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Public Relations: Understanding Educated Gambling
As an entry level position to PR, I found myself typing up a forecast by a major Public Relation's firm for a major pharmaceutical company of what life would be like in the year 2000. Market research predictions included telephones with monitors that could help you see people while you talked, fax machines that could transmit information over telephone wires, microwave ovens for reducing food defrosting time from hours to minutes and other devices that have certainly come to pass. In the lifestyle area, predictions proved less valid. Not only would Americans be enjoying longer lives, it foretold, but they would have shorter work weeks, more vacations and overall, a more leisurely lifestyle. An iota of truth, but mostly wishful thinking when we read 2005 front pages. I will always remember being called to account because the final document the Client saw had several typos. Presentation counts in this field. PR firms attempt to influence the major media who in turn help persuade viewers, listeners and readers to think or act in a particular way. The people who enter the profession and those in the media usually have a gift of gab, a facility with the written word, a decent IQ and a certain love affair with risk. Fortune tellers don't make much money. But most PR firms charge a substantial amount of money to present their client, product or service in a positive light to the media. People are continuously reporting polls or surveys as if they are fact, when, in truth, often the questions asked are the reason for the results tendered. Trends are so swift these days, just when buzz begins, another bee is buzzing a different tune. Here is the PR agency drill. A brainstorming session consists of several persons who try and identify a project, tag line or campaign hook that will capture the right response from the media while delivering the Client message. Then a qualified person writes the plan, another person interfaces with the Client and still other people "pitch" the media. Often times in large firms, a separate TV department usually has close ties with the producers of various programming. You can pitch the same story to ten different venues, and come up with ten different responses. It is an expensive process. Since everyone is trying for the biggest hits first, and the spots are truly limited, the pitchers have to be focused and persistent. Then it becomes a numbers game. The more balls you throw, the more likely you are to get a strike. The more strikes you pitch, the more likely your team will win, and the competition will be beaten. The more consistent your story, the more believed you will be. The more you can afford to spend, the more you get to use credible spokespeople to help tell your story. It is a numbers game. So by all means pitch "Oprah" first if you have a story that will hug her heart. Next work the syndicated morning shows. Then try the syndicated writers at the major news services when your news is hard and important. Talk to AOL when you have the money, or put it in the movie theatre, the newest venue for enlightening if not annoying a captive audience. But you can also tell your story with incredible reach and exciting response if you use newspaper mat features to newspapers nationwide via Points of Persuasion Syndicate. For $2100, your message gets faxed to 10,000 plus print and online newspaper outlets immediately. Newspapers use the free columns. Your message gets printed exactly as you tell it, or your captioned color illustration tells the story just the way you approved it. You've increased your chances of the public reading a product or service mention, you've had the help of expert PR people with years of presentation skills behind them, your story will stay on their editorial website for six months to a year, and you get quarterly usage reports to help impress you if you are the business owner or your Clients if you are an agency. Best of all, the educated, well-off suburban consumer gets time to find out something informational that can help them and their family live a better life. It seems likely that any marketer would find this a low-budget risk worth taking. # # # Myrna Greenhut is currently president of P-O-P-S(http://www.p-o-p-s.com), a service designed to supply incremental PR impressions for companies, Associations and PR agencies. As a consumer product publicist, she has been with numerous independent and advertising affiliated PR agencies like The Rowland Company, Ogilvy & Mather, Cairns & Associates, D-A-Y as well as having done major freelance PR projects for Avon Products Incorporated
