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Relationship Conflict: 5 Deadly Mistakes and What to Do Instead
While conflict in marriage is inevitable, fighting is optional. The secret is in how you approach and handle the conflict. It can make the difference between a really great relationship and a breakup looking for a place to happen. With that notion in mind, let's take a look at five styles of handling conflict, along with alternative solutions for each. Ready-Fire-Aim These folks are the shooters of conflict. They live by the motto "cross me and you will pay." Instead of ready-aim-fire, they shoot first and ask questions later. This style causes lots of damage and usually serves to isolate the shooter. Alternative solution: In the words of Stephen Covey, "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." If you take the time to understand someone and that person's point of view, it's a whole lot easier to keep your shooter in its holster. Crock potters They let a conflict simmer for a while. Sometimes it can be as harmless as needing to mull things over before handling conflict. At their worst, crock potters simmer and seethe, building resentments, blowing up, or both. Alternative solution: It can be healthy and productive to mull it over before you respond in a conflict. Instead of allowing it to boil over, agree on a time you will sit down together and calmly address the conflict. Me right/you wrong This style of conflict really is as primitive as Tarzan. People who hold tightly to the right to be right can go to just about any length to prove they are right, even to the point of ending the relationship. Alternative solution: Punt. Give up the right to be right. Check out what you might be able to learn from the other point of view, which might even be as valid as your own. Shocking, I realize, but highly possible. The simple truth is that in marriage there are times when you can be right or be happy, but not both. Tomb-ers They elevate the infamous silent treatment to an art form. Conflict arises and they shut down. When you ask what's wrong, their reply is either "nothing" or "everything's fine," but you know better. Alternative solution: Usually tomb-ers have a strong fear of conflict, believing that any conflict will end the relationship. Quite the opposite is true _ not dealing with the conflict can kill the relationship from within. Here are some words to begin with: "Can I tell you what I'm uncomfortable with here?" Historians They remember every fault, mistake and blunder ever made by their partner, including what was said, what you wore and where you were standing at the time. And, they're more than willing to remind you, in detail. Alternative solution: Get a dry-erase board. Write the current conflict on the blank board. Deal with it. Resolve it. Erase it. Over, done with, gone. I'm guessing that you have identified your partner's style of conflict. Now, read back through the categories and ask yourself: Which one am I? For more immediately useable tips and tools for your relationship, visit relationship coach Jeff Herring's interactive website at SecretsofGreatRelationships.com
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How to Survive an Affair - Take Care! Surviving an affair can be a very traumatic experience. Partners tend to know which strings to pull to antagonise the situation especially if there are children involved. This can often make you feel bitter and resentful and although you are the one that has been betrayed, you are also the one that will be continually hurt, this may seem unfair but as the old saying goes that's the way the cookie crumbles. Set Your Relationship Up for Success A quarter of thirtysomething couples are unhappy in their relationships, a new study shows. Just 51% of thirtysomething couples said they were "very happy" in their relationship, with the remainder saying they were "quite happy" but would like to see improvements. Infidelity: Spying is NOT Revenge Do not use what you find on your cheating spouse as ammunition for revenge. Sure, you may have wonderfully violent fantasies of what you would really like to do to him/her and the other person. This is very normal. But, don't act them out. Lists, Lists, and More Lists Every person that thinks something is amiss in their relationship wants to know, what are the signs that my partner is cheating on me. Well guess what! These signs can leave you with more doubts than anything else. You've seen some. Shoot, if you've subscribed to The Injured Heart you've even seen a list of signs on this website. I included them as a thank you for subscribing to my newsletter because they can be beneficial and get you thinking about things you might not have thought of. However, some of the lists that I've seen both here on the web and in magazines has just left me with a hundred more doubts. My husband spends a lot of time on the computer. Does that in and of itself mean that he is cheating on me? Also, just because he may increase the amount of time he spends on the