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Human Psychological Issues in the Recruitment of Suicide Bombers
Swedish Scientists did a study and found that young men with low intelligence scores were more likely to commit suicide. "Researchers from Sweden's Karolinska Institute analyzed test scores for 987,308 armed forced recruits and then cross-referenced the data with those who subsequently committed suicide over 26 years - a total of almost 3,000. They found that those with the lowest scores were three times more likely to take their own lives. Institute associate professor, Finn Rasmussen, reported in the British Medical Journal: "There is a strong inverse association between intelligence test scores and suicide. Better performance on the tests was associated with a reduced risk of suicide." So? "The scientists speculate that poor test scores could be associated with depression and schizophrenia - two conditions which contribute to suicide. They further offer: "It is also possible that people with low intelligence are less able to deal with their problems and may consider suicide as a solution." Now then armed with this information how can we prevent young men from joining suicide squads? Educate them? Give them something to live for? Use TV or virtual learning, things such as the discovery channel as we have in the United States? Why not? Al-Jazeera satellite television station is awfully effective on smearing America and her efforts. Why not use TV the other way, make small bite size history, math, language, geography, lessons on TV, helping them learn and helping them develop a desire to travel, understand and dream? Before this particular study there have been only a few relevant studies on the subject, however there have been a few which indicated similar outcomes?. "Few previous studies have assessed the association of measures of intelligence with suicide. The 1946 British birth cohort study found that suicide was associated with delayed physical development but not with age at first speech, alertness (age 7 years), or measures of intelligence at age 15 years. There were only 11 suicides in that study and so it lacked power to detect potentially important effects. A study of 43 suicides in Israeli conscripts aged 18-21 years suggested that they were of above average intelligence,4 although patterns of suicide in the context of military service may differ from those in the general population. A study of university students in the United States, however, also found an increased risk of suicide among the offspring of better educated or professional parents. Suicide rates among Australian army conscripts were strongly associated with a measure of general intelligence, even after adjustment for several other risk markers, but this study was based on only 76 suicides. In a previous study of Swedish conscripts, associations with suicide were attenuated after adjustment for measures of conduct and personality. Several studies have examined the association of childhood IQ with overall mortality. In two Scottish studies low IQ at age 10-11 years and poor mental ability at age 11 years were strongly associated with all cause mortality." These studies in fact seem to make sense and so we need to work on ways to increase intelligence, thru early schooling, nutrition and in the home parenting. This will come soon enough. But we have TV sets now and if we were to set up their televisions with educational stations, we might find fewer young men joining suicide terrorist groups. Further I propose healthy bodies to go with those new healthy minds. I propose setting up soccer fields throughout Iraq with floodlights for use at night too. Keep the energy on the field and give them something to work for, teaching them a different kind of group teamwork, one that builds strength of character and camaraderie in a positive way. Help them develop in to strong young men with dreams and passion, intelligence and perseverance and you will find no more suicide bombers in that land. No that is a new vision for the youth of Iraq. Onward and Upward for all the right reasons. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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In the movie Artificial Intelligence you will remember the boy robot was read certain words in a certain order to activate a love program for bonding to the human. In Isaac Asimov's novels he often had long dialogues about the very subject of human bonding, love and companionship amongst robots, androids and organically engineered creatures with their human counter parts. Nature VS Nurture - Theories of Personality in 21st Century Nature vs Nurture theories have wasted a lot of energy of human beings. Plato is considered first to realize that you are made of not only flesh but also an intellectual soul. The Cyber Narcissist To the narcissist, the Internet is an alluring and irresistible combination of playground and hunting grounds, the gathering place of numerous potential Sources of Narcissistic Supply, a world where false identities are the norm and mind games the bon ton. And it is beyond the reach of the law, the pale of social norms, the strictures of civilized conduct. 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Most nature worshippers are able to see an element of soul in rocks and trees and the recent fact that science provides about the white pine eating insects or the changing colour of leaves not being for the first frost add to the possibility as I see it. I love the saying of the Mayans ? 'Do not put your self in front of your SELF.' You, I and We Our life in society hovers around the concept of 'You?I? We'. The first stage is 'You-You' which is called 'dependent' stage. As a child, we are dependent on others for our needs and expect help and support from others. The dependence can be either emotional or physical. The second stage is 'I ? I', where in we attain relative freedom and corresponding changes are noticeable in terms of speech, behavior, movements, preferences, interests and perceptions.In this stage we act with absolute freedom both mentally and physically. The feeling of 'Me-Mine' will be at a high point during this stage. Typical thought processes will be as follows: Intuition I. The Three Intuitions Narcissistic Personality Disorder Tips FIVE DON'T DO'S The Iron Mask - The Common Sources of Personality Disorders Do all personality disorders have a common psychodynamic source? Human Psychological Issues in the Recruitment of Suicide Bombers Swedish Scientists did a study and found that young men with low intelligence scores were more likely to commit suicide. Its Never Too Late First of all, a bit of background: A high school dropout, stay-at-home mom until the age of 40, I wasn't too motivated to learn. Then I read the following quote:"Old Bureaucrat, my comrade, it is not you who are to blame. No one ever helped you to escape.? Nobody grasped you by the shoulder while there was still time. Now the clay of which you wereshaped has dried and hardened, and naught in you will ever awaken the sleeping musician, the poet, the astronomer that possibly inhabited you in the beginning." 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It served a number of important functions: amelioration of fears, communication of vital information (regarding survival tactics and the characteristics of animals, for instance), the satisfaction of a sense of order (justice), the development of the ability to hypothesize, predict and introduce theories and so on. ![]() |
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