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How Do I Get Him or Her To Talk To Me?!!!
This is a common concern in our society for single people of any age; how to make contact with someone that we like on a soft matter without being forward. The truth of the matter is that we have the opportunity to meet that special person everyday; at the bus station, at the grocery store, at church, at a class, at the gym, at the coffe shop, at the library. 1. Eye contact There has to be a little game of eye contact. He looks at you. You look at him. You look away. You look again. He looks at you again. You smile. He smiles back. And so on... And Men, you keep your eyes on her until she looks back.... and maybe, smiles. Then, approach her and introduce conversation. The easiest way is to say :" Hi! My name is _______. What is yours?" And say something nice about her. Something about her hair, something about the color that she is wearing, or the make up. Whatever you find nice and femine about her appearance. Later on, VERY IMPORTANT, say something nice about HER personality. Not on a physical level, but on a mental level. Is she intelligent? Did you notice that she is sweet? Did you notice that she how strong her values are? Do like that? Well then, go ahead and say it. The impact is worth the effort 2. Smile. It's the most simple way to have eye contact softly. Not many people do this and this transforms that way we are perceived. I saw once on t.v. a report on some kind of monkey in the african jungle; two males were fighting to get a female and to stop the fight, one had to show his teeth to the other one. For us human, smiling can have an emotional impact that could lead to dramatic effects on our lives. Exercice: Smile to at least 5 strangers everyday, even if the person is not attractive to you. Be careful not to look as if you were "simple of mind". Just like a glance, a brief smile by looking in the eye and let go. Try to get the habit, you will be surprise of the impact that you will have on other. Smiling is inviting and soon enough, it will become a reflex that could let you go far. I know one co-worker got a promotion because the upper management tought he was a candidate with the skills to do the job but also because he seemed like someone with whom it is easy to get along with. 3. Introduce conversation. The easiest way to introduce a conversation is to ask a question. Then, follow it with a short amusing story about the situation. For example, if you are at the grocery store and you see that cute girl near the peas section, excuse yourself and ask her what she would recommend. After she has answered, follow by a joke you have seen on TV or something that happenned to you about peas when you were younger. Laughing or make a person laugh is a quality that you have to develop. One important thing; don't think of the rejection; it will paralyze you. If they decline, say to yourself that there must be a good reason - they are already in a relationship or not ready to get involved yet, etc..- Move on to the next one. Very important. Don't let one or two declines prevent you from meeting that special person. If you don't take charge of your love life, who will? 4. Then you can pass on to the next step: You give your phone number or ask for it. Simply. That is the lowest pressure invitation because it leaves the decision to the other person to call you. Or not. That way, no one is getting hurt. You can meet tons of people that way and be a "hot commodity". The more you will have dates, chances are that you will feel better about yourself and you will become more attractive to the eyes of the others. Say something like " You seem like a fun person and I would like to see you again for coffee. I don't have much time right now so I am leaving you my phone number and call me next week and we will arrange for meeting. It was nice meeting you" You can invite that person early in the conversation and let that person decide if they will call you. No pressure for anyone. Imagine if you do that to 3 people per week, chances are that you will have a busy dating life. You will make all of your unhappy married friends envious. Those are just basic instructions to meet people. However, be creative. Try new method. At worst, somebody will say "no". At best, you may meet the person of your dreams... Isn't it worth the effort? Who is Caroline? She is a growing expert on love, relationship, romance because she is reading extensively on the subject. She is gladly sharing her knowledge and experience. To continue receiving tips on how to get the love life that you want, you can subscribe free to her newsletter at http://www.everydaybetterliving.com info@everydaybetterliving.com
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The Spiritual Connection of True Romance In the springtime, with the flowers budding and the birds chirping as Mother Nature awakens from winter's sleep, the air is thick with pheromones. It's hard not to have romance on the brain. Let's talk about true romance, and some of the common misconceptions in the romance department. Relationhip Advice: How to Have Fun Together Work. Bills. Kids. Chores. Live Like You Were Dying: Help for Overcoming an Affair In the recovery phase of my husbands last affair I was having a really difficult time letting go of the pain and offering forgiveness to my husband. Christmas Gifts Can Be a Cheating Husbands Undoing Have you been plagued by the nagging feeling that your husband might be having an affair? Well. Christmas is probably the ideal time to confirm your suspicions and perhaps find additional proof of your husband's infidelity, as well. Better Than Help One thing that women in abusive relationships and their family and friends frequently request is 'help'; help to change the situation. While I understand, and can relate only too well, to their sentiment, the term 'help' makes me feel uncomfortable. Relationship Conflict: 5 Deadly Mistakes and What to Do Instead While conflict in marriage is inevitable, fighting is optional. Making Passion More Passionate Somewhere between the first kiss and growing old together, many couples experience dormant growth phases during their relationship, leaving one, if not both partners with a need for greater input, emotionally and/or physically. To Cheat or Not To Cheat You know I am getting fed up with people who cheat. That seems to be the norm these days. I am having a hard time trusting right now. My friends are getting cheated on and I have recently been