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Presentation Skills Without PowerPoint
Can you identify what each of these actions or activities have in common: 1. Motivate people to accept change; 2. Launch a new program; 3. Give a briefing at work; 4. Solicit donations for a charity; 5. Train people to use your product or service; 6. Unveil a new policy; 7. Give a sales presentation; 8. Introduce a speaker; 9. Calm angry employees; 10. Instill confidence in customers; 11. Honor a community leader; 12. Deliver new employee orientations; 13. Articulate your vision as a leader; 14. Review an employee's performance; 15. Speak on behalf of your organization; 16. Call your dog by name. The list could easily have dozens more ways that ? you may have guessed ? we make presentations, daily! Okay, "call your dog by name" is stretching it. But, there are many daily activities when we speak, that we present. Would you risk ineffectiveness in ANY of these situations? I'd love to share some of the best 52 tips with you from my professional speaking and training: 1- "Begin with the end in mind," is habit number two of Stephen Covey. If you present to anyone, what is the purpose of what you are talking about? Keep your purpose in mind as you put the words together. See, hear and feel how you want people to respond to what you say. 2- Know what you are talking about! You don't have to experience everything you want to say although it is always a powerful position to speak from. For example, if you are calming an angry customer, speak from the perspective of how you feel when you are angry. Feel, hear and see what anger means before you move to calm them. 3 ? Know your audience. One of the worst presentations I sat through was as a member of a women business owners organization. The speaker was talking with us as if we were employees! Talk about missing the mark. Survey enough information about your audience to tailor your message. 4- Let the 76 trombones lead the hit parade. Both your first words and your appearance as you first speak are important in the tone you will set for the rest of what you say. 5 - Make a connection, build rapport, early on and through out with what you say. Tell a story, or use an anecdote, that has universal appeal, not just application to a few. RIGHT ON! Whatever you say to people, you are a visual aid. People are primarily interested in what you have to say; not your visuals or fancy slides or overheads. You are the message. Copyright© Patricia Weber, http://www.prostrategies.com. Pat Weber is a coach, certified telelcass leader, and corporate trainer She is most noted for dauntless energy and provocative motivation. Clients appreciate her incisive, effective communication skills. With personal coaching, a teleclass, an online email course or on-site workshop, you can rid yourself of frustration, deal with your overwhelm, and discover how you can get what you want, more easily and more often. Visit her website at http://www.prostrategies.com sign up for a free Newsletter Subscription to Crux of the Matter and get the free report 52 Presentation Tips Without PowerPoint.
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Speaking for FUN and PROFIT How do you gain contacts from a speaking engagement? If You Arent a Little Nervous, You Arent Paying Attention The fear of public speaking is one of the most common forms of phobia. That would be fine if this fear did not hold you back in your social and career advancement. Pay Attention To Your Appearance! During the coffee break of one conference I attended, whispers and giggles could be heard within the conversations of small huddles of delegates. Without asking, I knew what they were all talking about because our little group were talking about the same thing. For Speakers: Ten Tips on How to Increase Your Fees One of the most important tools speakers use is their FEE SCHEDULE. Here are ten tips to help you increase your attractiveness and income, while communicating exactly what you offer and clarify your fees for your programs, products, and services. Choosing a Hot Keyword: Advice for Aspiring Public Speakers When choosing keywords, you'll want to stay away from using general terms like "speaker," for example. This will only leave you competing with stereo speakers for a top ten spot in a search engine like Google. Don't discard the word from your list altogether, but don't make it number one either. Getting on the Speakers List How do you get your name on a speakers list? Top 7 Ways to Succeed in the Business of Speaking How attractive are you as a speaker? No, your looks, but your consistent ability to provide a quality presentation, attract clients, and be irresistibly attractive to meeting planners and speaker bureaus? Below are some useful tips that I learned while owning a national, professional speakers bureau for 13 years. Get Real Humans are born storytellers, but our education system doesn't help us develop these natural talents that we all have. Instead, society increasingly homogenizes us, covering up the things that make us unique. The media, too, bombards us with messages that encourage us to emulate the celebrity of the week, or to try the latest fad. Lessons in Love for the Shy at Heart One of the biggest regrets of my life is that I was cursed with the shyness gene. Shyness is an often misunderstood condition that can leave the afflicted alone and miserable. As a victim of shyness, I completely understand the pitfalls. I also understand that there are levels of the condition that start at "painfully shy" or (as I think it is referred to nowadays) "social anxiety" to simply being "uncomfortable" at parties. More outgoing people tend to brush off shyness as something that is easy to get over. However those of us who suffer with it day after day realize that it would be comparable to asking an alcoholic to stop drinking. Doable, yes ? but easy? Hardly! But whatever your comfort level, shyness does not have to be a life sentence of aloneness - there is still someone out there for you. Ten Fatal Flaws Frequently Found from the Podium 1. No clear purpose for the presentation. What is the point and focus of the speech? Fear! I am terrified of heights. The thought of skydiving, for example makes my stomach do somersaults. I am also very nervous about closed spaces, claustrophobia. People and what they are afraid of is a fascinating subject. Fear itself is a funny thing. For example, in a survey respondents indicated that even more than death, they were afraid of public speaking! How to Become a More Persuasive Speaker: A Systems Approach There is no surer way to get ahead in business than to be a persuasive speaker. However, because public speaking is normally found at the top of lists of fears in the United States, many business people, especially engineers and other technical specialists, fail to make the effort to become better speakers, and thus fail to reach their potential. How to Answer Questions Your Audience Will Ask In elementary school, most of us asked questions which were for purely informational purposes. A raise of the hand usually got the attention of the teacher and the question was treated matter-of-factly. In training however, questions from the audience are rarely asked and when they are, they don't get the attention they deserve. However, these questions, along with other indicators, can give a trainer an abundance of information to analyze their audience. It is crucial that trainers take these questions and other indicators seriously to avoid having their presentations become one-sided. Speak With E?s Part 2 "Educate, Energize, Entertain, and provide an experience for your audience" How To Dramatically Improve Your Public Speaking Skills This Article Is For Those Who Understand How Persuasive Communication, Public Speaking, And The Ability To Connect With And Influence Others? Deeply Impacts? Speaking One-to-One Speaking to an individual is different from the group experience. Whether you are training someone, selling, coaching, or asking for a raise, here are some tips for speaking one-to-one. Feedback I believe that asking for and acting on objective feedback is the best way to improve your speaking skills. In our Excellence in Speaking Institute (ESI), we call this 20/20 feedback. Top 7 Tips for Speakers Public Speaking is the number one way to advance your business career. How to Gracefully Leave After a Seminar or Speech When Someone is Hogging Your Time! Meeting planners know the value of meticulous planning. They are responsible for selecting and contracting with the speaker, promoting the event, booking the hotel for the speaker, arranging transportation for the speaker and ensuring that the facilities are set up perfectly on the day of the seminar, writing and presenting an introduction of the speaker. Whew! With so many advance details to consider, it is no wonder that some meeting planners forget one of the most important times for the speaker??how to graciously exit after the speech! Be Brief! Centuries ago great speakers often spoke two hours and more. But today when sound bytes on television news are the norm and serious problems are solved in an hour on a television drama, audiences are most interested in speakers that get their points across in a short period of time. In a speech delivered to a Women in Communication audience, Patricia Ward Brash said, "Television has helped create an impatient society, where audiences expect us to make our point simply and quickly." ![]() |
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