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Energize Your Relationship By Celebrating Hoodie-Hoo Day February 20th
What is Hoodie-Hoo Day and what does it have to do with your relationship? The answers may surprise you. Northern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo Day is a holiday (copyrighted by Wellcat.com) celebrated annually on February 20th to chase away winter and bring in spring. At noon, you're supposed to go outside, wave your hands over your head, and chant "Hoodie-Hoo!" Joining you will be other people who are tired of winter and want spring to hurry up and come. Every relationship gets bogged down with extra baggage that needs discarding periodically, and Hoodie-Hoo Day provides the perfect opportunity to do some pre-spring emotional housecleaning. If your relationship closets are filled to overflowing with anger and bitterness, for example, there's no room for anything else. You have to clear out the old and familiar before you have space for the new and different. Take a moment to answer the following questions and find out what you need to discaard so that your relationship can feel less weighty: 1. Are you the relationship historian who can recite all your partner's past mistakes without missing a single one? 2. Do you hold on to grudges and resentments and "keep score" in your relationship? 3. Do you focus on your partner's faults? 4. Are you critical of your partner to family and friends? 5. Do you always have to be "right"? 6. Do you ever attempt to get even for perceived slights? 7. Do you tell "little white lies" or "fudge" on the truth and then have to remember what you've said or not said? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, consider getting rid of these relationship-destroying behaviors that drain your energy. Make space, instead, for teh good things that you want to come into your relationship such as forgiveness, honesty, tolerance, laughter, intimacy, and joy. Let your relationship be energized by your new "lightness of being" and positive approach. Out with the old, in with the new, and "Hoodie-Hoo" to your partner and you! Nancy J. Wasson, Ph.D., is co-author of Keep Your Marriage: What to Do When Your Spouse Says "I don't love you anymore!" This is available as an e-book at http://www.KeepYourMarriage.com , where you can also sign up for the free Keep Your Marriage Internet Magazine. Nancy can be contacted at Nancy@KeepYourMarriage.com.
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What Makes The Ideal Man? Are you looking for the Ideal Man? While my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" will show you how to get him, have you ever wondered what the Ideal Man would be like? How should he spend his spare time, should he like sports, or shopping? Manicures or electronics? Well, in an online survey, The Harris Poll and Dodge Dakota asked 2,131 U.S. adults aged 18 and over to describe the Ideal Man. 1,003 of the participants were men while 1,128 where women. Here are some of the questions they were asked, and what the survey concluded. Is Your Relationship Worth Fighting For Sometimes when a relationship has gone sour, our efforts are used trying to repair it, or "get it back", while the best thing to do might be to look at things in a different perspective. Is the relationship worth fighting for or is it truly a lost cause. There are a few things you can think about while trying to sort things through. The 4 Stages of a Relationship 1. The Perfect Phase is the first three months. If this phase were a season, it would be summer, when you feel warm and malleable toward each other. The chemical attraction is strong between the two of you. You both look right to one another, dress right, talk right and your manners are correct. Everything is perfect. You have met your ideal mate. What is a Red Flag The focus of many of the last few articles has been on what is does a dangerous person look like, who you should avoid, but did you know that we all have personal red flags available if we just listen to them. Red Flags are signals that we all have, although they may differ just slightly. For some of us they are internal mental grumblings, for others of us it a sinking feeling you get inside, and for some when our bodies are really giving a message it is giving us a physical signs. 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Jamie had expressed her unhappiness about Kurt's busy schedule and the limited time he finds to spend with her. As usual, Kurt promised to try harder and they got through it. But having not dealt with the real issues at hand, the problem was bound to resurface. Jamie unknowingly began planting the seeds for their next bout when she decided to bring up the subject of their anniversary. The Relativity of Your Life We live in the world of the relative. What and whom we surround ourselves with, how we spend our waking hours, and the type of person we become is in direct relation to all that surrounds us. Essense of Infidelity On one very popular web site there were 260 posts from both sexes commenting about forgiving and forgetting infidelities. I read every one of them. With one exception, the perception conveyed was that one party was an innocent victim of the other's philandering. It seemed to me that everyone was looking at adultery as a cause of marital discord. 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If you are having a lot of trouble in this area, do not despair. You are not the only one. Most women typically wait for the man to take the lead. These days, men are excited about the prospect of their babe initiating sex. I am not talking about jumping your man's bones the minute you set eyes on him, but creatively letting him know that you want him between the sheets. Here are some tips you can use to get him to give up the goods: Relationships That Really Last: Is This the Secret? In my e-book, How to Build Relationships That Stick, I told over a story I once heard in the name of a famous relationships counselor who talks on radio shows. It was claimed to be an authentic account of something that happened in real life, but even if it's apocryphal, I'm very much inclined to believe it could happen. Extreme Breakup Recovery: Maximum Healing / Minimum Time If you are going through the emotional rollercoaster of a breakup, feeling pain, anger and depression, know this: You don't need to suffer one more day over your ex! It doesn't matter how long you have suffered, it is time to give up the pain and open up to a life free of pain. Affairs: What an Affair Really Is and What an Affair Really Does We hear about it all the time - in magazines, on TV and among our friends: Improve Your Relationship by Taking Care of Yourself First It's important for you to take care of yourself before you try to fix your relationship. The old saying 'You can't give away what you don't have" applies here. Until you are peaceful and happy, you won't have a peaceful, happy relationship. ![]() |
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