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Public Speaking - How to Make Your Next Speech Count
Along with the opening two minutes of a speech, the final part of a speech, known as a 'closer' is equally important. Research shows most people remember the closing remarks most. Nick Morgan in his book 'Working the Room' believes 'the only reason to give a speech is to change the world'. He's right as the essence of speech making is to move people to action. So how can you have a closer that moves people to action? - Don't summarise. Instead get the audience to do something. - Something you want them to do as a result of hearing your speech. - Give the audience a 'call to action'. - If this is unfamiliar territory for you, model your closer on those that have worked in the past and become part of history. - Don't try and mimic others. Work out what techniques you find effective. - Avoid finishing with a Q & A session because you have no control over the questions and there is a serious risk of it being hijacked or just petering out. To help you get started here are my Top 5 'Closers' from US history and Culture that Inspire Others To Take Action. 1. JOHN F. KENNEDY, INAUGURAL ADDRESS. "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you ? ask what you can do for your country." 2. MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr. "I HAVE A DREAM" SPEECH. "Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last." 3. RICHARD NIXON, "AU REVOIR" SPEECH "But the greatness comes and you are really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes, because only if you have been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain." 4. EDWARD KENNEDY, WITHDRAWAL SPEECH AT THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. "For me, a few hours ago, this campaign came to an end. For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die." 5. HOPPERS SPEECH TO HIS GRASSHOPPER SWARM IN THE DISNEY/PIXAR CLASSIC "A BUG'S LIFE". "You let one ant stand up to us - then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a 100 to one. And if they ever figure that out, they're goes our way of life. It's not about food, it's about keeping those ants in line. That's why we're going back - does anyone want to stay? Let's ride." Thomas Murrell MBA CSP is an international business speaker, consultant and award-winning broadcaster. Media Motivators is his regular electronic magazine read by 7,000 professionals in 15 different countries. You can subscribe by visiting http://www.8mmedia.com Thomas can be contacted directly at +6189388 6888 and is available to speak to your conference, seminar or event. Visit Tom's blog at http://www.8mmedia.blogspot.com
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What is YOUR Speaking Expertise? Why do you have to be an expert when getting speaking engagements? How to Become a More Persuasive Speaker: A Systems Approach There is no surer way to get ahead in business than to be a persuasive speaker. However, because public speaking is normally found at the top of lists of fears in the United States, many business people, especially engineers and other technical specialists, fail to make the effort to become better speakers, and thus fail to reach their potential. How to Write and Deliver an Outstanding Speech - Using the PEPP Talk Forumla I learned my craft as a speaker a long time ago, and I have kept on learning and practicing it every day for the past 30 years. That's the thing about any talent, you have to practice if you want excel. I was also lucky; I learned my craft in the days "BP" ? Before PowerPoint. You might think today that PowerPoint makes it easier ? not at all. PowerPoint in my experience is the reason why so many people in business have become utterly boring speakers and I have made it part of my life's mission to change that - especially for women, for whom learning to deliver an outstanding speech is even more important as a key to business success. So Youre Going to Make a Speech What Do I Talk About? A Powerful Vocabulary Will Transform Your Life Studies show that your word-power determines your earning power, that your skill in self-expression determines your status in life. Let Your Appearance Speak for You, Not Against You! Every 7 seconds another baby boomer turns 50. What does an aging workforce mean? It means that the average age of your seminar attendee if getting older. Health is becoming the most precious asset and they are having less and less of it. It means that if you are talking about reaching your dreams, achieving successful career, or making a lot of money and you are not exhibiting glowing health, you are not believable. It also means that the underlying interest of your audience, no matter what you are speaking about, is the universal search for how to deal with aging. The relation of one's age to one's appearance is more important than ever before. To look and feel younger than one's age has increasingly become a yardstick of success. Speech Writing Secrets Of President Bill Clinton Speaking in public can be a powerful way to build a business. It can help raise the profile of your business, generate new leads and create greater profits. But speaking in public can be nervewracking and seriously stressful for first timers. Writing a speech can be a major challenge, especially for technical writers. How to Gracefully Leave After a Seminar or Speech When Someone is Hogging Your Time! Meeting planners know the value of meticulous planning. They are responsible for selecting and contracting with the speaker, promoting the event, booking the hotel for the speaker, arranging transportation for the speaker and ensuring that the facilities are set up perfectly on the day of the seminar, writing and presenting an introduction of the speaker. Whew! With so many advance details to consider, it is no wonder that some meeting planners forget one of the most important times for the speaker??how to graciously exit after the speech! Make Your Talks Pay: Have People Stand In Line Eager Give You Their Business Card If you've ever been on stage, doing a talk or presentation then you'll know how often this happens... The Ps and Qs of Public Speaking Avoid the pain Talk May Be Cheap but Your Speech Should Be Priceless! Take a moment and imagine if you will any one of the following scenarios: What is Toastmasters? Toastmasters.... Toastmasters....What is Toastmasters? Fear Fear Make The Most of Examples and Stories Examples and stories can bring your presentations alive. They can transform a dull, dry subject into something which is interesting and alive. When presenters give examples, it helps explain what they are saying in a way that the audience can understand. Examples make the material you deliver less 'information' or and more 'entertainment'. Be Brief! Centuries ago great speakers often spoke two hours and more. But today when sound bytes on television news are the norm and serious problems are solved in an hour on a television drama, audiences are most interested in speakers that get their points across in a short period of time. In a speech delivered to a Women in Communication audience, Patricia Ward Brash said, "Television has helped create an impatient society, where audiences expect us to make our point simply and quickly." What to Do When an Audience Member Disagrees With You Some people enjoy drawing attention to themselves by trying to trip you up on a fact or statistic during your presentation. A few will find something you say threatening to their secure view of the universe and want you to know that " You are dead wrong!!" When this happens it is important to remember that you won't be able to please everyone in your audience and you shouldn't try. I personally feel that if I don't say something that afflicts the comfortable I'm not really doing my job effectively. Ten Speech Tips for Writing Powerful and Persuasive Presentation Have you ever had to give a speech? Foreign Translations of Your Talk - How Do You Ensure Your Message is Delivered Properly? There are a number of possibilities as to how this might be done. Sometimes, a conference organiser or corporation will provide a translator who sits in a sound proofed booth, simultaneously translating what you say, and feeding that translation into headphones worn by those who speak the foreign language. In that situation, little adjustment is needed, other than to perhaps briefly meet with the translator beforehand, to let them know about any unusual words or phrases that you plan to use. Speaking Body Language I observed an almost surreal event when I was a business student. Getting Results from Your Writing & Speaking When we communicate, we usually want something to happen. We want results. And, when we're conscious of results, we're seeking effective communication. ![]() |
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