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Public Speaking Information |
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How Well Do You Speak?
The ability to speak well can enhance your career, clinch a sale, sell a point of view and increase your business productivity. 1.The most important objective of any speaker is to appear credible and knowledgeable about their subject. Speak to your audience as if you were having a conversation. 2.Grab the audience's attention in the first few minutes with a question, startling comment, inspiring story, a funny experience. This will help you connect immediately with everyone and reduce the tension. Stay away from jokes! 3.Reduce your nervousness by taking several deep breaths immediately before you are introduced. And for you chocoholics, eat some chocolate to relax your vocal chords. 4.When making a presentation, look at one person long enough to deliver one complete thought, then move to another individual and repeat the process. Everyone else in the audience will also feel attended to. 5.Use visual aids to increase audience retention of your message. But NEVER become a master of ceremonies to your overheads. 6.Avoid the # one mistake in the speaking business?failing to check your audio-visual equipment before your presentation. Show up early to check out the sound system and any other equipment you will be using. 7.Personal benefits from acquiring excellent speaking skills include: more self-confidence, becoming more persuasive and evolving into a magnetic or dynamic speaker. ©2004 by Sandra Schrift. All rights reserved Publishing Guidelines: You are welcome to publish this article in its entirety, electronically, or in print fre*e of charge, as long as you include my full signature file for ezines, and my Web site address (http://www.schrift.com) in hyperlink for other sites. Please send a courtesy link or email where you publish to sandra@schrift.com Thank you. About The Author Sandra Schrift 13 year speaker bureau owner and now career coach to emerging and veteran public speakers who want to "grow" a profitable speaking business. I also work with business professionals and organizations who want to master their presentations. To find out How to Become a Highly Paid Professional Speaker, go to http://www.schrift.com/ProfessionalSpeaker/ Join my free bi-weekly Monday Morning Mindfulness ezine http://www.schrift.com/monday.htm
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Will Speak for Food - Using Free Speeches to Attract Customers If you want to get in front of prospective customers, and be viewed as an expert in your industry, become a speaker. Being at the front of the room gives you credibility. And you might be surprised how easy it is to get to the front of the room. Speakers Learn How to Define Your Niche This is one of the hardest things speakers have to do - defining their niche, and in most cases, it can stop them dead in their tracks. Inexperienced speakers have a tendency to generalize themselves and that won't lead to those successful paid speaking engagements. You must be creative and innovative; find your own niche and become the most well known speaker in that niche. Top 7 Steps to Better Public Speaking Whether you want to be a part time, full time or BIG time speaker you must speak, speak, speak. At first, deliver 25-30 minute free talks to service clubs and community organizations. Consider it to be your off-Broadway tryout. A great opportunity to fine-tune your program?and maybe get some future paid business! Speak in Public! Who Me? The first time I had to speak in front of a group was in Air Force boot camp. I had always been very shy, naive, and backward. During Air Force boot camp I was so impressed by my training instructors, I volunteered to be one! How to Get Started In Public Speaking Public speaking is among the five most feared activities human beings encounter. How to Create a Compelling Media Kit A well-built media kit is vital for effective marketing. Without it, all your promotional efforts could be wasted. You might be able to talk a good game and get the "hiring" company energized and excited about your speech presentations, but when they request your media kit and see a skimpy, unattractive, and uninformative package with only a couple of documents and nothing more, all that "talk" will have been for nothing! Let Your Appearance Speak for You, Not Against You! Every 7 seconds another baby boomer turns 50. What does an aging workforce mean? It means that the average age of your seminar attendee if getting older. Health is becoming the most precious asset and they are having less and less of it. It means that if you are talking about reaching your dreams, achieving successful career, or making a lot of money and you are not exhibiting glowing health, you are not believable. It also means that the underlying interest of your audience, no matter what you are speaking about, is the universal search for how to deal with aging. The relation of one's age to one's appearance is more important than ever before. To look and feel younger than one's age has increasingly become a yardstick of success. Are You Talking the Talk? "More learning occurs through emotion than through intellect" C.S. Lewis Giving Presentations: Public Speaking Secrets in a Nutshell A high level manager contacted me in a panic. He was upset that his supervisor had asked him to give an important presentation in three days. He needed help - fast. Speak to Be Heard and Understood Use your voice to your advantage. One of your main tools as a trainer is your voice, and you should be aware of several of its characteristics. Get Real Humans are born storytellers, but our education system doesn't help us develop these natural talents that we all have. Instead, society increasingly homogenizes us, covering up the things that make us unique. The media, too, bombards us with messages that encourage us to emulate the celebrity of the week, or to try the latest fad. Conquer Presentation Anxiety: Olympic Athletes Show Us How Whether going for the gold or giving a presentation, the beast of performance anxiety rears its ugly head. Your hands are clammy, your knees wobbly and your heart is pounding. You've developed a shortness of breath and your breakfast is staging an uprising. The pressure is on, and you want to succeed and perform at the top of your game. What is Public Speaking? When we talk about public speaking, we usually think about some person in front of a large group giving an extended presentation on a difficult or technical subject. That is not usually how it is. When do we most often speak in public? Isn't it in a conversation? One on one? Eye to eye, sharing ideas, talking about the weather, or the ball game. It's not that hard. We aren't usually intimidated by that kind of conversation. When does public speaking cross the line from casual conversation to scared out of our wits?!?!? Boost Your Confidence, Credibility, and Career There's one skill you can develop that will boost your confidence, credibility and career. It's public speaking. If the very thought makes you queasy, you're not alone. For some people, only death is more frightening. For others, death is preferable. Are you the latter? Avoiding the spotlight? Suffering not just butterflies but sheer panic? Dry mouth? Shaking hands? Flushed or pale face? If this sounds like you, then consider overcoming-or at least controlling-your fear. You can start by attending a Toastmaster's meeting and picking up a couple of books for additional help. So Youre Going to Make a Speech What Do I Talk About? Now Appearing: 9 Tips for a Well-Attended Event When I made the decision to do free workshops and book signings for my latest book, Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer, I thought it would be easy to draw an audience. I had, after all, done all the right things to prepare for this big event: I had a successful e-zine, AbsoluteWrite.com, sent weekly directly to my target market; I was a contributing editor at the most popular magazine for writers; had been interviewed all over writers e-zines; and had submitted articles to sites and magazines related to my primary audience (writers) and my secondary audience (those interested in working from home). Fear Fear How Authors Can Get a Free Promotional Tour I was a celebrity lecture agent in the college and university market for over seven years. During that time, I have received hundreds of requests for authors to speak. My standard answer was always "Authors write, but they don't speak!" Speaking On Your Feet Your ability to communicate effectively will account for most of your success in life. As we move farther into the communication age, we are becoming more and more dependant on being able to communicate and interact effectively with others. Your ability to interact with other people effectively will determine your success far more than your level of skills in any field. To Insure Success in Speaking: Anticipate We all know that to be a careful driver on the highways, we need always to anticipate. When we see brake lights ahead, we anticipate some traffic problem and slow down. If we come to an intersection we look ahead to see if anyone is entering it before us. In like manner, to be an effective speaker we need to anticipate. ![]() |
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