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How To Write A Press Release: The Seven Deadly Sins And How To Avoid Them How to write a press release that generates free publicity is a great skill to have. How To Use PR To Build Your Business Everyone knows the value of free publicity. And given the opportunity, most businesses would jump at the chance to have a news article written about them, or to be covered by TV and radio stations. Doubt PRs Clout? Dont! Done right, it helps modify the behaviors of your most important target audiences, and that can spell S-U-R-V-I-V-A-L. Publicity: The Right Way for Marketing-Minded Financial Planners to Follow Up with a Reporter Let's say you've called a reporter with some ideas for stories about financial planning, and they seemed interested. Congratulations! First, pat yourself on the back. It takes intelligence and gumption to come up with ideas that reporters like. Effective Media Relations ? You Won?t be Talking to the Media Without It! The media's role is to package and spread news, current affairs and public interest information to the public. They have great power to shape and influence public opinion, to target and exploit audience reactions, emotions and opinions. PR Planning: Mapping Out Your Strategies, Tactics With all due respect to all those stereotypical males out there who hate to ask for directions, the fact is that even if the territory is somewhat familiar, if you don't have a roadmap and follow its directions, you're going to get hopelessly lost. Are You Dissing Public Relations If you leave a star player sitting on the bench, you could be the loser. Hispanic Media Training: How It Can Benefit You How can media training help you create a successful Hispanic market campaign? There are plenty of examples of Hispanic market campaigns with a broad range of results. Many of you have heard of the infamous airline that invited travelers to fly 'naked'. In the same way, the slogan for pork as "the other white meat" which was successful in the general market was meaningless to U.S. Hispanics. Possibilities Of The Blogosphere For The PR Industry In Spanish-Speaking Countries Only two media in Spanish speaking countries offer RSS: the Spanish newspaper El Mundo and the Argentine Clarín. Although the blogs are becoming more visible in the media and are becoming a research topic, still they are something of small "evangelist groups", who promote its use? but this can change in little time. 10 Tips to Give Your Press Release The Edge It Needs to Make the News Writing a press (or media) release is quite an art (and a science) but don't let that scare you. Here are 10 tips to point you in the right direction... All You Need to Know About Press Release Writing and Distribution Before you even think about writing a press release, there are a few things you need to know about the media. Here's the first - and most important - of them: Effective Public Relations: Why Did Bec And Lleyton Do It At 3:15AM? If you are in Australia at the moment, it is hard to miss the engagement news of superstar couple, tennis ace Lleyton Hewitt and TV soap Rebecca Cartwright. 13 Publicity Ideas for Retailers If you're trying to promote your store, but you don't have a big advertising budget, relax. There are lots of ways to get in front of the audience you want to reach by using free publicity. Here are tips that will boost your publicity efforts and help you finally get noticed. Can Small PR Firms Deliver Huge Results? They can when they invest in the basics. The best of them obviously rely on some form of public relations fundamental premise to produce winners across business environments from rockets and orange juice to product recalls and indicted CEOs. Company Dress Codes for Small Business; Shorts and Pants Most small businesses have logo'ed shirts, usually polo shirts with logos, this is typical in American Business. But many small businesses either do not have a dress code for pants and shorts or they have one, but rarely enforce it. Others take the approach that unless something is way out of line, the small business owner just doesn't say anything. What is you dress code in your small business? Is it an unspoken dress code? If so you are not alone. Ignore PR at Your Peril! If you do, it means: PR: Behavior Modification Specialist While awaiting economic recovery, business needs to attract the attention of its most important external audiences in a more targeted and focused way. Primarily to impact the perceptions of those key outsiders so that resulting behaviors help those managers achieve their objectives. Monarch Health Sciences starts shipping long awaited Monavie and Monavie Active The Acai Berry is starting to gain world wide recognition as a "wonder of nature." On a recent Oprah Winfrey show, titled 'LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER IN 10 DAYS," it was named as one of the top ten superfoods in the world for combating the effects of aging. In a location piece shot for and aired on NBC's Today Show, the Acai Berry was referred to as, "the Viagra of the Amazon." Research has shown that the Acai Berry contains more potent antioxidants than any other edible fruit on the planet. It contains over 30 times more beneficial flavinoids than red wine. Media Training: Three Reasons to (Almost) Always Stay On-The-Record The words are pop culture heroes. Your Online Newsroom: How to Give Reporters a Tip It's hard to imagine a reporter working today who doesn't regularly visit "official" company websites. And it's hard to imagine just how much those websites have improved reporters' lives. ![]() |
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