Presentation Information Site Map
The Secret Language of Money
Just Say No to PowerPoint: Enough is Enough!
After the Speech
Incorporate Humor in Your Next Speech
Super Preparation ? Keys to Getting a Great Start to Every Presentation
8 Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills
Shamus Browns Top 5 Sales Presentation Tips
How to Attract New Business Like George W. Bush Wins Elections
Being Real From the Platform
Creating a Powerful Sales Presentation
Powerpoint Sales Presentations Are Boring - Stop It!
Fading into Sameness: How Too Many Slides Can Ruin Your Presentation
Trade Show Victory!
Wow! Is That ME? - Creating a Powerful One-Page Bio
How Storytelling Can Grow Your Business
Tips to Temper Speaking Anxiety
Too Many Choices - Dont Confuse Your Customers
Media Training 101: Mastering the Television Interview
Nonverbal Communication in Business
A Powerful Presentation Technique-Story Telling
Creating Your Presentation Success With a Positive ?I CAN? Attitude
Practice Makes Perfect ? 7 Tips for Making the Most of Your Presentation Practice
Public Speaking Training Tips For Better Business Presentations To Culturally Diverse Audiences
Improve Your Bottom Line with What You Say
Dump Your Speeches For Leadership Talks
Rise Above Cattiness
Top Ten Rules for Effective Presentations
How To Run Your Greatest Conference Ever
Ten Tips on Using Flip Charts and Whiteboards
Kvetching Behavior and How it Hinders Success
Preparation for Your Presentations
Don?t Give Presentations Or Speeches - Give Leadership Talks Instead
The End is the Beginning
The Presentation After the Presentation
27 Tips For An Effective Presentation
Move Key Audiences to Actions You Want
How to Make Good Use of Your Web Conference Session
Sharpening Your Presentation Skills
Conducting Successful Training Activities
Tough Talk: Bad News Delivered the Right Way
Close Deals in Record Time!
Tips to Energize Your Presentations
Show the World Your Wares Easily and Inexpensively
Four Different Ways People Process Your Information
How to Give a Great Speech
Ten Fun Ways to Liven up Any Presentation
Coaching Tips for Powerful Presentations
Eight Success Tips for Your First Trade Show Booth
Present Statistics In Context
Secrets of Successful Presentations
The Seven Deadly Sins of Presentations
Presentation Pitfalls Series: Top 10 Content Mangement Mistakes
Present Your Message with Power and Pizzazz
Special Delivery! Tips for Improving Your Humor
The Missing Link in Presentation Skills Training
Six Marketing Tips for Trade Show Success
Beetle Bailey and Presentation Skills
Story Telling As A Tool For Trainers
35 Surefire Ways to Kill a Meeting
Presentation Power Does Not Come From PowerPoint
5 Breakthrough Marketing Ideas
Death by PowerPoint!
Top 6 Reasons Why You Need a Remote for PowerPoint Presentations
Choosing a Presentation Remote Control
Tech Tips: PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts for PowerPoint Slide Shows
Media Training 101: Where To Look During A Television Interview
Grand Opening: The Key To Great Presentations
Story Telling As a Business Tool
10 Tips For Bringing Your Event To Life
Handling Questions with Authority
Powerful Presentations: How to Write and Deliver a Presentation to Remember
Cross Cultural Presentations
Networking: How to Network Within Your Organisation
7 Myths That Make Meetings Miserable
Presentation Skills: Be More Productive Using a Facilitator Mode
PowerPoint Presentations: How to Use This Tool More Effectively
Is Now Really the Time to Hire a Professional Speaker?
Lecturing from the Lectern
Transitions: Building Bridges to Your Points
Facilitating Panel Discussions
Total Recall: How to Remember Your Speech Without Memorizing
How to Chair a Meeting
If You Want Business - Throw a Seminar!