computer, does that mean that he's cheating on me too? Great Relatinship Advice: The Ability to Meet Emotional Needs Harville Hendrix, in his book ``Getting the Love You Want'' has some interesting and helpful notions about the process of falling in love. According to Hendrix, as we fall in love with someone, we believe that this person will be able to meet all of our emotional needs. Loves All About Chemistry People who have been swept off their feet know the feeling. Love makes us all feel funny. That sense of giddy disorientation, unsinkable euphoria and complete obsession with a new love can be so overpowering, that it's hard to imagine it's all about emotion. Now scientists are confirming there indeed may be a lot more going on in a body that's in love than simple, happy thoughts. In fact, a spate of research has shown what kind of chemical and neurological activities occur at different stages of human and animal relationships. While the results hardly make love less mysterious, they do start to shed light on why it can make people feel so funny. Eight Ways to be a Better Friend Being a good friend is a skill we can learn and improve upon. Here, eight ways to be a better friend. Friendship Advice for a Shrinking Planet Ahh, friends. The people we pick up along the proverbial bus ride of life. Some hitch a ride and get off after a couple stops, and others hang on for the long haul. As our world grows ever smaller, the friendship pool extends ever wider. But does it grow shallower, too? Victorias Secret Disclosed! SHHHHHH, don't tell anybody, but, I know the secret. 10 Reasons Why Married Couples Grow Apart (Part II) This is a continuation of part one of this article which covered aspects such as communication, paying attention, affection and staying connected. We will continue to explore some of the underlying reasons why many married couples seem to be drifting apart and offer suggestions how to prevent or minimize these pitfalls. Being aware of the marital problems and actively working to avoid them can help restore or saved a marriage in trouble. Understanding Your Teen Relationship Teen relationships are touchy things. Girls are often ready for serious commitments within their relationships while boys want something more laid back in their relationship. Of course, this is never a definite scenario either. Teen relationships are just that, unpredictable. If you are in a teen relationship or have a teen in a relationship and are worried about them, you need to understand how things work, so to speak. Passion Drought: Turning the Fizzle Back Into Sizzle In Your Relationship; Part 1 Introduction What Is Love And The Love Equation What is Love? This question has bothered me for a long time. After listening to many perspectives and examining Love from several angles, the thought came to my mind that we have over-complicated Love and need easier to understand models. I decided to put forward two equations, one defining the relationship between Love and Fear and the other about Love itself. The first equation is: Ladies, Is Your Valentine The Cheating Kind? According to statistics, 50% to 70% of men cheat on their mates. What type of man is most likely to cheat? Ruth Houston, infidelity expert and author of "Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs" says, "Some men are more likely to cheat than others. You can tell by looking at certain things in their background, their past history, or certain character traits." What You Should Know About Domestic Abuse What is domestic abuse? Is Your Negative Thinking Scaring Off Your Soul Mates? Francine Bonnecelli* swore off relationships the day her husband of nine years left her for a twenty-something barmaid in San Francisco. Even though this was her third marriage, she felt three was the charm and, after all, he showed all the qualities in a soul mate and a marriage partner that no one had ever shown her. After this traumatic experience, she closed off her heart to future relationships, giving up on the theory that you can find THE ONE who meets all your goals and expectations. Living in Fear! As we are aware, our relationships are that bigger part of our life, and our own personal growth. Our growth starts basically from our relationships. Remember when we were young looking up to our parents, or to our older brothers or sisters, sometimes envying them for being older, or just trying to understand them. But the best of all was trying to build up our relationship with them. My Fairy Tale Is Gone Dear Candace, What Does It Really Mean When You Pass or Fail A Relationship Quiz? Q. It seems that no matter what magazine I am reading there is always some new relationship quiz being published. Aren't these a bunch of baloney? A Man Drought In Australasia - Bugger! Age is Against Me Men wanted desperately, it's official. The increasing surplus of high quality women in the 30 plus age group over suitable available men is becoming a major problem in both New Zealand and Australia. ![]() |
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