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How to Get More Mileage Out of Your Media Coverage
Maybe it played for Kevin Costner in "Field of Dreams," but that paraphrased line ? "Print it and they will come" ? doesn't necessarily work in real life. There's a lot to be said for the value of editorial side coverage, but you can't count on people acting on what they read or even remembering it for long. The smarter bet is to find ways to leverage your coverage to enhance the odds of driving more prospects in. Here are some fairly easy ways to do it: First, create a short synopsis of the article (making sure your part of it is front and center), including the headline, publication and publication date. Tease to the "hit" or placement on your home page and link it to the synopsis, which you should post to the Press section (or some informational equivalent) of your site. If you're among the many who are comfortable with e-mail marketing and are fairly nimble, you can devise a simple informational mailing that shares news of coverage and provides a link to the article on the publication's website, if it's available. Many publications allow public access to their content for a limited amount of time, so do this before that time expires. Otherwise, you need to check out the availability of reprint rights and PDFs, well worth it for articles where you're quoted expansively or that you've authored. For a price, you can secure a PDF (hard copies are usually extra) and guidelines for usage. Don't make your own photocopies or PDFs because you risk violating the publication's copyright. Here's how to use the PDF: o Create a link to the PDF from the synopsis of the article you've posted on your website. That way people will know they can access the complete piece. o Whether you have formal or informal outreach efforts to clients, customers and friends, incorporate a brief, FYI-type summary of the article and attach the PDF, if it's an e-communique. And don't forget to encourage the recipients to forward the piece to people they know who might find it of interest. o If you use snail mail outreach, things are a little dicier. If you've gotten a printable PDF and the mailing is fairly small, you may be safe printing and making copies to include as part of the mailing. Check the terms of your reprint permission. The problem is that PDFs are made to look good on the computer screen, but printouts don't reproduce as well. o Make sure anyone in your organization who is involved in business development is equipped with the PDF, and encouraged to include it as an informational attachment when promoting the business to prospects and friends. If it's printed, they may come. If you promote what's been printed, the odds go up exponentially! Sally Saville Hodge is president of Hodge Communications, Inc., specializing in strategic public relations and marketing communications for businesses, entrepreneurs and professional associations. Formerly an award-winning financial journalist, she brings over 30 years experience to client engagements. Subscribe today to Communic@te! our free bimonthly e-newsletter and get a free special report: "Using Buzz To Create a Groundswell For Your Business." Visit http://www.hodgecommunications.com
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Easy to be Foolish About PR In fact, here are three really foolish goofs made by too many business, non-profit and association managers. Publicity and Marketing Magic For Financial Planners: The Four Mores Publicity will take your financial planning practice, your business, and your life to the next level. It's going to bring you: more recognition more credibility more value to the marketplace more business It's obvious that getting more publicity ? exposure in the media ? will yield you more marketplace recognition. But how do the other three "mores" work? How to Get PR There is a process for successfully getting publicity about your business or organization. Publicity is no great mystery, just a thorough and strategic sales job. You are selling content to a publication or website who needs it to entice their readers. No publicist can guarantee a publication will print stories about your company because the publisher or editor ultimately controls the content of a publication. However, here is the method we recommend: Celebrities Cant Have It Both Ways Corporations are willing to pay substantial amounts of money to prominent personalities so that consumers will relate the brand with their favorite star, and thus will be more likely to buy the product. The buying public imparts credibility to the celebrity because of his or her charisma as well as the credibility that comes with prominence in the media. The power of someone's personality also entails risks for the brand with which they are associated, because any controversial behavior may reflect badly on the product. This has become an especially frequent problem in recent times. Marketing-Minded Financial Planners: Get Free Publicity by Choosing the Right Outlets Sure, any publicity is good. But don't invest time and effort to be in "Lucky: The Magazine for Shopping" if your major topic is planning for college. Go where your market is! What Is Best Practice Public Relations? Why, public relations that stays true to its fundamental premise, of course. Boost Your Business by Partnering with a Non Profit Organization Is your business looking for new and creative ways to gain publicity and build your customer base? Partnering with non profit organizations may benefit your business in many ways. The MOST Powerful Marketing and Advertising on the Planet! It sounds too simple to be true, but it really is... A well targeted and timely PRESS RELEASE to the media is the most powerful form of marketing and advertising on the planet! A high quality press release, with the proper targeting and distribution to reach the correct media members, could have many businesses sailing on a sea of new sales and profits. Just one feature or a mention in a popular or targeted business publication has the potential to cause some business's phones to literally be ringing off the hook! Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Focus on Main Points During an Interview You never want to inundate a reporter with information, but you don't want to be branded a one-trick pony either. That's why I recommend coming up with three key points for every interview you do. How to Create Quality PR Results For many of us, the word quality is closely related to our expectations. When we receive the public relations results we planned for, we feel, understandably, that we have generated quality results. Publicity: The Best Things In Life Are... FREEE! One portion of your marketing plan that you probably don't think about enough is "free publicity". P.R. Strategies for Professional Service Providers Promotion for Professional Services Providers requires a different approach than for other types of business people. Here's why: How to Write a Press Release Why You Should Write Press Releases: A press release is another way of saying news release or an announcement. It's an easy and affordable way to get your message out to the public. It allows you to announce new products, services or improvements your company has made. Say What? As the comedian Steve Martin once said, "some people have a way with words and some people have not way." Increasingly, I am seeing information from companies, particularly in news releases, that "has not way." Public Relations: Why it Works The short answer is, it works best when its fundamental premise is the guide, which insures that the primary focus of your public relations program is the behaviors of your most important outside audiences. Not less urgent matters like personalities, communi- cations tactics or administrative concerns. 5 Critical Tests Every Press Release Must Pass You've heard "them" say it, haven't you? The Three-Mile Radius In last year's animated film Shrek II, a giant gingerbread man steps on a building and sends all the customers scurrying across the street. The name of the establishment they leave and the one they run into is "Farbucks" ? poking fun at the fact that an unending stream of patrons appears willing to pay four bucks for a cup of coffee. How Managers Hit PR Paydirt As a business, non-profit or association manager, you'll know it's PR paydirt when you're able to persuade your key external stakeholders to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions that lead to your department, division or subsidiary's success. Financial Planners, Want Free Marketing and Publicity? The Key is Understanding the Media The media need you. Need the information and expertise you offer, that is. But they are not encyclopedias. They don't serve up information. They serve up stories. Getting Articles Published - Eight Steps for Trade Publications Trade publications present an excellent opportunity for organisations to gain thousands of dollars worth of free publicity by having articles published. As they are regularly looking for articles to fill space and they are often used as a forum to promote new products or services to specific audiences. In addition to this trade publications are often tailored to specific markets and widely read, offering a tailored communication channel. ![]() |
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