Painless Presentations
Seven Tips for Coping with Pre-Stage Jitters
How To Make Your Best Ever Presentation
Present for Success: Simple Strategies to Add Confidence and Credibility to Your Next Presentation
Media Training Tips: Maximising Your Media Moment
Leaves Your Audience Hungry For More! -- Presentations That Get Results
Choosing the Right Work Shirts for Your Small Business
Choosing a Company Shirt vendor
Your Unique Point of View
Cell Phone Dos And Dont During A Meeting
Speech in Business
What Every Manager Should Know About How to Sharpen His Presentation Skills
Presentation Skill Mistakes
Presentation Paranoia
Dump that Overhead Projector!
Audience-Friendly Presentation Style Habits in Three Easy Steps
A Discussion about Facilitation Skills
Ancient PowerPoint Secrets: Ask Your Grandma!
Qualities of Good Communication
Data Visualization Flash Charts: Information in a Flash
10 Profitable Tips for Creating Better Sales Presentations
Business Presentations - Use Power Pitching - Get the Personal Edge
Problems with the Lecture Format
How to Teach: Lecture vs. Discussion
The Who, What, Where and When of Color In Your Documents
Building a Trade Show Display
Planning a Group Meeting
Keeping Meetings Productive
Group Meetings: Being Prepared Makes a Difference
Why You Need a Lesson Plan
How to Begin a Lesson Plan
The Crucial Components of a Lesson Plan
I Love the Smell of PowerPoint in the Morning: The 5 Sensory Approach to Business Presentations
Create A Better Impresion With Your Emails
How to Prevent Presentation and Speaking Disasters
Quick and Easy Rehearsal Tips
Guidelines for Rehearsal Criticism
Polishing Your Sales Presentation
Developing Successful Demonstrations
Give Your Audience Something to Talk About
The Upside to an Auditory Rehearsal
The Relationship between Information Sender and Receiver: The Art of Communication
Communication Barriers and Simplifying the Communication Process
Clear Communication: The Benefits and How to Achieve Them
1,000,001 Reasons To Connect With Your Audience
Using Your Audience to Your Advantage
Tips for Thinking on Your Feet
Steps to a Successful Audience/Trainer Relationship
Is This Thing On?: Keeping Your Audiences Attention
Can Stage Presence be Learned?
The Right Speaker Makes a BIG DIFFERENCE
Let Me Tell You a Little Story
Be Bold, Branded, and Bespoke - Your Customers Want You to Choose
Writing The Query Letter
The Ten Essential Tips On Writing A Powerful And Persuasive Presentation
How You Can Save On Conference Calling
Projector Hire - Choosing the Right One for Your Presentation
Audience Respect
Watch Out For Power Thieves
Develop The Winners Edge Through Conversational Hypnosis
Top Ten Tips For Better Business Presentations To Asian Audiences
Chairing A Meeting The Most Effective Way
Winning The Big Pitch - The 7 Deadly Sins Of Business Presentations And How To Avoid Them!
How to Convert PowerPoint to Flash Manually
Plasma Screen Hire ? What Do You Need to Know for Presentations
Steps to a Successful Audience/Trainer Relationship
A major cause of trainers being unreceptive to their audience is stage fright. Being so self-involved the trainer has very little energy to devote to making personal contact. It is not unusual for this to happen, and there are ways to avoid it. You can capture and hold an audience's attention if you begin by giving your listeners your attention first.
Presentation Paranoia
"The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public." (Sir George Jessel)
Wow! Is That ME? - Creating a Powerful One-Page Bio
First of all, what is a bio sheet and why do you need one? A bio sheet is a one page description of who you are--your background and achievements. Your bio is an important part of how you present yourself to potential clients. You may include it in your media kit, in proposals to clients, and anywhere you want to establish your credibility and expert reputation.
5 Breakthrough Marketing Ideas
Do you ever get frustrated with your marketing? Are you putting in a lot of effort but not getting the results you want? Don't you wish you could just hit a switch and get a better response from your mailings, sales calls and web site?
Audience-Friendly Presentation Style Habits in Three Easy Steps
You have presentation style habits that automatically appear when you are speaking in public. Where did these habits come from? Most likely you picked them up from watching other people give presentations, or they are carry-overs from your own conversational style. They tend to be so automatic that you aren't really aware of them.
Close Deals in Record Time!
