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The Economics of True Love
In the real world, can there be romance without finance? A common saying: No romance, without finance. But what does it mean really? After a little thought about it and a hard look at the big picture, we see that it actually derives from the fact that in the real world, there is actually some level of bias to any decision we make, including our decision to love or be in love. In a land of utopia therefore, it would seem perfectly reasonable that Love would know no bounds, experience no biases. In our world however, far from any kind of utopia, biases begin to play their different roles, one way or the other. From a financial standpoint, most women want to be secure and go with whoever comes correct as far as finances are concerned. But finances aren't the only bias in our society: upbringing, level of education, manners, carriage, height, persona, charm, etiquette, to name a few. Plus of course, he or she should be generally approved by our loved ones. Expression of our individual biases however, does not mean we are mean people, or self-seeking individuals. On the contrary, they point immediately to two main glaring things: that we are merely humans in an imperfect world and our very human nature, with its whims and elements of choice and free will, allow us to "filter" out our choices till we arrive at our 'true love'. But is this love so defined, pure and divine or is it just a load of baloney anyway? Yes it can be pure and divine; no, it is not a lot of baloney. Why? Because from our very natures and the nature of the world in which we live in, our whims must be tolerated, till we see Prince Charming or the Fair Maiden, whoever they turn out to be. True Love found in this manner, mustn't be confused with "love" that stems from a desire for self-gain and greed. Yes, it is perfectly possible that finance may drive a romance. And yes, it is perfectly possible that for the less-materialistic of us, finance does drive a romance, but to a much lesser degree than may be considered healthy by most average standards. A lust for self-gain and the romantic attachments that derive from this may only be considered greedy and disgusting (relative terms, mind), if the romance that results is only for the material possessions and nothing else. A financially-motivated romantic relationship then, in this guise may not be true love at all, but just the love of self and the desire for self-gain. At the same time, whilst most 'decent' folk may not have a no-holds-barred attitude toward the 'present' material/financial status of the one they admire, everyone wants to see that the loved one has some "prospects", or some desire and motivation to make something of him or herself in life. No one wants to be in love with the future bum. In this regard, because of the basic instinct of survival which is perhaps the greatest instinct of all living creatures, humans included, True Love may be assumed. In this last context however, true love can only be assumed, after it has been tested, not to be a play for the gold, but as a really genuine state of the mind. This brings us quickly to the story of Romeo and Juliet. First and foremost, they were both from two powerful, perhaps financially free, albeit feuding families. Without the knowledge (possible bias) that Romeo was of the Montague family, she is drawn by him. When she later finds out, she mourns her fate to the heavens and Romeo, hiding in bushes close to her house, hears her lamentation and despite being initially dismayed that she was a Capulet, (this dismay cannot have been too great however, otherwise what was Romeo doing lurking around Juliet's house in the first place?) is immediately emboldened to make his feelings known to her. True Love had been found! What is the moral of the story therefore in the light of the theme of my discourse? True love can be found, despite any and all biases, financial included. He or she may not be well-off now, but that can always change. Romeo and Juliet were not willing to risk their love over pride and the squabble of some old and dead people; a squabble which was probably silly, of which they knew nothing. Yes, the need for security is very high, but if you truly love him or her, if the bias can be changed, you will try to change it and have true love. If it can't be changed, or the other refuses to change to suit your personal 'filter' and make you both happy, then, you may have to let go. Knowledge is not power?it is only empowering; the Application of Knowledge is Power. About The Author Christopher Adeyemi Adetosoye is author of A Man's Guide to Finding True Love and A Woman's Guide to Finding True Love, E-books, which are currently available at http://www.trueloveguide.com; adeyemi@trueloveguide.com
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The medicine is a good dose of gratitude, taken daily, at least three times a day. Rhubarb Romance: A Little Honey Works Wonders Spring is in the air. It is a time of new life. There are green grass, kittens, puppies, and rhubarb. How to Survive Long Distance Relationships One of the great obstacles to maintaining a healthy relationship these days occurs when jobs or other situations put physical distance between the two partners. This ultimately leads to what is called a long distance relationship that neither party may have been prepared for in the beginning. Long distance relationships require special skills to keep the connection strong and the communication flowing between the couple. The good news is that overcoming physical distances is a lot easier to accomplish than overcoming emotional distances between people. That is, if the two parties handle the situation correctly. Stand By Your Man: No Matter What? 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The truth of the matter is that we have the opportunity to meet that special person everyday; at the bus station, at the grocery store, at church, at a class, at the gym, at the coffe shop, at the library. The Counsel of Caution Caution is a word with a fine old-fashioned ring. The dictionary definition I have in front of me reads: "attention to safety, prudence, carefulness". My Broken Heart I guess my soulmate wasn't all he was cracked up to be. You know this has to be the last time I write about him because it is completely driving me crazy dealing with this whole thing. I bet all of you are getting sick of hearing about it. I am sick of talking about it, writing about it, and seriously, thinking about it. I have no clue as to what this man wants from me. I don't have a clue as to what God wants from me. Is it blood? I mean come on I am so fed up. I have no idea what I am doing or why I am doing it. I felt this sense of, stay where you are and hang in there. I got all these signs I had asked for and guess what?? I haven't talked to him in over a week, no more like a week and a half. For no reason he has stopped calling me and now I have stopped calling him. The Relativity of Your Life We live in the world of the relative. What and whom we surround ourselves with, how we spend our waking hours, and the type of person we become is in direct relation to all that surrounds us. Reading Body Language in Depth Body Language can tell you a lot about what is happening in a relationship in so many ways. Is somebody feeling distant, having second thoughts, or are they going to go home rip off all your clothes and make wild, passionate love to you as soon as you close the front door. Why He May Be Cheating On You Why He May Be Cheating On You No More Lonely Weekends! How do you react when you are faced with spending another weekend alone because nobody has invited you to do anything with them? It?s a Gut Feeling ? Finding love Most single guys are settled in their life. Their mornings, afternoons and evenings have a routine they are comfortable with and rarely will they go beyond the boundaries of that routine. Even a single guy's loneliness can become his norm and if someone crosses his path that interest him, he rationalizes instead of trying to adapt. Great Relationships: How to Create a Nag-Free Zone Q: My wife and I have a good marriage that is being destroyed by nagging. I've tried to get her to stop and even begged her to stop. She won't stop, and it just makes me less willing to do the things she is nagging about. How can I get her to stop nagging? Never Ever Show Youre Jealous O.k., you're standing there all alone at a party and in the far corner of the room your boyfriend is talking to some groovy chick. She's coming onto him and much to your dismay, he doesn't seem to be bragging about all how happy he is in his relationship with you. In fact, he even seems to be encouraging and indulging the shameless slattern's disgusting, desperate, gall-filled pleas for sexual attention. So you a) burst into tears and run from the room b) go up to him and drape yourself around his neck so she can't miss the fact that you and him are "together" or c) stand there and repeatedly tap his shoulder with your finger going "Um honey, honey, honey, I have to talk to you ... until he finally is forced to turn around and scream in your face "WHAT!" Destroyers of Relationships Communication and listening is very important in any relationship. For it says in Amos 3:3 Do two walk together unless they agreed to do so? Honesty is another factor in a relationship in Colossians 3:9 it says Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Sex is another factor, it says at 1Corinthians 7:3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. ![]() |
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