days of your life, for 10 to 12 hours each day, with only brief breaks in between. Pride Rule: Do you feel good about what you do? Does what you do make you feel proud? Do the people who matter to you really feel proud about what you do? Would you feel great telling a complete stranger (or your nearest relative!) what you do? You may run a Laundromat or be walking dogs; the question is the same. Rule of Passion: Can you feel your skin tingle with excitement when you talk of your job/profession? Can you pass on your excitement to others? Do others come to you for advice on similar jobs? Rule of Good: This is a simple rule that asks, Do you think that good things happen as a consequence of what you do? Is Good a main product or is it a by-product of your business or job? Just to clear up the air a bit, if Good is the main product it is a positive sign and as a by-product means you must start hunting again. N. Chandramouli is the CEO of Blue Lotus Communications Consultancy, one of the fastest growing PR agencies in India. Located in Mumbai, the agency has an country wide presence. The knowledge driven agency has many national and international brands in areas of Technology, Finance, Health, Education & Assotiations & not-for-profit forums. Chandramouli is an Engineer-MBA with over 16 years of experience in various professions. Blue Lotus currently employs about 50 consultants across its offices and projects a growth of Rs. 500 mn by March 2006.
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How to Stay Composed During Contentious TV Interviews NOTE: Brad Phillips was a Producer for CNN's The Capital Gang from 2000-2001. 4th Quarter 2003 Publicity = 1st Quarter 2004 Prosperity As the year starts to wind down, many businesses and entrepreneurs are making plans and budgets for the year 2004. Those plans could include anything from setting up goals for new products to preparing marketing, sales and PR/publicity campaigns. When it comes to your publicity plan, WHEN you launch your campaign can be just as important to what and how you launch. Top Five Publicity Myths Most people consider getting publicity the most important part of public relations. It's also very mysterious to many people. Here are my top five publicity myths, to help make publicity better understood. Anatomy Of A PR Campaign The message is determined by analyzing the brand being marketed, and doing so with clear vision and self-knowledge. Too many marketing executives rely on their own concept of the brand's identity, and never bother to discover what attributes the public has assigned to a product. Just because you've decided that you want to project a certain image doesn't mean that's the image you're projecting. Extremely high-profile marketing campaigns have failed because not enough market research and communication with the consuming public were done. Make Sure Your Media Room Rocks If a reporter was writing a story about you and your company and she visited your website, could she find anything useful and interesting about you to use in her story? And could she find it quickly? Or would she immediately abandon your site and look for one of your competitors to write about? Media Savvy - How To Lead, Persuade, And Influence Media management has become one of the strategic tools for managers and leaders to drive marketing opportunities, communicate key messages, achieve social change or influence Government. Media and Communications Consultant, Thomas Murrell* shares 10 success tips for getting the best from the media. Think Big Would you like to be the next Dr. Phil, Suze Orman or Guy Kawasaki? Media Training: How to Tell a More Interesting Story PRESIDENT BUSH TELLS A STORY A Managers PR Paradigm If you manage a department, division or subsidiary for a business, non-profit or association, your primary public relations model probably should read this way: people act on their own perception of the facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired- action the very people whose behaviors affect the organization the most, the public relations mission is accomplished. Attention Owners of Food Related Businesses: How to Get Publicity Any Time You Want Attention: Who Else Wants To Get Publicity Whenever You Want It? Two Donts for Financial Planners Seeking Free Publicity Many of my clients have had the misguided perception that they won't be able to get media coverage from a publication that their larger competitors advertise in. Nothing could be further from the truth. Is This the PR You Thought You Were Getting? You know, where you do something positive about the behaviors of those outside audiences that MOST affect your organization? And where you do so by persuading those important external folks to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions that help your department, division or subsidiary succeed? Want to Light a Fire Under Your PR? Yes? Then do something positive about the behaviors of those important external audiences of yours that MOST affect your operation. What Does the Public Relations Client REALLY Want, and Why? It's not unusual for clients of service providers to insist that their budget dollars be quickly applied to a variety of flashy tactics. Yet, when pressed, many acknowledge that what they REALLY want for their money is visible, end-game change. Effective Media Relations ? You Won?t be Talking to the Media Without It! The media's role is to package and spread news, current affairs and public interest information to the public. They have great power to shape and influence public opinion, to target and exploit audience reactions, emotions and opinions. Pressure From the Top? Yes, and that pressure often comes from a CEO who knows what a public relations investment SHOULD produce. Financial Planners, Why Advertise When Free Publicity and Marketing Is Better? Commit this to memory, please: To get in the media, being good is good enough. Managers: Do You Trust Your PR? You can if, as a business, non-profit or association manager, you can honestly say you are doing something positive about the behaviors of those important external audiences of yours that most affect your department, group, division or subsidiary. 10 Ways to Get the Media to Love You So you've put yourself "out there" with a public relations campaign. Your dealings with the media now become critical. Those relationships with the media can make or break your public relations efforts. Here's how to get the media to love you: Want This Kind of PR? PR that really does something positive about the behaviors of those outside audiences that most affect your business, non-profit or association? ![]() |
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