Remember back when the ability to create a slide show
presentation using PowerPoint was cutting-edge technology?
PowerPoint presentations changed the way that companies and
seminars did business. It was easy to take along your
presentation material; just grab your laptop and go. Sound and
visual effects, fancy screen designs, bulleted features ?
presentations had it all.
Powerful Presentations: How to Write and Deliver a Presentation to Remember
If the mere thought of standing up in front of an audience makes your knees quiver, you should know that you're not alone. Public speaking is one of the top fears listed by Americans and for good reason- most of us don't do it very often. My personal theory is that the fear stems from the possibility of failure. What if I get up there and can't talk? What if they think I have no idea what I'm talking about? What if I forget my speech?
Leaves Your Audience Hungry For More! -- Presentations That Get Results
Regardless, if your goal is to make a sale or educate. You don't want to fall prey to the mistakes that many presenters make -- loading us down with piles and piles of information and communication hodgepodge. Excellent presentations are designed to anchor in the key points that are relevant for influencing the listeners to take some kind of action.
Improve Your Bottom Line with What You Say
When was the last time you thought about what you were actually saying to potential clients? Are you closing the deal more often than not? Or maybe it's time to revamp your elevator speech or introduction.
Choosing a Company Shirt vendor
Where can you choose a company shirt vendor? There are many catalogs out their with more than competent companies selling logo'ed attire for small, medium and large businesses. Online there are many great companies too which have low costs for shirts and then put on your logo and send them to you. Many small businesses wish to do business locally; is this a smart choice for a company shirt vendor?
Media Training 101: Mastering the Television Interview
As I travel around the world I always enjoy sampling the media in different countries.
Special Delivery! Tips for Improving Your Humor
Delivering humorous speeches involves a lot more than simply having good material. Take some time to incorporate these tips into your presentations and watch the fun and laughter factors rise.
Chairing A Meeting The Most Effective Way
How many times have you attended a meeting where the only thing that gets decided is the date of the next meeting? Or where one person dominates the meeting? Or the meeting is swamped with trivia or unrelated information?
Watch Out For Power Thieves
"I'm not an expert on this topic, but . . ."
The Right Speaker Makes a BIG DIFFERENCE
MORE and more corporations in Malaysia have awoken to the necessity of training and developing their people these days. Hence, many local speakers have emerged in recent years just as many foreign ones have already been flocking to Malaysia as far back as two decades ago.
With so many speakers available in the market, the success of your event lies in selecting the right speaker who would make a big difference in your conference or seminar.
The Relationship between Information Sender and Receiver: The Art of Communication
For communication to take place, a message must be transmitted by a communicator and correctly received by a listener. If the message is not understood, there is no communication. There is only noise. Between the transmission and reception of a message, much can go wrong. Communication, by definition, involves at least two individuals, the sender and the receiver. There are certain filters or barriers which determine whether or not the message is actually transmitted or received.
Kvetching Behavior and How it Hinders Success
Kvetching is the Yiddish word for complaining, hand to the forehead, why is this happening to me, complaining, griping, and mental misery. In marketing it's always time for us to take a serious look at how our attitude affects our business. Studies show that you become the words you speak, and that the difference between people who succeed and those who fail is their ATTITUDE. For just one day, try to rid yourself of kvetching.
Cross Cultural Presentations
The international flavour of many people's jobs naturally means that there is greater interaction between people from different cultures. Within the business environment, understanding and coping with intercultural differences between people is critical to ensuring that interpersonal communication is successful.
Presentation Skills: Be More Productive Using a Facilitator Mode
There are many definitions for presentations. When you present there are also many different modes you can focus on. Are you a facilitator or an educator? The mode of facilitator is often misused in the corporate world and interchanged with words like trainer and educator. Facilitation is an exceptional skill, once you learn this skill you can boost your productivity and it can make you a better presenter.
Writing The Query Letter
The query letter is simply a business letter that serves a dual
purpose. It is an introduction of you to an agent, and an inquiry
as to whether the agent would be interested in seeing a particular
piece of your work. The query letter is the first "picture" an agent
will have of you and your work; and is perhaps your strongest
selling tool.