the victim of it myself. People who cheat really hit a nerve with me. Why can you not just be honest? I mean are you afraid someone is going to be upset if you don't want to see them anymore? Well how the hell do you think they are gonna feel when they catch you cheating?? How are YOU going to feel then? Discerning The Loving Heart How often have you had the experience of connecting with someone ? a friend or a potential partner ? who turns out to be an uncaring person? At first you think this is a really good person, and then down the line you discover that the person is self-centered, narcissistic, angry and uncaring. You wonder how you could be so wrong, and what can you do differently next time? Ending a Relationship Gracefully Ending a relationship is never easy. When you feel you must end a relationship most people find it challenging as they have feelings towards their partner and do not wish to hurt them. Whats The Attraction? Why do people have affairs? Why not do the 'right' thing and leave a marriage first if one is inclined to step out of it? The reasons are as varied as the people involved. Public perception of infidelity is someone with a sexual overdrive and their pants around their ankles, and while that may be true in some cases, it's not as common a reason as one would think. The following are just a few of the reasons for staying in a marriage and having extracurricular activities. How to Communicate Constructively Destructive communication erodes self-esteem and harms relationships. Such communication patterns may be destructive, but, sadly, plenty of people fall into the trap of indulging in them. If you and your relationship partners follow these rules and steer clear of the traps of destructive communication, you will almost certainly feel better about each other and your relationship. Things Every Couple Should Know In my family law practice, one of the most common things I hear over and over from clients who have just had the law explained to them is, "I wish I had known that a long time ago!" Or, "If only I had known that before (whatever) happened." People entering any form of long-term relationship, whether married, domestic partners, or just living together, are typically unaware that their relationship to each other--and to third parties, like creditors or government agencies--are defined and governed by rules of law, often in ways they did not expect or would not have agreed to had they known. They are not aware of what can happen when events force these rules into play. Another surprise is that new laws can come along at any time and change your legal relationship in significant ways without you knowing or agreeing to it. And that's nothing compared to what can happen when you move to another state. Rights and duties that you might or might not have been aware of will suddenly become entirely different. Law books are filled with the cases of unhappy people who found out after the fact that things were not as they had thought or wished. Here are two more things that couples should know. First, couples can make written agreements that change the rules of their relationship to suit their own needs and preferences. And, second, a relationship agreement can be a positive and constructive thing that reinforces your commitment to one another and creates a foundation for working out problems that might arise in the future, possibly saving your relationship. It is much better if you do not wait in ignorance for some defining event to spring up and force the rules to your attention. I encourage every couple to know where they stand and learn how and to what extent they can tailor their legal relationship to more closely suit their personal wishes. Above all, I recommend that every couple enter into a basic Couples Contract and give themselves the invaluable advantages that can be had just for spending a little effort to do it. Your legal relationships have already been defined If you are in a long-term relationship and do not have an enforceable written agreement, rules of law define and govern the following important features of your relationship: Finding a Life Partner Dear Candace, Spice Up Your Relationship Tonight Every relationship needs relief from the same old bedroom routine now and then. Here is a collection of tips to boost the Scoville units in your romance. 7 Steps To Creating A Healthy Relationship Everything in life, in order to be a success, requires knowledge and education to some extent. We read, study and take courses on several subjects that we as human beings require in order to live the life we choose to live. If we wish to improve on a certain area of life such as career and education we simply enroll in classes or find alternative methods that will provide us with the information we are seeking. However, we were not taught to educate ourselves on relationships-the most essential factor to living in this world. We must be able to relate to others in order to create an environment that we feel is desirable and supportive to us. Here I am providing 7 steps to having a healthy relationship. Whether you are in a current relationship or seeking one, these are key ingredients to creating and improving the relationship you desire. To Hold or to Set One Free! Hope you all are doing well and enjoying great health. There were terrorist attacks in London and even here in India we are facing many natural calamities; but as they say, everything in life is having some purpose and one must learn to carry on. Great Relationship Advice: The Ability to Resolve Conflict Conflict in a relationship is both normal and painful. In working with couples I have found that it's the successful resolution of the conflict that strengthens the couple's bond and brings them closer together. The resolution comes only by walking through the conflict and not around it. Understanding Your Teen Relationship Teen relationships are touchy things. Girls are often ready for serious commitments within their relationships while boys want something more laid back in their relationship. Of course, this is never a definite scenario either. Teen relationships are just that, unpredictable. If you are in a teen relationship or have a teen in a relationship and are worried about them, you need to understand how things work, so to speak. How Can Empathy Shape Your Values? One of the most underrated concepts that most people overlook is approaching life from an empathetic standpoint. ![]() |
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