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Media Training: Stop Talking, Already!
THE TWO MINUTES UNDERDOG Edward Everett was one of the most famous orators of his time. Standing before an audience of thousands in a Pennsylvania field on a cold winter's day in November 1863, he delivered one of the impassioned speeches that made him famous. His two-hour speech reportedly captivated the crowd. The poor fellow who was scheduled to speak after him had only prepared a two-minute speech. The man was Abraham Lincoln, and the speech was the Gettysburg Address. Less is more. ACCOMPLISH MORE BY SAYING LESS Most interviewees are experts in their fields. They have a lifetime of acquired learning in their subject, and could easily pontificate for hours about even the smallest detail. Their expertise rarely fails to impress at dinner parties, and they are regarded as wise counsel amongst friends. But in the setting of a media interview, they almost always say too much. Perhaps they feel the need to demonstrate the depth of their knowledge in an attempt to build their credibility. Conceivably they think that giving a reporter extensive background is helpful. Or maybe their nervousness uncontrollably propels them to chatter endlessly. Either way, they've lost total control of their message, and are inevitably disappointed by their quote in the next day's paper. An interview isn't about demonstrating knowledge ? it's about organizing knowledge. Instead of downloading raw information to a member of the press, interviewees should prepare no more than three main message points (single sentences) prior to the interview. During the interview, questions should be answered directly ? but quickly ? before segueing to a prepared message. In general, try to keep your answers to 30 seconds or less; complicated questions can occasionally require up to a full minute. By doing so, the audience stands a much better chance of actually remembering your most important points. Remember ? even the smartest audience won't be able to recall everything you said. But they will remember the highlights ? if they remain unburied by nonessential verbiage. THE LESS YOU SAY, THE LESS YOU STRAY Another reason to "talk short" is that it limits your risk of saying something you'll ultimately regret. As an interview continues, most interviewees become more comfortable. That's a good thing. But too often, they become victims of what I've dubbed, "The Seven Second Stray." The Seven Second Stray is the often inevitable moment when a comfortable interviewee makes a slightly sarcastic or flip remark. The spokesperson may have been on message for the other 59 minutes and 53 seconds of an hour-long interview. But I can almost guarantee that the reporter will ultimately use the less-than-favorable seven seconds. Why? Because it's unscripted, off-the-cuff and probably more dramatic than everything else you've said. BILL CLINTON BOMBS Before he became president in 1993, Bill Clinton was best known for his 1988 nominating speech at the Democratic National Convention. His speech droned on for more than an hour. Television cutaways showed delegates of his own party nodding off. When he finally uttered the words, "And in conclusion," the delegates cheered wildly. A few nights later, he appeared on Johnny Carson's "Tonight Show." Carson's first question? "So, governor, how are you?" Without pausing, Carson reached under his desk, pulled out an hourglass, and turned it upside down. The audience roared. Less is more. Brad Phillips is the founder and president of Phillips Media Relations. He was formerly a journalist for ABC News and CNN, and headed the media relations department for the second largest environmental group in the world. For more information or to sign up for free monthly media relations and media training tips, visit http://www.PhillipsMediaRelations.com.
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Monarch Health Sciences starts shipping long awaited Monavie and Monavie Active The Acai Berry is starting to gain world wide recognition as a "wonder of nature." On a recent Oprah Winfrey show, titled 'LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER IN 10 DAYS," it was named as one of the top ten superfoods in the world for combating the effects of aging. In a location piece shot for and aired on NBC's Today Show, the Acai Berry was referred to as, "the Viagra of the Amazon." Research has shown that the Acai Berry contains more potent antioxidants than any other edible fruit on the planet. It contains over 30 times more beneficial flavinoids than red wine. How About MANAGING Your Own PR? It's one thing for a senior manager to approve story angles for the publicity folks to use in shopping around for print and broadcast placements. Not an especially large amount of managing needed there. How To Use PR To Build Your Business Everyone knows the value of free publicity. And given the opportunity, most businesses would jump at the chance to have a news article written about them, or to be covered by TV and radio stations. What not to wear when doing a TV Interview ? Don't wear all black. You'll look as though you're disappearing into a hole. This often throws women into a panic, as we love the slimming properties of black, particularly when TV will probably make you look slightly heavier than you are in real life. Black trousers or skirt will normally be fine as a filmed interview will generally concentrate on your top half, but do go for a colour on top if you can. Online Business Press Release Writing Tips And Ideas Press releases are one of the most cost-effective ways to get promotion for your online business. Many entrepreneurs ignore this type of promotion because they don't know how to write a press release. It's important to promote your online business with press releases because of the media all over the internet. The following is a list of some common press release writing tips: Managers, Which PR Is Right For You? An effort built around a string of print and broadcast exposures? Or, a public relations initiative that delivers results far beyond simple publicity tactics. Namely, real behavior change among your most important outside audiences leading directly to reaching your objectives. Achieved, incidentally, by persuading key outside people with the greatest impacts on your organization to your way of thinking, then moving them to take actions that help your unit succeed. Think Like a Reader, Viewer, or Listener to Get Great Publicity About a year ago I read a feature story in the Wall Street Journal. It was about a new trend -- baby showers that were being thrown for grandmothers. How Managers Hit PR Paydirt As a business, non-profit or association manager, you'll know it's PR paydirt when you're able to persuade your key external stakeholders to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions that lead to your department, division or subsidiary's success. All Youve Got To Lose Is Everything Everything, that is, if you ignore those folks whose behaviors have the greatest effect on your business. Asian Media Relations: Increase Your Profile and Image in China China's media is booming creating opportunities for marketing-savvy businesses. But many companies have little understanding of how to harness the power of the media in the world's most populous country. Can Your PR Do This? Can your PR do something positive about the behaviors of those outside audiences that most affect your business, non-profit or association? Managers: A Key to Your Survival Most business, non-profit and association managers live to tell about it only IF they achieve their operating objectives. Very little wriggle room there. Dont Need No Stinking PR? Almost assuredly you do, especially when your most important external and internal audiences behave in ways that stop you from achieving your organizational objectives. Cultivating Positive Media Relationships Some people think that publicity is all about paparazzi snapping photos of celebs and intruding into their private lives -- or as Woodward and Bernstein blowing the lid off of a government scandal. But, as a small business owner, publicity is actually one of your greatest allies! People who read about you in the newspaper or hear an interview with you on the radio will sit up and take notice -- much more notice than if they simply see a flier of yours posted at the Laundromat. But you have to be in charge of your relationship with the media, and make sure that it is a good one! Etymology- How Words Change Over Time Etymology is the study of the origins of words. 7 Tips to Get More Mileage Out of Your Online or Offline Publicity You worked hard to get a story on your business in a popularwebsite or your local paper. Don't let your efforts ends there --here are seven tips to help you maximize your online and offlinepublicity: Publicity Performance Not Enough? Even after a nice piece in a national publication, or a stint on a popular talk show, do you still have a feeling that your public relations dollar could be better spent? The Truth About Public Relations The truth is, you CAN attract the support of those external audiences whose behaviors have the most effect on your enterprise. But you must do it by first achieving the positive changes you need in their perceptions and, thus, behaviors. Sound Like Your Situation? What a shame! Potentially productive public relations people resting on their oars in a large organization. Just kind of tinkering with tactics and leaving target audience perceptions (and behaviors) to pretty much do their own thing. Get Write To It The toughest thing about writing a news release is getting started. But writing doesn't have to be hard. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you beat writer's block. ![]() |
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