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What to Do When an Audience Member Disagrees With You
Some people enjoy drawing attention to themselves by trying to trip you up on a fact or statistic during your presentation. A few will find something you say threatening to their secure view of the universe and want you to know that " You are dead wrong!!" When this happens it is important to remember that you won't be able to please everyone in your audience and you shouldn't try. I personally feel that if I don't say something that afflicts the comfortable I'm not really doing my job effectively. Here is how you minimize the possibility of an verbal attack coming from a member of your audience who is hell bent to show you the error of your ways. And it works extremely well most of the time. Yes, there are people who only hear what they want to hear and are just waiting for a chance to make themselves look cleaver by making you look foolish. Here is what I say before I begin... " I'm here to share with you my thoughts and opinions on (_________________). If I say something that rings true for you file it away for further consideration. If you disagree with one of my ideas or opinions that's fine. Just dismiss it as the musing of a misguided soul. You might just want to take what rings true and disregard the rest. I am here to invite you to consider what I have to say. You must decide whether you will consume it whole or spit some of it out." This usually works for me but once in awhile you get someone who is so attached to their perception of reality that there is no room for an opposing opinion. Any disagreement is viewed as a total violation of all they whole sacred. This is sad, but true. I believe that the search for truth is cumulative. When my perception of truth is added to yours then we come closer to THE truth. No one has a monopoly on truth or wisdom or insight. If someone challenges you while you're giving your talk and they begin to interfere with the flow of the presentation just say in a very calm voice, " I would love to give more time to your ideas but I only have an hour to give my speech. If you see me at coffee break I will introduce you to the meeting planners and perhaps you can talk to them about hiring you to present at next year's conference." This always solves the problem. In conclusion I want to say that this situation arises very seldom, but it does arise. When it does I hope these ideas are as helpful to you as they are to me. View a 5 minute video clip of Mike speaking on Humor and Workplace Stress http://motivationalplus.com/cgi/a/t.cgi?video Mike Moore is an international speaker on Humor in the Workplace, Humor and Stress and Humor and Human Potential. His articles and cartoons have appeared in publications throughout the world. http://www.motivationalplus.com
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13 Publicity Tips for Professional Speakers In a funk because other speakers seem to be snagging all the media attention? It's time to start claiming your share. Here are a baker's dozen of tips that will boost your publicity efforts and help you finally get noticed. A Short Guide to Effective Public Speaking Delivering an effective presentation to 20 or to 200 people is difficult. Because listeners have better access to information since the internet became commonplace, audiences expect more content from speakers today. In addition, because of the entertainment slant of most media today, audiences want a presentation delivered with animation, humor, and pizzazz. Speak to Be Heard and Understood Use your voice to your advantage. One of your main tools as a trainer is your voice, and you should be aware of several of its characteristics. How to Polish Your Speaking Skills: Its Time for T.I.P.S. When requested to write an article about public speaking tips, I experienced an epiphany, of sorts. Now there's a word I've never written, let alone spoken! Many people will do just about anything to avoid public speaking. Or, you may have said "Who's got the time?" or "That's not good use of my time." Therein lies the epiphany; it's all about time! 20 Tips to Becoming a Professional Speaker: How to be a Rising Star Entering the speaking industry can be both daunting and exciting. It is an excellent environment where you can make a real difference in the lives of your audience. It is a rewarding and challenging industry to be part of. If you are keen to become a professional speaker, try these tips: Find a buddy ? make a friend with another speaker who is at a similar stage to you in their speaking career to be able to share ideas, questions, frustrations and wins with them. How to Use your Inner Circle Who do you know that knows that you speak? 10 Worst Tips To Give A Speaker 1. Learn the speech by heart or read it from a script. Public Speaking - How to Make Your Next Speech Count Along with the opening two minutes of a speech, the final part of a speech, known as a 'closer' is equally important. Research shows most people remember the closing remarks most. Boost Your Confidence, Credibility, and Career There's one skill you can develop that will boost your confidence, credibility and career. It's public speaking. If the very thought makes you queasy, you're not alone. For some people, only death is more frightening. For others, death is preferable. Are you the latter? Avoiding the spotlight? Suffering not just butterflies but sheer panic? Dry mouth? Shaking hands? Flushed or pale face? If this sounds like you, then consider overcoming-or at least controlling-your fear. You can start by attending a Toastmaster's meeting and picking up a couple of books for additional help. Overcoming Your Fears of Public Speaking You're waiting your turn to make a speech, when suddenly you realize that your stomach is doing strange things and your mind is rapidly going blank. How do you handle this critical time period? Speak With E?s Part 2 "Educate, Energize, Entertain, and provide an experience for your audience" Let Your Products Sell Your Name: For Public Speakers Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to be one long, giant commercial for yourself all the time? If maybe your products and your name did the promoting for you? When someone hires you to speak at a high profile event, they are taking a large gamble on your ability to engage an audience's interest, and the extent of your knowledge. That said, it is important to have some credibility to your name, or you'll be speaking at every pitiful engagement that comes along. What is YOUR Speaking Expertise? Why do you have to be an expert when getting speaking engagements? Public Speaking Tips 1. No speech is ever perfect. Perfectionism creates more fear. Do your best and leave it at that. How To Start With Public Speaking I don't know how many books, articles, manuals and scripts have been written on that topic. But, I am sure that now there is one more. So why do I dare to write another one? Because I have to contribute a different perspective. I found that all these "how-to" writings about speaking focus on 2 basic things: How To Handle Audience Questions Effectively For some reason, the prospect of having to answer audience questions fills many presenters with dread and fear. Looking at it in a positive way however, it's an ideal opportunity for you to satisfy the audience further, and you can continue to drive your main points home adding emphasis to your talk. Executive Public Speaking for English as a Second Language (ESL) Public Speaking is a challenging skill. It is TOUGH! For some of you, it's probably the hardest thing you will ever do; and I can sympathize. Standing in front of the employees and coworkers that you want, (or need) to impress, all the while hoping that you remain clear, memorable, persuasive, entertaining and fun isn't a piece of cake. It is TOUGH, TOUGH, TOUGH!! Are You Talking the Talk? "More learning occurs through emotion than through intellect" C.S. Lewis Fee Credibility is a Must Think of it like this: your fee credibility is as important as putting on your clothes before going to a speaking engagement. Having questionable integrity when it comes to your fee, will leave you open for attack from many different angles (as would giving a speech nude). Without question, all hiring events should receive identical fee bills, as long as they are getting identical presentations. Overcharging or undercharging an event will do nothing but get you in trouble with the speaker's bureaus and ruin your good name. How to Promote yourself as a Speaker on the Web Why use the web for promoting your speaking engagements? ![]() |
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